View Full Version : It's up to pensioners to vote us out of Europe

12th January 2013, 12:35
what kind of democracy doesn't give its citizens a vote in 40yrs :NoNo:

I APPLAUDED every word, every syllable, that David Salmon of UKIP stated in The Herald (January 7), and it's about time that political parties had the guts to stand up for the people in this country who not only want to be rid of Europe, but also to put a stop to immigration which has de-stabilised our way of life and get rid of the European Convention of Human Rights which continues to make a monkey out of our law courts and has changed our make up and way of life.

read more here .. http://www.thisisdevon.co.uk/story-17838173-detail/story.html

12th January 2013, 12:42
I'm not saying it's good or bad either way, but I suspect we are already too tied into Europe to come out. I think that stage was passed in 1992.

Anyway, we all know full well the reason they won't give a referendum, is because they know people will vote "no", and this is not the answer the politicians want.

Arthur Little
12th January 2013, 13:59
:anerikke: ... if it really were left to pensioners, I'd be first in the queue!

12th January 2013, 14:43
On Question Time someone said we cough up £50million a DAY to Europe... if we can't get out surely we can amend our terms and conditions?

12th January 2013, 15:15
i dont believe theres such a word as can't

Arthur Little
12th January 2013, 15:18
:cwm25: ... read somewhere the other day, that the honourable Members of Parliament for the Orkneys & Shetlands - Britain's most northerly *group of islands - had pledged to do their damndest to ensure that *those remained part of the United Kingdom in the [hopefully] unlikely event of an independent Scotland.

:icon_rolleyes: ... "How daft is that?" I ask!

12th January 2013, 15:28
If we are 'too tied into Europe', then that means by implication we are no longer an independent nation. :Erm:

There is still time to recoup some of what we have lost and what OUR forefathers fought for and millions lost their lives for.

To some it's all about economics...the be all and end all. Too many people lacking confidence in this nation, being negative.

We still have the technical abilities and skills as a trading nation to plough our own furrow.

So what if we have to manage with only one car and less takeaways for a while. :icon_rolleyes:

Perhaps take note of what previously devastated countries like Japan have managed to achieve, with a bit of help from friends, national pride... and damned hard work. :smile: