View Full Version : Row breaks out between UK and Romania over targeting of migrants

3rd February 2013, 01:02


Romanian protests in Revolutionary Square at Britain's immigration threat


looks like a bit of a :xxsport-smiley-002: brewing

3rd February 2013, 01:15
Oh, now there's a surprise. :icon_rolleyes:

Arthur Little
3rd February 2013, 01:54
OK ... :anerikke: ... the Romanian Minister of Labour, Mariana Campeanu makes a number of valid points vis-a-vis her fellow countrymen/women appearing to have been "singled out" for exclusion from coming to the UK to live and work.

But surely she cannot fail to be aware that our tiny island is ALREADY:

1. "bursting at the seams" - particularly in the most densely populated regions around London and the Home Counties, the Midlands and the North of England

2. slap bang in the middle of the worst economic recession for decades :thumbsdown: ... probably since the war years

3. on shaky ground as far as employment is concerned; there simply aren't enough jobs to go round :nono-1-1: - not even for our OWN workers.

Arthur Little
3rd February 2013, 02:29


Romanian protests in Revolutionary Square at Britain's immigration threat


looks like a bit of a :xxsport-smiley-002: brewing

So yes, Joe ... you may've hit the nail :action-smiley-060: on the head ... there could well be ructions.

3rd February 2013, 11:20
I'm surprised you think they are going to come here to work to be honest.
We'll have more crime and beggars I think, sure a few will want to actually contribute but they will no doubt be sending a sizeable chunk back home.

Then there's the benefits and free healthcare - don't get me started on that:Brick:


Michael Parnham
3rd February 2013, 12:43
Yes the streets are paved with gold, most of the world believe that :hubbahubba:

3rd February 2013, 14:08
A feral nation - my ideal would be to see a breakdown of diplomatic relations, trade and travel ban and expulsion of their nationals already here. A nice thought unfortunately it won't happen.

3rd February 2013, 14:40
Oh well, at least they're making SOME progress, so we shouldn't have traffic being held up on the A1 by horses and carts.

Their treatment of animals might keep the RSPCA busy, but it seems we may now have tracked down the souce of all that horsemeat in the burgers. :smile:


3rd February 2013, 17:43
I think I have said it before. While we are in the EU we have no control of which EU citizen comes here. Labour and the tories dont want to come out of europe. Dont be fooled about what cameron says. He is a liar like the rest of them.

3rd February 2013, 19:56
I agree.

Sadly, neither do the majority of the brainwashed or apathetic British public.

Then there are the votes of the millions of immigrants... :icon_rolleyes:

3rd February 2013, 20:35
I think we are boofed, got to find a way out of this place it's becoming the toilet for all the parasites of Europe..