View Full Version : family members moving abroad

20th January 2013, 16:06
my sisters daughter and husband are moving to the USA this tuesday moving with work so this could be a great adventure for them, of course my sister is very upset but also very happy for them both, she has been going to there house every year for xmas and every sunday for dinner, so you can imagine what she is going to miss, and before anyone says it wont be the free food:NoNo:, they are moving to corpus christi,the company will put them in accomadation paid for 45 days and also give them a estate agent to help look for a house, i try to help my sister in saying what a golden opportunity for them and also there children, they are leaving there children here in england in the family house when i say children they are age 22 and 20 and both have good jobs, i wish someone came along for me with this job, i would even pay for my own flights to get it too

20th January 2013, 16:47
I guess my parents felt the same about me leaving. They were very upset as I had been living with them for 5 years when I left. They always said that it was nice to get to know me again after leaving home at 19.
Jobs and oppertunities like this are few and far between Steve, and I feel so lucky to have been in the right place at the right time to land my job, but I don't take it for granted. I also feel sad leaving my parents behind, but know that they wish me the best and love me even though I am on the other side of the planet. But like we all know (having experienced long distance relationships) we are only a 'click' away and we can talk together face to face. We all have reasons for leaving home and loved ones, normally to better our life and prospects and I am sure your sister's daughter has done the same. Wish them well and reinforce this thought to your sister. For me being with my wife and family was my main priority and my parents always knew the day would come that I would leave.
You will be doing the same too Steve when your plan comes together, you will have mixed feelings I am sure.

20th January 2013, 17:02
indeed Steve i will but as you say we are all a click away from anyone, thats if they want to talk to you that is,it could be weeks before i hear from the kids and thats when they want something and they live so close too

21st January 2013, 13:54
Good luck to them,kids should always get out and wander,my nephew is at the Thai embassy today,he was 20 years old a few weeks ago,he is getting his Thai passport,leastways he is applying for it today,and should be living in Thailand within a month,the family have several restaurants here and business interests in thailand,he intends to open a restaurant and maybe a guesthouse catering for brits over there,its a new year 2013 :wink: