View Full Version : Border Agency Inspector + Immigration backlog exposed in more detail

24th January 2013, 10:11

Maybe they will now get on and focus on some of the delayed cases of forum members.

24th January 2013, 10:26

Maybe they will now get on and focus on some of the delayed cases of forum members.

They don't have the staff :doh

24th January 2013, 10:50
Here's the address to contact John Vine at the ICIBI: http://icinspector.independent.gov.uk/contact/

DO NOT email. Write, and send a recorded letter. Keep the letter brief by using short bullet points not detailed sentences. State ALL the facts though, but don't waffle.

What does this do? No idea, but for those waiting it's someone else to complain to and will make them more aware of our problems. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th January 2013, 13:05
Featured on Radio 4's Today programme this morning (including a guy telling of his problems with sorting out his Thai wife's visa).

The presenter raised some good questions (including what disgraceful service people were receiving, considering the extortionate fees charged).

This merely confirms what most of us were already aware of...that UKBA is totally unfit for purpose. :NoNo:

Arthur Little
24th January 2013, 14:15
:anerikke: ... well ... ONE thing's for sure ... the UKBA ain't gonna be in line for the coveted 'Investors In People Award' anytime soon! :NoNo:

24th January 2013, 14:23
UKBA will have had more bosses soon than Chelsea has had managers :icon_lol:

24th January 2013, 14:26
2,100 cases were yet to receive an initial decision as to whether they could stay in the UK or not, some dating back to 2003:yikes:

180 of these applicants wanted to stay for marriage or civil partnership reasons :cwm23:


24th January 2013, 16:09
Letter to John Vine will be on its way! :xxgrinning--00xx3: Every complaint helps! hahahaha :icon_lol:

24th January 2013, 17:08
I thought the ukba being privatised would make a difference.:doh

24th January 2013, 17:20
Here's the address to contact John Vine at the ICIBI: http://icinspector.independent.gov.uk/contact/

DO NOT email. Write, and send a recorded letter. Keep the letter brief by using short bullet points not detailed sentences. State ALL the facts though, but don't waffle.

What does this do? No idea, but for those waiting it's someone else to complain to and will make them more aware of our problems. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Thank you win2win,
i am going to be writing a letter of complaint, cheers for the address,

this shows how usless the UKBA ar, what a shambles and we are calling the uk a 1st world country.. Our front line is a joke,

For the first time I actually got through to the ukba after a 25 min wait, i mentioned my wifes mother has had 3 major stokes very recently and we did mention this in our ILR application, The woman on the phone (jamican?) said she cannot speak to us as its not been 6 months yet??????
So i said what on earth are we to do if she dies? you have our passports! She said nothing she can do , if its an emergency we should goto the website and follow the instructions there!!!!!1

This is TOTALLY OUTRAGEOUS, My blood is boiling from this incompetence

So we are stuck in uk with no passports and £991 out of pocket because the people paid to do a job are not doing it or there is not enough staff!!!!!

24th January 2013, 17:28
I thought the ukba being privatised would make a difference.:doh

It's not privatised Andy but part of the Home Office. You are probably getting a bit muddled with the contract to track down overstayers and failed asylum seekers being given to Crapita

24th January 2013, 17:30
The existence of the Independent Chief Inspector was first highlighted by Terpe more than 2 years ago


Arthur Little
24th January 2013, 17:42
It's not privatised Andy but part of the Home Office. You are probably getting a bit muddled with the contract to track down overstayers and failed asylum seekers being given to Crapita

CRAP:action-smiley-081:ita ... how appropriate!

24th January 2013, 18:36
The existence of the Independent Chief Inspector was first highlighted by Terpe more than 2 years ago


Top marks to terpe!

I didnt know sorry

24th January 2013, 18:45
Top marks to terpe!

I didnt know sorry

There's so much stuff on here it's hard to spot ! I just remember it was about that time because Terpe's post got me looking at that outfits website and I banged off an email to Vine and Teresa May. I have mixed opinions of Vine thinking his position was just one of those Jobs for The Boys as his previous role was Chief Constable of Tayside Police but he sometimes seems a thorn in the side of the shambolic UKBA. I wouldn't trust him though as he's criticised dawn raids on illegals, detention conditions etc. A nice earner at £140000 per year

Arthur Little
24th January 2013, 19:00
I have mixed opinions of Vine ... as his previous role was *Chief Constable of Tayside Police. ... I wouldn't trust him though

:anerikke: ... *that's as good a reason as ANY for your lack of trust! :wink:

24th January 2013, 19:51
unbelievable! some cases has not been finalized way back a decade ago! wow i was still in grade school that time :NoNo::crazy:

25th January 2013, 00:00
I just found this from UKBA website.

THE UK BORDER AGENCY RESPONSE TO THE (http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/documents/aboutus/workingwithus/chief-insp/marriage-civil.pdf)
INDEPENDENT CHIEF INSPECTOR’S REPORT: (http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/documents/aboutus/workingwithus/chief-insp/marriage-civil.pdf)
THE INSPECTION OF APPLICATIONS FOR LEAVE TO (http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/documents/aboutus/workingwithus/chief-insp/marriage-civil.pdf)
ENTER, REMAIN AND SETTLE IN THE UK ON THE BASIS (http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/documents/aboutus/workingwithus/chief-insp/marriage-civil.pdf)
OF MARRIAGE AND CIVIL PARTNERSHIPS (http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/documents/aboutus/workingwithus/chief-insp/marriage-civil.pdf)
APRIL – OCTOBER 2012 (http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/documents/aboutus/workingwithus/chief-insp/marriage-civil.pdf)

Ako Si Jamie
25th January 2013, 01:07
If I'd been waiting since 2003 I'd be seriously pissed off. :NEW4:

25th January 2013, 11:02
Imagine waiting 10 years, married with 5 kids and being told your application was denied!!! :doh