View Full Version : date of application vs paperwork submitted

15th January 2013, 21:45
Good Evening,

I just wanted to pick ur brains. I was planning to apply for spouse visa 31st Jan, however hopkins are causing a slight delay on when test results will be posted. I wondered if we apply on say 7-8th feb do we then need to submit febs payslip and bank statement of woulds it still be up to jan? I just wondered as im sure people apply other times other then the end of the month?

Thank you in advance!

vernier caliper
15th January 2013, 21:47
Hi. Have a look on the appended thread, same concern as yours.


15th January 2013, 21:56
Hi. Have a look on the appended thread, same concern as yours.


Hi thankyou that did help but didnt quite answer my question. I know that if i apply say for example 7-8th feb i will need to get the difference in my bank statement requested (as mine runs up 1st to 31st) but does that mean they take feb's wage into account considering i wouldnt of earnt a full month as of yet or would that mean i submit up to 31st jan's payslip?

15th January 2013, 22:03
Hmmm my posts seem to disappear!
I read that link and thankyou it does help alot but question is do I still include payslips up to jan and then the difference in bank statement up to application date or does febs payslip need to then be taken into account. I get paid last working day of each month so if I apply first week of feb thats gonna be a long wait for that pay that would come after aplication date?

15th January 2013, 23:32
Good Evening,

I just wanted to pick ur brains. I was planning to apply for spouse visa 31st Jan, however hopkins are causing a slight delay on when test results will be posted. I wondered if we apply on say 7-8th feb do we then need to submit febs payslip and bank statement of woulds it still be up to jan? I just wondered as im sure people apply other times other then the end of the month?

Thank you in advance!

you need the updated/recent documents.