View Full Version : Stacey Dooley - Magaluf programme

10th January 2013, 20:59
I see the original thread was closed due to a halfwits infantile contributions.

I've just watched this on the iplayer and what I find as shocking as some of the antics going on is that the BBC pays vast sums of taxpayers money to these shallow, naive airhead presenters. Ms Dooley has got the pained handwringers expression off to a tee. She came over exactly the same a couple of years ago on some programme about hotel workers in Thailand that we briefly discussed on here.

10th January 2013, 21:06
She isnt exactly my idea of a serious investigative reporter either,she did a ridiculous one following illegal immigrants into the states,she left them in mexico and met up with them again in california,she could at least have waded the rio grande with them and yomped across the desert following the coyotes :cwm25: Ah well,todays shallow investigative reporter is tommorrows pop presenter or Celebrity get me out of here contestant :icon_lol:

Ako Si Jamie
10th January 2013, 21:06
I need to watch this programme.

It seems to have caused a lot of interest.

10th January 2013, 22:31
I see the original thread was closed due to a halfwits infantile contributions.

I've just watched this on the iplayer and what I find as shocking as some of the antics going on is that the BBC pays vast sums of taxpayers money to these shallow, naive airhead presenters. Ms Dooley has got the pained handwringers expression off to a tee. She came over exactly the same a couple of years ago on some programme about hotel workers in Thailand that we briefly discussed on here.

Sorry mate...yes I closed the thread. :icon_rolleyes:

10th January 2013, 22:34

10th January 2013, 22:56
The one immediately after about Kavos was a right squirmfest. I couldn't believe that programme would be on...........immediately after I "outed" myself as someone who had been to Kavos in my much younger days.

In my defence, I was never a lout, I never slept around......ever.......and I frankly hated Kavos. By the time I got back to Manchester, I was so sick of hearing every other word being the "f-word" I was near to punching in the gob the next lout I heard say it.

OK I exaggerate, but.........no I'm not, I really was sick of hearing it.

I believe Kavos got worse (Or better if you're a party type of lout) over the years since I was one of the first to "discover" it.

Now weirdly, part of me really regrets not having been "one of the lads". I just never gelled with a group of mates and was a real loner. I feel physically sick at the thought of cheating on my wife, I've changed, maybe though I wish I'd been an idiot when younger, instead of wasted years of worry.

Grief, really phil-o-sophical (That Irish thinker) here.

Then again, after watching that Kavos programme, seeing close up footage of guys having cotton buds stuck deep into their todgers to test for diseases, seeing an operation on another guys "little guy" after some random woman half bit it off, after seeing slapper after pasty slapper showing off her bits surely not even the most red blooded guy really wants to see - then maybe not.

10th January 2013, 23:10
dedworth your turning into a right grouch :furious3:

i would rather see Stacey Dooley than most other irritating tv presenters :biggrin:

give the gal a break :xxgrinning--00xx3:


Ako Si Jamie
21st January 2013, 20:35
According to this documentary Denmark is the worst country for binge drinking. One story tells of a former alcoholic from Denmark who takes her three kids on holiday to Spain and let's them get plastered every night. More alarmingly the youngest is only 14.
