View Full Version : needs help on savings thingy please!

5th February 2013, 14:08
Hi everyone!

I would like to ask if a savings of 1500 quid is enough to apply for a spouse visa and the visa fee will be included in that amount.

Any inputs will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.:Wave:

Arthur Little
5th February 2013, 15:18
Basically, Marga ... the sponsoring partner needs to earn at least £18,600 gross per annum. :icon_rolleyes: Unfortunately this is a hard and fast rule which is inflexible.

My understanding is, that savings can only be used *to make up a shortfall in the amount earned - and, in *such cases, MUST exceed £16,000 - while independent means of £64,000 is required in the event of there being NO earned income.

So ... :sorry-2: to say, the 1,500 quid you've mentioned, will NOT count. :NoNo:

5th February 2013, 15:39
Thanks Arthur Little.

My husband is earning above the 18,600 quid per annum.What worries us is the savings he has in his bank account.

So you mean,a savings of 300 quid will be okay to lodge the application?

Thanks again.:smile:

5th February 2013, 16:25
Hi Marga. No need for savings at all. As long as you meet the required threshold. To put your mind at rest. I have just lodged my application with no savings at all. Not a bean!!


5th February 2013, 16:34
Hi sheldon1.

Thank you for your input.My mind is at rest now:smile:

I wish you the best in your visa application and keep us posted please.

Michael Parnham
5th February 2013, 17:35
Do you mean monthly savings Marga ?:Erm:

6th February 2013, 02:36
Do you mean monthly savings Marga ?:Erm:

Hi Michael Parnham.

Yep,monthly savings.