View Full Version : Customers kill armed bookies robber

26th January 2013, 14:28
A masked gunman has died after being pinned down and restrained by customers during an armed robbery at a bookmakers in Plymouth.


Oh dear what a shame

26th January 2013, 14:52
...and on the bright side he won't be robbing anyone else :smile:

Arthur Little
26th January 2013, 15:02
...and on the bright side he won't be robbing anyone else :smile:

:gp: ... that's a safe bet! :yeahthat:

Ako Si Jamie
26th January 2013, 15:12
What odds would you have got on this happening? :grosyeux:

26th January 2013, 16:23
What odds would you have got on this happening? :grosyeux:

I wouldn't like to wager..But definitely not a dead cert.

26th January 2013, 21:09
Well done to all the brave customers who tackled him. I hope Ladbrokes are sorting them all out with a day at the races and a few quid to back a few winners.

27th January 2013, 00:22
Well done to all the brave customers who tackled him. I hope Ladbrokes are sorting them all out with a day at the races and a few quid to back a few winners.

I expect they're in custody at the moment under suspicion of murder, that's the norm for this country when a householder kills the burglar

27th January 2013, 09:59
Police have said no action against the attackers.... er .. defenders :biggrin:

27th January 2013, 10:32
this should happen more but only when it is safe to do so, killing the robber, sorry restraining the robber

27th January 2013, 11:05
this should happen more but only when it is safe to do so, killing the robber, sorry restraining the robber

Unfortunately as Ded mentioned earlier you don't always get treated fairly. Never forget Tony Martin who instead of in my opinion being awarded a medal for bravery got banged up.
We live in a world where scumbags have the same rights as law adiding citizens.

27th January 2013, 12:01
Unfortunately as Ded mentioned earlier you don't always get treated fairly. Never forget Tony Martin who instead of in my opinion being awarded a medal for bravery got banged up.
We live in a world where scumbags have the same rights as law adiding citizens.

As far as I'm concerned he removed a piece of crap off the streets and if I saw him I'd give him a free lift:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Very pleased about the outcome of guy in the bookies,don't have to feed him,pamper him now-very cost effective,well done to the restainers:biggrin:

Ako Si Jamie
27th January 2013, 12:14
Get your bets on

Seven people who helped 7/1

Seven people who helped and the robber had an accomplice 7/2

27th January 2013, 12:33
If the armed police had got there I had have had a long shot on the sniper:icon_lol:

27th January 2013, 13:08
Putting aside the result of these actions - it's irrelevant. This is the sort of public behaviour which if it was more the norm, then a hell of a lot of petty criminal activity just wouldn't happen.

For example, happy slappers on trains - if all the other passengers came to the defence, then these cowards who need to be in their little gangs would wet themselves and run off crying.
Louts drinking and making a nuisance in parks, if the surrounding householders as one made it clear it wasn't going to happen on their patch, if the police were bombarded with calls every time there was a nuisance, then they would have nowhere else to go.

The anti social neighbour would be non-existent, if they knew their constant so called music would mean hard neighbours banging on their door and threatening to shove their stereo where the sun doesn't shine........lengthways.......with the power cord still plugged in!

but as it is, how often do people turn a blind eye, close the curtains and turn the tv up.AND CAN YOU BLAME THEM, when all too often no-one else will help, and the law will side against them, and only lead to the louts victimising anyone who dared to confront them.

The tail wags the dog and it is all wrong.

I don't condone it, but in my town a couple of years ago, a local labour councillor was getting apples thrown at her windows, and generally targetted. I know the area she lives in very well, and really all credit to her for living there, as it's not the best place, and all too often her colleagues live in posh areas. Point is though, the comments on the local papers website were all of the "serves her right, her party favours the criminal" sort of theme.

I don't agree, I think they all have blame here, but hey the point is the same.

27th January 2013, 13:15
I expect they're in custody at the moment under suspicion of murder, that's the norm for this country when a householder kills the burglar

i think you will find that they were not householders,, vigilanties more like,, possible manslaughter charges

27th January 2013, 13:45
the word that is missing is respect, gone are the days that you had respect for where you lived and the neighbours too, f k this a f,,,k you is all you get , then there is the looks you get if you do say something and thats just from the kids, a crazy world we all live in it seems

27th January 2013, 14:18
i think you will find that they were not householders,, vigilanties more like,, possible manslaughter charges

They are public spirited heroes, it is encouraging that more burglars are being terminated by their victims. This is the first instance I've read of a robber being dealt with by the public -hopefully many more to come

Ako Si Jamie
27th January 2013, 14:53
Ironically it's the bookies who do the robbing.

Personally, I wouldn't have intervened.

27th January 2013, 21:25
Bookies don't rob, it's punter stupidity that gives them the money :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
27th January 2013, 22:42
this should happen more but only when it is safe to do so, killing the robber, sorry restraining the robber

:icon_rolleyes: ... many would say you got it right the first time, Steve. :yeahthat:!

28th January 2013, 01:34
Described by his Nephew as a 50 year old Career Criminal with a drug habit.
One less benefit claimant.
By the way it doesn't matter if it's a bookies a bank or a shop. Trust me if someone sticks what you think is a real gun in your face you will be scared :censored: less. Nobody serving the public deserves to be put in this situation.

28th January 2013, 08:46
Ironically it's the bookies who do the robbing.

Personally, I wouldn't have intervened.

its very hard until you find yourself face to face in that situation,i have been in that twice, not a gun, but at that time everything goes out the window, you go onto auto pilot, its only afterwards that you breakdown and sob, i could have been killed,