View Full Version : Swiss move towards barring Eurozone refugees

13th January 2013, 14:36
Thousands of jobless young people from southern European countries ravaged by the eurozone crisis have come to work in Switzerland. But the Swiss are starting to think there too many: a referendum may reimpose immigration quotas.


13th January 2013, 14:57
They also negotiated special protocols for residence permits still in force.

The Federal Council decided on 18 April 2012 to invoke the safeguard clause provided for in the Agreement between Switzerland and the EU on the free movement of persons, applying it to the EU-8 Member States (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, and Hungary).

From 1 May 2012, category B residence permits granted to citizens of these countries will be subject to quotas. This measure is to remain in force for a year and applies to persons who come to live in Switzerland to become self-employed and to persons who possess an employment contract in Switzerland that is valid for a year or more.

13th January 2013, 14:59
The Swiss know it's sensible to keep the chaff out

13th January 2013, 15:35
Thousands of jobless young people from southern European countries ravaged by the eurozone crisis have come to work in Switzerland. But the Swiss are starting to think there too many: a referendum may reimpose immigration quotas.


Must say, I'd rather like to get a job as a cleaner at £2,356 per month

13th January 2013, 15:57
a referendum
The swiss get a referendum :icon_rolleyes: