View Full Version : Sad but true

Mac M
9th January 2013, 22:14
Only been back in the uk a week after a 2 week holiday in PI but missing my GF so so much, cant wait for a visa or another trip, what ever comes first

9th January 2013, 22:24
just keep yourself busy, that helps

9th January 2013, 22:28
the power of internet can be a big help. It takes a lot of patience and understanding...Big effort for both of you takes a challenge.

All the best.

9th January 2013, 22:48
Skype is your friend, although maybe a video chat for 4 hours the night before a 12 hour shift at work probably isn't the best of ideas.

Finished skyping at 2am and up for work at 5am

9th January 2013, 22:52
I'm sure she's missing you as well. I use to have a lot of late nights waiting to talk to my wife on Skype when she got up in the morning. I'm sure it will all come good in the end if you both want it to. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th January 2013, 01:01
Only been back in the uk a week after a 2 week holiday in PI but missing my GF so so much, cant wait for a visa or another trip, what ever comes first

Been through the same thing,the first few days are the hardest,just what stevewool said keep yourself busy and you just have to think that it's just temporary you'll be together one day :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
10th January 2013, 03:35
Only been back in the uk a week after a 2 week holiday in PI but missing my GF so so much, cant wait for a visa or another trip, what ever comes first

:yeahthat:'s certainly a feeling we're all too familiar with on here ... but at least it's only for a short while.

Meantime ... try to keep your spirits up as best you can! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th January 2013, 07:40
as the others have said get use to talking all hours , setting the alarm at 3 am just so you can talk before work, and here is me thinking its only i who did that, things we do because we want too:icon_lol:

Mac M
10th January 2013, 09:00
i am lucky she wakes about 4am so i can chat at about 8pm, its nice to know how many others go through the same thing and were not the only ones, thank you all:Hellooo:

10th January 2013, 13:55
before we chat twice a day when i was in the philippines. :biggrin:

10th January 2013, 14:35
i am lucky she wakes about 4am so i can chat at about 8pm, its nice to know how many others go through the same thing and were not the only ones, thank you all:Hellooo:

like they say LOVE CONQUERS ALL and that includes TIME DIFFERENCE/ZONE. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th January 2013, 15:57
Me and the wife have 3 Skype sessions a day!
Breakfast 07.00 (15.00)
Lunch 13.00 (21.00) and
Dinner 20.00 (04.00 - young son awake!) plus 20+ emails a day.
Not sure what we'd do otherwise it must be difficult. I hope u get to visit or get a visa soon.

10th January 2013, 16:07
Me and the wife have 3 Skype sessions a day!
Breakfast 07.00 (15.00)
Lunch 13.00 (21.00) and
Dinner 20.00 (04.00 - young son awake!) plus 20+ emails a day.
Not sure what we'd do otherwise it must be difficult. I hope u get to visit or get a visa soon.

Because mine is a helper/nanny she has to look after 3 kids she doesn't get a lot of time to herself during the day and works long hours. So I normally wake up to messages on facebook which I reply to over breakfast. She will than reply as and when she can. If she gets time during the day we normally chat on WhatsApp. Then normally mid afternoon here in the UK we will video chat on Skype.
When I'm working (not allowed mobiles at work) She will normally wake up at 3am Her time and we will Skype for a while until she has to get up to get the kids ready.

Hard work but well worth it if you are willing to be patient.