View Full Version : Finding Filipino flat mate

23rd January 2013, 13:26
Ive been looking for a fillipino/na flat mate.. my current house mate is returning to filipines and been very difficult for me. I live here in Newcastle and want someone to share the bills but cannot find anyone. Anyone knows what I could do to find someone?

23rd January 2013, 13:42
In the interests of "multiculturalism" and to prove birds of a feather isnt a truism why dont you share with a anyone who answers your advert?Plenty of geordies in the 'Toon would share,if I was living in Pinas and wanted to share I wouldnt specify "Brit" in an advert looking for a lodger :Erm:

23rd January 2013, 15:13
I live in 3 story building all Filipinos are blow me have flat mates. Also my land lady does not want to disturb Filipinos in the flats below so she is English but looking for Filipino tenants only, which is difficult as I have only few Filipino friends here and they all live in there own places :anerikke: