View Full Version : Learner drivers must use English as tests in foreign languages will be banned

20th January 2013, 14:53
you learn something everyday, i didn't know you could take it in another language :doh

Immigrants will be banned from taking driving tests in Urdu, Polish and all other foreign languages under plans to be unveiled next month.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2265259/Learner-drivers-use-English-tests-foreign-languages-banned.html#ixzz2IWXKzhHS

20th January 2013, 15:02
Ask anyone in certain northern towns, who are the worst drivers, who think the highway code is just a "suggestion", and wonder how the hell they ever passed their test.

Not saying anything else :icon_lol:

Ako Si Jamie
20th January 2013, 15:41
In Birmingham we have the highway code and the highway code according to the Indian Subcontinent. :cwm25:

20th January 2013, 18:06
How many years too late is this ....as per usual ? :NoNo:

Pathetic. :mad:

Furthermore, there is no reason why ANY documents should be written in any language other than English in this country.

If you want to live here, learn the damned language or pay for your own interpreter.

20th January 2013, 21:53
I understand many motorists from the Indian sub continent use agents to take the driving test on their behalf