View Full Version : Marriage Certificate Issue

7th February 2013, 20:56
Just wondering if anyone can help on this one. Ruby got the NSO copy today and while reading through it noticed a mistake. Small one, but still a mistake. I now live in Dever not Dover. Is this a big deal? Do we need to get it changed? We've checked back on the rest of the paperwork and the CNI is correct, local CNI is correct, infact everything up until the Application For Marriage License is correct. That is where we have something that looks more like an e rather than an o, but it's hard to tell as a few of the o's look similar, but you can certainly see an e shape. Basically the poor type font has possibly caused an issue here, so much so that the Certificate of Marriage that we signed on our wedding day clearly states Dever, and so Dever has been printed on the NSO issued Certificate.

How big an issue is this? How easy is it to get it rectified? I'm in no position to bring Ruby back over again yet anyway so time isn't an issue on that front

Moving Forward
10th February 2013, 12:59
I do not know how big an issue it is.. however my spouse is about to submit her visa application and our NSO marriage certificate lists the wrong county where I was born (birthplace is ok though, and matches my passport details). The certificate also has my age when I married being 1 year less due to my birthday falling a few days before the actual ceremony when we filled out the paperwork.

10th February 2013, 14:11

10th February 2013, 18:00
These sorts of errors often get made.
I've never been made aware of any subsequent issues.

If you have the time and the necessary supporting documents to permit a change, then NSO will gladly oblige without any problems.

10th February 2013, 19:45
Cheers guys. We got all the time in the world atm, and all the paper work so she'll go get it sorted when shes not working