View Full Version : Romanians & Bulgarians causing problems in Germany

6th February 2013, 10:16
Is this the future for Britain? German cities plead for help from Berlin as 'social peace' is threatened by large number of Romanian and Bulgarian immigrants

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2273799/Is-future-Britain-German-cities-plead-help-Berlin-social-peace-threatened-large-number-Romanian-Bulgarian-immigrants.html#ixzz2K6miiB9G

Further evidence of the costs, chaos and crime that this tribe bring to wherever they pitch up :cuss:


6th February 2013, 10:35
Yes, I have always said this.

A sudden influx of different tribes of people living cheek by jowl, competing for jobs and other resources within a long-established existing culture will always lead to civil strife...certainly in the short term.

How long did it take the USA to 'settle down', and they had even taken care to eliminate most of the existing population ?

Compound the problem by having weak laws and social discipline, an open door policy to, and an acceptance of extremist religious and political groups who are already fighting each other in their home countries, and you have a recipe for social disorder and a weakened economy.

One of the greatest strengths of the Americans however, was their national pride and their urge to become a single cohesive society within one great nation.

That is something that is now sadly lacking in our country, even when compared to our EU neighbours.

6th February 2013, 10:37
Lets see what Angela Merkel does about it.:icon_lol:

6th February 2013, 11:49
Similar article


6th February 2013, 12:37
But under EU rules on free movement, a country cannot impose restrictions on the self-employed.
Thats the key Ded we cant do anything about it. And Cameron hasnt got the balls to call a in out referendom now. (Which he could if he wanted to).

6th February 2013, 12:43
Cameron has just patted himself on the back for having pushed through the gay marriage nonsense. Once more wasting the valuable time of parliament on the demands of deviant minorities.

That fool will NEVER get my vote and neither will any of the other fools who supported him. :mad:

6th February 2013, 12:48
Its just a vote catcher and who can blame him? He needs all the help he can get.

6th February 2013, 13:37
But under EU rules on free movement, a country cannot impose restrictions on the self-employed.

i wonder if they have the 'big issue' in Germany :icon_rolleyes:

6th February 2013, 13:42
It looks like they have a big issue now.:icon_lol:

6th February 2013, 14:28

Note the words on the hi viz "Working Not Begging" - I wonder if the Trade Descriptions Act applies :icon_lol:

6th February 2013, 18:31
Is this the future for Britain? German cities plead for help from Berlin as 'social peace' is threatened by large number of Romanian and Bulgarian immigrants

German cities facing 'significant costs' as a result of poverty migration
Dortmund, Hanover, Duisburg, Berlin and Hamburg all struggling to cope
Chaos in classrooms with native children being held back, report claims
Roma families with ten children 'receiving payments for each from the state'
Reports of Romanian crime gangs sending children and women out to steal

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2273799/Is-future-Britain-German-cities-plead-help-Berlin-social-peace-threatened-large-number-Romanian-Bulgarian-immigrants.html#ixzz2K6miiB9G

Further evidence of the costs, chaos and crime that this tribe bring to wherever they pitch up :cuss:


Let's not kid ourselves Ded it's already here. Everyone of your bullet points is already happening here. From Romanians begging and stealing to benefits to kids being held back in the classroom.
It's just next year it's going to get worse :cwm23:

6th February 2013, 18:35
Let's not kid ourselves Ded it's already here. Everyone of your bullet points is already happening here. From Romanians begging and stealing to benefits to kids being held back in the classroom.
It's just next year it's going to get worse :cwm23:

You're right Marco - but there are a lot of blinkered fools in this country who are unaware of it - hopefully this type of press article will strike a chord with them

stevie c
6th February 2013, 18:46
Lets see what Angela Merkel does about it.:icon_lol:

The same as Cameron would do ...... all :cwm23:

6th February 2013, 19:28
i wonder if they still have gas chambers in germany:Erm:

6th February 2013, 19:30

6th February 2013, 21:44
Im sure they will attempt to come in their droves to the land of milk and honey,where the police have to be careful not to upset them and even if the criminal element are caught doing their dirty deeds ,our judiciary will hand out soft sentences and then our prisons are like holiday camps with far better conditions than back home.Maybe we might need to adopt the second amendment here cos its unlikey that this weak government will do anything positive to stop the rot and protect us from the dregs who will surely decend on us.

6th February 2013, 21:50
Hopefully I'll be reading about it in the Manila Bulletin from the comfort of my Nipa hut, in the not too distant future. :icon_rolleyes: