View Full Version : passport query pls help

23rd January 2013, 15:40
Hi everyone! im a filipina working here in the uk. im planning to go home for a holiday 1st week of march and will be staying there for two weeks. i already purchased my ticket but its late that i realized that my passport will expire on april this year. will i have a problem in the airport/immigration both in phils and uk given the validity of my passport? need advice.TIA

vernier caliper
23rd January 2013, 16:04
I suggest you renew passport now at the Embassy. Average of 4-8 weeks is the processing time. You have 5 weeks from today which is a bit gamble. Don't worry, you can still travel using your old passport. Bring the receipt of your passport renewal as evidence in case the Immigration Office raise question.

23rd January 2013, 16:32
I cant see any problem on that. You will be staying 2 weeks on March in the PI and your passport expires April so it should be alright but to make sure like Vernier said renew it if you can. Im sure some of us here will put you in the right way. :)

stevie c
23rd January 2013, 17:23
Novie I think that she will have a problem because I believe that her passport needs to have 6 months validity left in it for her to travel :Erm:

23rd January 2013, 17:38
Novie I think that she will have a problem because I believe that her passport needs to have 6 months validity left in it for her to travel :Erm:

Yeah I think you're right there stevie. Her last choice I think is to rebooked her flight and renew her passport. Thanks for correcting me. :)

stevie c
23rd January 2013, 17:47
Yes novie I'm not certain on this but I'm almost certain this is the case as you say I think she will need to rebook her flights unless there is some way she can have her passport renewal speeded up somehow

23rd January 2013, 17:59
Yes novie I'm not certain on this but I almost certain this is the case as you say I think she will need to rebook her flights unless there is some way she can have her passport renewal speeded up somehow

Yes, I think she needs to have atleast 6 months validity on her passport to travel. Like Vernier said it takes 4-6 weeks to have a new passport. So she might as well rebook the flight and do her passport first to avoid immigration problems.

Link for passport renewal is here: http://philembassy-uk.org/consular-matters/passport


23rd January 2013, 19:17
thank you for the reply. i guess i really need to re book it and change my leave holiday at work. but is there any chance that i can still travel with my own passport given that i have the receipt that im on the process of renewing it like what vernier suggested??

23rd January 2013, 19:35
You can renew your passport in the Philippines when you get there. When you return here to the UK after your vacation, just show your visa stamped in your old passport along with your new passport. It's easier and quicker to renew passport in the Philippines. There would be no problem as long as your visa in the old passport is still valid.

23rd January 2013, 19:37
contact the embassy, i think it could be possible that they can extend the pass port for another year.

23rd January 2013, 19:49
hi!! thats what im planning to do at first but il be staying in the phils for only two weeks and ive read that even if i will have it rushed, there is still a possibility that i cant receive the new one in two weeks time..

vernier caliper
23rd January 2013, 19:52
Passports valid for less than 6 months, but not expired, may be accepted, at the judgement of the immigration officer. In this case, the intended visit should not exceed the period remaining of the passport validity. http://visados.com/en/visa-for-Philippines

Contacting the Philippine Embassy in London is the best thing to do I think.

23rd January 2013, 19:56
Passports valid for less than 6 months, but not expired, may be accepted, at the judgement of the immigration officer. In this case, the intended visit should not exceed the period remaining of the passport validity. http://visados.com/en/visa-for-Philippines

Contacting the Philippine Embassy in London is the best thing to do I think.

thank you. i'll call them tomorrow

23rd January 2013, 19:59
joe is right,, http://philembassy-uk.org/faq/what-if-i-need-to-travel-in-the-next-few-weeks-or-would-need-a-valid-passport-to-transact-business-and-could-not-wait-for-the-4-6-week-processing-period-for-a-new-passport

What if I need to travel in the next few weeks or would need a valid passport to transact business and could not wait for the 4-6 week processing period for a new passport?

In emergency situations, the validity of the current passport may be extended by the Embassy or another solution adopted. Please discuss your concerns with the Embassy as soon as possible.

when i renewed my passport, it took them 7 weeks to process it.

24th January 2013, 15:11
I don't think you need 6 months validity on your Phils passport to travel there (home)
I don't think you need 6 months validity to enter UK either

You could renew your passport in Phils possibly.

Search here in the forum. This question has been asked a number of times.

24th January 2013, 16:32
ive just been to gatwick airport from poland and ive asked the immigration officer there. she said its alright to leave and enter the uk as long as the passport is still valid regardless of how long its is valid

24th January 2013, 22:14
i made more readings and sadly even though UK and PI immigration will allow me to enter and leave the country with an expiring passport, its difficult to find airlines that will allow me to travel with my passport :( too bad i cant go home yet

29th January 2013, 09:29
Airlines will not let you fly unless you have at least 6 months left on your passport. To apply for a passport renewal you must apply in person see below.

Requirements for all applicants for e-passport, beginning 1 July 2010
•Personal Appearance is required
•Duly accomplished application form.
•One (1) passport-size photo (4.5 cm. x 3.5 cm) with white background
•Other supporting documents (please refer to the list below.)
•The passport fee is £43.00 payable in cash or British postal order. (We do not accept personal cheques, debit/credit cards for payment).

Additional requirements for passport renewal
•Applicant’s old passport
•Photocopy of old passport’s data page.
•If passport being renewed is the old brown passport, submit supporting documents with complete middle name.
•Former Filipinos who have re-acquired Philippine citizenship must bring copies of their Oath of Allegiance.
Hope this helps.

Michael Parnham
29th January 2013, 10:00
Correct oakwell, well done :xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th January 2013, 14:59
Airlines will not let you fly unless you have at least 6 months left on your passport.......

Where is that stipulated?

Is it carrier dependent?

Michael Parnham
29th January 2013, 15:26
Hi Peter, I picked up that information quite a number of years ago on various TV documentries and other news sources. Also I believe if one checks with the Passport office they may confirm this because it appears to be common knowledge with most people. If you happen to discover any different I for one would be pleased to know how this passport information originated!

29th January 2013, 16:14
Airlines would probably won't accept a passport with less than 6 months validity if the destination (even just in transit) requires a minimum 6 months. Check here and see if the countries that you would go to have a requirement of 6 months valid passport. http://www.fco.gov.uk/en/travel-and-living-abroad/travel-advice-by-country/

29th January 2013, 17:16
Airlines would probably won't accept a passport with less than 6 months validity if the destination (even just in transit) requires a minimum 6 months. Check here and see if the countries that you would go to have a requirement of 6 months valid passport. http://www.fco.gov.uk/en/travel-and-living-abroad/travel-advice-by-country/

Sorry, I don't mean to give the wrong impression, or to contradict the generally accepted 6 month rule, just thinking about it logically and how it works and sits with different countries and different airlines etc.

I've often heard many differing requirement versions

I remember one of our members here had his wife fly from Spain to Philippines with Emirates on a passport with less than 6 months validity.
He managed to secure confirmation from both Emirates and BI that there would be no problems.

A couple of things come to mind.
- There's no risk to the airlines by carrying a citizen returning to their own country.
- What about the case where emergency travel documents are issued by ones own Embassy

I remember one time (after having stayed much longer than planned in Japan), I took a flight back to UK with Virgin with less than 6 months passport validity.

I'm also pretty sure that passport validity is not an issue when EU nationals are travelling around the EU.

Just discussing the concept "Airlines will not let you fly unless you have at least 6 months left on your passport"

PS: The FCO website is advice for British Passport holders only.

29th January 2013, 17:39
I know Terpe, this would be my problem too just in case Keith and I would go to Philippines this year. My passport would expire by September 2013 and we're planning to go home anytime before that. I can't wait renewing my passport first before going home as it would mean renewing the BRP card too and wait for months again. :doh

29th January 2013, 17:56
I know Terpe, this would be my problem too just in case Keith and I would go to Philippines this year. My passport would expire by September 2013 and we're planning to go home anytime before that. I can't wait renewing my passport first before going home as it would mean renewing the BRP card too and wait for months again. :doh

I'm pretty sure that quite a few airlines will allow travel.
Always worth sending out some e-mails requesting that information.

I'd certainly be interested in knowing the outcome(s) if you do :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I tracked down the thread from John Carr here (http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/26783-Travelling-to-RP-on-an-RP-passport-which-is-about-to-expire-and-returning-to-Spain)

Michael Parnham
29th January 2013, 21:35
I understand exactly what your saying Peter and thanks for that, but looking long term it would be wise to ensure members travel with a sensible validity on the passport, would you agree? :wink:

30th January 2013, 15:11
I understand exactly what your saying Peter and thanks for that, but looking long term it would be wise to ensure members travel with a sensible validity on the passport, would you agree? :wink:

Yes Michael I agree with that. It's the most sensible thing to do

Sometimes though for many reasons it happens that passport validity becomes a question.
Maybe UKBA held it for so long :Erm:

In such cases it's helpful to understand that options may be possible. Even if one of the options is Embassy issued emergency travel documents.

A rigid statement that "Airlines will not let you fly unless you have at least 6 months left on your passport"
is neither correct nor helpful IMHO

1st February 2013, 10:37
Actually Terpe I'm not sure about all airlines. I have a friend has a home in Pampanga and Vegas. He was supposed to have arrived in Manila for Christmas but the airline would not issue his boarding pass because his passport validity was less than six months. (Korean Air). I have also experienced myself on various airlines when booking international travel that they stipulate you having at least 6 months on your passport. I think I read an article recently where the Philippine customs bureau warned of fines for airlines that transported passengers with less than 6 months on passport.

1st February 2013, 11:45
Actually Terpe I'm not sure about all airlines. I have a friend has a home in Pampanga and Vegas. He was supposed to have arrived in Manila for Christmas but the airline would not issue his boarding pass because his passport validity was less than six months. (Korean Air). I have also experienced myself on various airlines when booking international travel that they stipulate you having at least 6 months on your passport. I think I read an article recently where the Philippine customs bureau warned of fines for airlines that transported passengers with less than 6 months on passport.

You'll find that airlines will be very strict about carrying anyone who does not meet visa/immigration conditions as they will be liable for for hefty penalties in addition to shouldering the cost of repatriation.

Where a visa (visa waiver) is needed then passport validity can become an issue.
Philippine Immigration has a 21 day visa-free period for many countries. However, this scheme demands 6 month passport validity in order to qualify for visa extensions.

All I'm suggesting is that a Philippine passport holder does not necessarily need to meet any immigration driven constraints for entry to Philippines.
A quick telephone call or e-mail to the carrier will usually grant boarding permissions.
Same applies to many countries visiting/departing USA / UK / EU and others.

Not many countries will refuse entry to their own legal citizens with valid travel documents or with emergency travel documents.
Confirmation of boarding permissions is often provided to avoid any problems at point of departure

9th February 2013, 16:34
Hi everyone! im a filipina working here in the uk. im planning to go home for a holiday 1st week of march and will be staying there for two weeks. i already purchased my ticket but its late that i realized that my passport will expire on april this year. will i have a problem in the airport/immigration both in phils and uk given the validity of my passport? need advice.TIA Hi, This happened to my friend as well from Dorset who booked her ticket and realized her phil passport was about to expire. She went to Phil embassy London to get Emergency passport. You can call the Phil embassy london for this http://philembassy-uk.org/