View Full Version : whenever i'm sad .....

16th January 2013, 13:27
whenever i'm sad i only stay on this forum,after long hours in a day, i dont know how to kill my time during evening,(yeah i can watch etc, etc)

i enjoy reading regarding the visa, the situational of others, even though im not that vocal to help.

lol, to emo..

just wanted to say thank y'all...the guidance that u gave to me (when i posted my feelings here).

victim of scam love i guess ..

and to much trust of stranger on dating online.

lesson learnt for me, goodbye 2012!

hello 2013, i know there's someone is waiting,and i deserve to be happy :)

moving on...

thank y'all mates!

keep on sharing God bless! xx

16th January 2013, 13:39
Good luck in 2013 Emcel

Whenever I'm sad, whenever I'm blue
Whenever my troubles are heavy
Beneath the stars I play my guitar
Just like Eddie

Arthur Little
16th January 2013, 15:21
Whenever I'm sad, whenever I'm blue
Whenever my troubles are heavy
Beneath the stars I play my guitar
Just like Eddie

'Heinz' (circa 1963) ... :yeahthat: thought had struck me too, :icon_rolleyes: oddly enough. Great minds, eh?? But I would've imagined it was before your time, nonetheless.

Michael Parnham
16th January 2013, 15:27
I'm sure your life will turn around Emcel, good luck for the future :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th January 2013, 16:22
'Heinz' (circa 1963) ... :yeahthat: thought had struck me too, :icon_rolleyes: oddly enough. Great minds, eh?? But I would've imagined it was before your time, nonetheless.

:xxgrinning--00xx3:Before me Arthur but one of those lyrics that sticks in your head

Arthur Little
16th January 2013, 16:24
Emcel ... you're welcome! I'm aware you've had a very rough time, lately and members of this forum are here to help each other as best they can ... in all sorts of ways. :sorry-2: if I've been unable to add to the advice that others have already provided. But I hope and :pray: 2013 will be a happier year all round for you personally. :smile:

Arthur Little
16th January 2013, 17:07
... one of those lyrics that sticks in your head

:iagree: it sure does! . It was dedicated to the memory of the late Eddie Cochran - a 1950s guitarist - I believe ... and remains an inspirational type of song.