View Full Version : Permanent residency

18th August 2007, 20:49
needed some info.
my wife came here last May 2004 as a student nurse visa.
and now she's already a registered nurse in UK.
and our work permit will going to expire on 01/2009.
Can we apply for a permanent residency. Is the student
visa for six months is included on the 5 years process for
PR here in UK.


18th August 2007, 22:04
oh sorry i don't think student visa counts !
but you can check on the IND website.. or phone them.
your right about the 5 years, the gov recently changed it from 4yrs to 5 years, and i think their are people challenging the gov over the change.

so i take it your wifes work permit started jan 2005 ? if it expires jan 2009? a 4 yr one?.
you've been caught in the change, your going to need another workpermit to take you from jan 2009 to at least jan 2010 before you can apply for ILR.

jan 2005 + 5 years jan 2010 :yikes:
