View Full Version : ACR help please Alien Certificate Of Registration

1st February 2013, 18:18
I really need some help and advice with the ACR (Alien Certificate Of Registration).
If i had a Single entry 90 day (Max stay 59 days) visa now and travel to the Philippines at the start of next month. How quickly could i get an ACR card please and what do i have to do. I really need some help please.


Cold Spud
1st February 2013, 19:18
Hi Paul, we have never used ACR before and I really wish I could be of help but, I suggest you visit this site: www.immigration.gov.ph it will tell you exactly what to do.

1st February 2013, 19:33
Hi Cold Spud, thanks for reply, i read that earlier, still unsure though on how fast i can do things and the process with me entering the Philippines on 59 day visa.

Cold Spud
1st February 2013, 20:33
ACR is been introduced only recently to further enhance the immigration service this is why we have never used it before and i don't want to give any wrong information :NoNo: for it isn't fair. Sorry, can't be much of help :icon_rolleyes:

Hi Cold Spud, thanks for reply, i read that earlier, still unsure though on how fast i can do things and the process with me entering the Philippines on 59 day visa.

1st February 2013, 20:41
hi paul hope i can help you ere, the usual system is arrive in fill's on a prebooked visa as you have done, but a few days before it expires you can extend your visa another 59 day's and at this point you will be asked to pay for the card (acr & registration) ! when i applied for my first acr card it took 2 weeks to process ! now im not 100% on this but im sure as soon as you get in the philippines you could go straight to the imigration office and apply for your next extention visa before yours expires and so for you will would or should be able to get your registration (acr card) within 2 weeks of arriving ! ps im not sure of your stay intentions ! but i stay in cagayan de oro and just apply in there local office, you will need a address of stay and my wife had to be with me to like be a sponsor ! hope i answered what you wanted and good luck,

1st February 2013, 21:15
Hi Cold Spud,thanks it is appreciated.
Hi Brian thanks for that info. it looks very helpful to me. The ACR is part of the Pastors requirements for the wedding. I fly Mar 2nd Wedding Mid April.
Is the earliest i can go Mar 4 to immigration bureau, or even possible at the airport? unless my fiancee has to be with me for forms and sponsor?
What sort of details do they ask on the form? and what would i need to take?
Also would i have to go collect the card at the immigration bureau. I'm staying Manila area, all help is greatly appreciated as trying to get several things done in short space of time.

1st February 2013, 21:43
hi paul, i really understand your need's i too had a lot to sort out for our wedding ouch head ache comes to mind, any way as your in manila your best to get your visa (acr) at imigration not in the airport, when i said 2 weeks thats what they told me ! but im sure if you phone them before it could well be ready for collection under 2 weeks, oh yes you have to collect it in person, well from memory when i applied 3 years ago for my first card we didnt need a lot of info, just you, a sponsor, your passport and flight details was all we needed appart from that they need an address, and your money ;) hope all goes well mate ;) feel free to email me if you get stuck on anything (brianwebster516@btinternet.com)

1st February 2013, 21:58
Thank you Brian, that is really helpful. For flight details, the return flight is already booked inside the first 59 days to comply with my first single entry visa. Then after i get the ACR is it possible to rearrange that return flight to a later date to fit in with the visa extension later? or do i cancel return flight and lose money and then have to book new flight. Thanks for help, will write down your email address as well, thanks for that.

1st February 2013, 22:06
youre welcome, sorry about your flight, yes they say you need a return flight but its not compulsory to book return within visa date's ? i always book a 6 month return ticket and if questioned at passport control i say i'm intending to extend my visa while in the fill's, it depends on your ticket and airline if you can change the dates ? most of my tickets i bought on 6 month return allowed me to change dates for return with a fee ? but i just booked my ticket for feb 13th and this ticket is non transferable or refundable (that's what you get for buying cheap flights lol)

1st February 2013, 22:34
I've only flown with Emirates so far, maybe i'll ask them, not sure if they would let me on the flight if i had a 59 day visa and return flight was 100 days away or if they would let me in at the Philippines immigration but from what you say if lucky might get away with that bit, before Philippines immigration checked my itinerary but i have no experience of booking a later return date yet so don't know.