View Full Version : Finding Friends

22nd August 2007, 19:23
Seems like finding friends nearby to you is an issue for most folk, so my suggestion is to add to your signature just one line showing were you are so folk can quickly identify those nearby to them.(see mine with Leeds on it)
We are more then happy to make connections with friends Old and New.
For those willing to share it may help others feel less isolated just to know others are nearby even if they never meet.

22nd August 2007, 21:10
Good idea as you may be living round the corner from some of the other posters.

But a friendly word of advice people be careful what info you put on a public forum ie whole addresses and contact details.

22nd August 2007, 21:16
Seems like finding friends nearby to you is an issue for most folk, so my suggestion is to add to your signature just one line showing were you are so folk can quickly identify those nearby to them.(see mine with Leeds on it)
We are more then happy to make connections with friends Old and New.
For those willing to share it may help others feel less isolated just to know others are nearby even if they never meet.

Nice touch, but it is already there, if you filled your profile correctly....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Join Date: May 2007
Location: Leeds Yorkshire
Age: 53
Posts: 32
Rep Power: 0

Unfortunately not everyone does it...:doh

22nd August 2007, 21:37
Location is on the right of every post :doh

23rd August 2007, 10:52
Thanks keith, not so noticeable when your avidly reading the posts,