View Full Version : Yet another Pakistani Grooming Gang

15th January 2013, 17:08
Gang of men 'groomed girls as young as 11 for sex, trafficked them across the UK and attacked them with meat cleavers and baseball bats'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2262723/Gang-men-groomed-vulnerable-Oxford-girls-young-11-sex-beating-meat-cleavers-baseball-bats.html#ixzz2I3opulZk

Filth http://smileyshack.files.wordpress.com/2010/12/sangry_blowsup_100-205.gif

Isn't it about time a suitable deterrent penalty such as death was introduced to deal with these depraved vermin ?

15th January 2013, 17:28
Saw it on the news today.

Disgusting :censored: animals. :cwm23:

Any that can be removed from our country...do it, and never EVER allow them back in.

The rest...castration, followed by (in lieu of death penalty) prison until they die...amongst the general prison population of course, so that they may receive their daily beating. :mad:

15th January 2013, 18:21


15th January 2013, 18:24
I didnt even know they were islamics BUT as soon as I heard they were allowing their friends to have sex with the kids and the friends were travelling from LEEDS,BRADFORD and SLOUGH to molest the children the penny dropped :icon_rolleyes:

15th January 2013, 18:36
This is what happens when you allow the country to be filled with people from an alien medieval culture and then silence the homegrown population with political correctness and over the top race laws. :cwm23:

15th January 2013, 18:41


A complete waste of blood and organs.

15th January 2013, 18:45
The news report just said a 9 man grooming gang,it didnt mention ethnicity nor religion BUT i remember the case of charlene downes,the 14 year old kid who was groomed,raped and disapeared after being fed through a blackpool kebab shop mincing machine,the police were told to downplay the ethnic background of the groomers/killers as it might incite racial tension,in the end the plod bungled the investigation and the 2 kebab shop killers got £250,000 damages each for false imprisonement?Look at sites like Live-leaks,its a serious problem asian sex-grooming predators :NoNo:

15th January 2013, 18:49
We are not permitted to talk about REALITY anymore.:mad:

The activities of these monsters were probably brought to the attention of people in authority many times....as in Rotherham, but heads were buried in the sand and careers protected rather than children.:NoNo:

15th January 2013, 18:57
When they made the arrests last March Thames Valley Police came out with all the usual PC bullshit :-

Oxford Commander, Supt Chris Sharp, said: “I understand today’s events will have an impact on residents.

“My neighbourhood policing teams will be carrying out reassurance patrols in the area issuing information about the operation with contact details if people need further information, or would like to report any activity in relation to this investigation.


15th January 2013, 19:19
They still arent saying the pedos ethnicity,just describing them as "Local" men,I just saw one on film and the artists impressions of his mates,yup they are muzzies.

15th January 2013, 19:25
It has been mentioned previously somewhere in the media that they were of Pakistani/Indian Sub-Continent origin. ...As if we hadn't guessed. :icon_rolleyes:

15th January 2013, 21:08

(In the dock from L to R: Kamar Jamil, Akhtar Dogar, Anjun Dogar, Assad Hussain, Mohammed Karrar, Bassan A Karra, Mohammed T Hussain face accusations of grooming and horrifically abusing vulnerable girls from the age of 11. All deny the charges)

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2262723/Gang-men-groomed-young-girls-sex-drove-terrified-victim-14-woods-night-threatened-cut-head-off.html (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2262723/Gang-men-groomed-young-girls-sex-drove-terrified-victim-14-woods-night-threatened-cut-head-off.html)

15th January 2013, 21:23
They still arent saying the pedos ethnicity,just describing them as "Local" men,I just saw one on film and the artists impressions of his mates,yup they are muzzies.

You can't accuse the BBC of any of this British Asian, Local, Asian nonsense - they're not even running the story :angry: correction it's not national news but buried away on BBC Oxford and they are "a group of nine men" http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-oxfordshire-21027681

It looks like The Standard changed their headline and opening sentence from Muslim Sex Gang, to Asian Sex Gang to just Sex Gang