View Full Version : Gay asylum seekers feeling increased pressure to prove sexuality, say experts

3rd February 2013, 20:14
similar situation about someone trying to prove they have 'sole responsibility' :doh

i suppose its easy to claim your gay, but proving it is another matter :Erm:

Refusals are now more commonly made on the basis that claimants are not, or cannot prove, that they are gay, lesbian or transsexual, Chelvan said, explaining that the new focus is having bizarre and inhumane consequences.


3rd February 2013, 20:25
More madness. :NoNo:

3rd February 2013, 20:32

3rd February 2013, 20:33
Especially those transexual types. :cwm25:


4th February 2013, 21:44
Hmmm, nice figure Graham :biggrin:

4th February 2013, 21:45
How does anyone go about proving sexuality ?

4th February 2013, 21:48
no wonder it takes so long to get visas ect maybe "The UKBA officials , are watching perverted home movies, and porno photos, as proof of sexuality :biggrin::laugher::laugher:

Michael Parnham
4th February 2013, 22:06
I'm so sorry to say this and I don't wish to offend, I find the whole subject of transexuals, same sex weddings and transvestites etc: Sick, it just isn't normal. Sorry!!:crazy:

4th February 2013, 22:17
I agree, but it appears that we are rapidly slipping into the second coming of Sodom and Gomorrah . :NoNo:

Michael Parnham
4th February 2013, 22:20
You could be right there Graham (sad) :cwm25:

Arthur Little
5th February 2013, 03:25
*Gay [pronounced "gey"] hard on > :icon_tonguew: < those so inclined > :action-smiley-081: ... sod 'em!!!

5th February 2013, 10:28
According to the government, the majority of the British population are in favour of gay marriage.

Oh really ?

I don't seem to recall there having been a referendum on this. :Erm:

Down the slippery slope we go....guided by the whining minorities and the fools who pander to them. The majority of 'normal' people now being reduced to mere spectators at this impending train wreck. :NoNo:

5th February 2013, 11:54
According to the government, the majority of the British population are in favour of gay marriage.

Oh really ?

I don't seem to recall there having been a referendum on this. :Erm:

Down the slippery slope we go....guided by the whining minorities and the fools who pander to them. The majority of 'normal' people now being reduced to mere spectators at this impending train wreck. :NoNo:


where our vote on anything and everything :doh