View Full Version : help us please..

6th February 2013, 13:00
hi everyone,

I am writing this post to ask your advice and opinions about the situation where me and hubby doesn't know what to do.

My husband is dying to go for a holiday since he has been working so hard and so stressed. He wants to go holiday in Philippines this April 2 till 22, 2013 and I am really happy to go back on holiday in Phil so I can see my family and have some relaxing day also April 4 is our first wedding anniversary so its gonna be a celebration as well. But the problem is that my UK Entry clearance visa (EEA Family Permit) will expire on May 5, 2013 so I am worried that if I fly and leave the country I will experience a lot of hassle from the immigration so that's the reason why I don't wanna risk it.

is it really ok that we will go for holiday? won't i experience any prob? can i still come back here in UK?

please do help us..

6th February 2013, 14:59
That Family Permit is in fact ONLY an entry clearance to UK with a validity of 6 months (means you need to enter the UK before expiry)
The FP does not have any expiry. Your husband is exercising his EU treaty rights in having you join him here.

I'm sure I have advised you before, but you should have applied by now for your Residence card.
You are entitled to remain in UK for 5 years. After 5 years you may apply Permanent Residence (like ILR) after 12 moth under Perm Res you can apply British Citizenship.

Now, application for Residence card ID is not mandatory, but it is very strongly recommended as it can help prove the status under which you are here and allow you to prove to employers that you are allowed to work legally.

Additionally, your residence card will allow you trouble free travel and re-entry to UK. Without the residence card you may well encounter problems upon your re-entry to UK (maybe even problems at check-in)

Did you so far make that application?