View Full Version : "Lemongrass" Tangad or Tanglad in Cebuano

7th February 2013, 12:29
I really love to cook and I love plants. I've been wanting to have a lemongrass here for some of my recipe needs it. So when we bought some asian goods at Wing Yep, I saw this lemongrass stalks without roots and place them in a glass with about an inch of water. A week after or so, I noticed about 2 of them started sprouting roots. So im happy and excited to plant them and hopefully they'll survive. :Jump:

7th February 2013, 13:05
I really love to cook and I love plants. I've been wanting to have a lemongrass here for some of my recipe needs it. So when we bought some asian goods at Wing Yep, I saw this lemongrass stalks without roots and place them in a glass with about an inch of water. A week after or so, I noticed about 2 of them started sprouting roots. So im happy and excited to plant them and hopefully they'll survive. :Jump:

You could try the same with ginger, sometimes it works too :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th February 2013, 13:25
I grow my own rosemary and chillies in the pot,..very useful for all my chicken and curry recipes:xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th February 2013, 14:34
As you know..Lemon grass grows like a huge clump of weeds here..I have about 30 huge clumps..
Hopefully you can grow a few clumps of your own in the UK..
Let us know how they get on!!

7th February 2013, 14:59
I really love to cook and I love plants. I've been wanting to have a lemongrass here for some of my recipe needs it. So when we bought some asian goods at Wing Yep, I saw this lemongrass stalks without roots and place them in a glass with about an inch of water. A week after or so, I noticed about 2 of them started sprouting roots. So im happy and excited to plant them and hopefully they'll survive. :Jump:

You'll get some decent results if you keep them inside on a sunny window shelf.
But they won't display the same vigorous growth as in PI

7th February 2013, 15:35
@Terpe: i will include that in my list of plants :biggrin:, had garlic, onions prepared already, problem is i don't have much space in my plot.

(http://filipinaroses.com/member.php/4810-sars_notd_virus) sars_notd_virus (http://filipinaroses.com/member.php/4810-sars_notd_virus)

yeah i have 2 different kind of chillies i guess, bell peppers and the spicy ones, i love spicy foods and my husband too.

I have 3 stalks so far with small roots on it, still waiting for a few more weeks before ill move them to the pots coz they still look fragile. I hope it works really if not the we will try buying seeds from eBay.

ill find a good location here, maybe in our room window, hehehe

Ill keep you posted how it goes soon when i pot them.
I have basil, coriander.
And thank you everyone for your messages :biggrin: