View Full Version : i phone, i pad 2, ipad mini

8th February 2013, 09:40
well can some one explain whats the difference between the iphone 4s and the 5 other then it may look difference and the price, and the ipad,
Ems would like the ipad mini and i ask why , well it fits into my bag just nice, thats not the answer i want to hear, so can some one explain why they are so important,
I would like a new laptop, why, because this one is old over 5 years, its not quick and some of the letters have faded away, but what do i use it for, browsing and doing the bank, so do i realy want to spend more money on something that i dont want,
So here is the problem what do i buy to keep us both happy, that we both can use and its not a rip off too, any thoughts

8th February 2013, 10:39
i have ipad2 and iphone 5. reason why we bought ipad was for me to use when i travelled last year on my way to the uk, the airport in abu dhabi which was my lay over airport has good wifi and its good for communication. it kept me occupied as well while i was on my 9 hour wait. ipads are good for browsing and watching movie or videos bcos of its good-big screen.

iphone 5 was my husband xmas present, he bought it for me so i can have my first proper phone in england as i need one. wifi and 3g are what were after and the cheap monthly subscription £6, its convenient as we can update eachother wherever we are. i like taking photos as well so having iphone 5 with me is convenience. Also were used on using apple products so he went for it to make it easy.

differences between the gadgets are on the web, the positive and negative side. the specs and good stuffs that suit both of your needs. they will explain more about them.

bottom line is IF YOU REALLY NEED something, specially these expensive gadgets then thats the time to get one or then upgrade. its not being ripped off, its a long time investment to yourselves until the gadgets goes wrong. if it also makes your circumstances in life easy then go for it.

you, yourself can only answer your questions if buying these products can really make you happy and contented. :Wave:

8th February 2013, 11:02
the only long time investment is till the new one comes out, but thanks for the great advice

8th February 2013, 12:13
Very little significant difference but the similarity is they are all over hyped and well over priced.

After years Mrs D and her Filipina brand obsessive friends are finally realising that Apple is rotten and switching over to Samsung :biggrin:

8th February 2013, 13:24
After years Mrs D and her Filipina brand obsessive friends are finally realising that Apple is rotten and switching over to Samsung :biggrin:

:icon_lol::icon_lol: I'm working on that at the moment Ded.

8th February 2013, 13:34
No Apple products in our house..and would never be interested in buying any..only the real apple fruit for the piggies! hahaha..:icon_lol:

8th February 2013, 15:01
:icon_lol::icon_lol: I'm working on that at the moment Ded.

A long struggle Marco but finally light at the end of the tunnel. It'll give me more time to attack further aspects of brand snobbery :biggrin:

8th February 2013, 16:06


8th February 2013, 16:26
Good one raynaputi!!! Thumbs up! :xxgrinning--00xx3: sometimes people want dis gadgets for show off!!:Cuckoo:

8th February 2013, 17:58
No Apple products in our house..and would never be interested in buying any..only the real apple fruit for the piggies! hahaha..:icon_lol:

:laugher: I have three apples in the fridge :icon_lol: - they are minis.

8th February 2013, 18:05
i hope you are reading this nosey Ems :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

8th February 2013, 19:36
:laugher: I have three apples in the fridge :icon_lol: - they are minis.

:icon_lol: We've got one and it's crumbled

Michael Parnham
8th February 2013, 19:46
I have no Idea what an ipad, iphone or tablet are!:Erm:

8th February 2013, 20:27
Not sure whether my apple is a dual core. :Erm:

8th February 2013, 20:30
When it comes to gadgets and how useful (cost benefits) they are, it's always a personal choice imo.
I can honestly say that our iPad has proved to be a far better gadget acquisition than anything else.
Forget brands, but the tablet has surprised me in it's capabilitiy.

I don't see it as a replacement for laptop or desktop.
I see it as an extremely versatile and convenient piece of technology.

It even saved me getting an updated Kindle. Just add the Kindle app to the device. Simples.

These tablets are not cheap. You really need to know and feel the value.
If you can't then the purchasing decision is simply down to 'want it'. And there's always a place for that in all of us. (if we're honest)

Just my two centavos

8th February 2013, 20:41
true Peter, i want it, the way i get round that is i go away and think about it for a day or so, and after that time i dont want it, but its just getting Ems to think that way too,:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th February 2013, 20:54
true Peter, i want it, they way i get round that is i go away and think about it for a day or so, and after that time i dont want it, but its just getting Ems to think that way too,:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Well Steve, honest as always.
If Emma wants one and you have the budget then let her get what she wants.
I've always done that, and I never look back with regret.
If I don't have the budget then it doesn't happen.

If I'm honest too, I only discovered the benefits and how useful our was AFTER buying it.

Let's just take something simple. Carina can do all her facebook stuff easily and quickly just about anywhere.
Even down to taking photo's and adding immediately 'on-the-fly' so to speak.
Yeah, I know, that sounds so pointless, but that make her happy.
She doesn't need to fire-up a laptop/desktop. Just open the lid on her iPad case, touch the FB icon and away she goes. When finished just close the case lid.
Same for e-mail and all other apps.
Same for CatchupTV/Iplayer/ whatever. GPS/maps/Camera/Video .................

C'mon Steve, make her happy.......it's only money and she WANTS

8th February 2013, 20:59
are you working for pc world Peter :icon_lol::icon_lol:, you all know me by now, i do all the shouting but it will be here sooner then later, i just have to have my moan :NoNo:

8th February 2013, 21:19
are you working for pc world Peter :icon_lol::icon_lol:, you all know me by now, i do all the shouting but it will be here sooner then later, i just have to have my moan :NoNo:

Looks like we think the same way :icon_lol::icon_lol:

I lasted as long as I could before I bought one. Then bought it as a surprise for her at the airport.


8th February 2013, 23:29
We have a few gadgets kicking around here.
One thing I think about is residual value, if you buy an apple device (and they are easily the most usable compared to playbooks and android in my experience) they will still be worth a considerable amount in 2-3 years when you come to upgrading.
Example we recently sold iPad 2 which was purchased March 2011. I got £250 for it, having paid £400 new. Upgraded to a 32GB iPad 4th gen.
I've had a few others too I use a playbook for entertaining my baby boy, which cost someone £349 I got it for £50!
In terms of usability the iPad is hands down easy and that's why it's the best selling tablet around.
I sell mobile solutions for business and no one wants Android - all use Apple because the devices are so easy to use.

I just acquired a HP Windows 8 ElitePad 900 and at £500 it's a great device, interface isn't bad but it's windows so everything works - as o all the malware/viruses and other issues Windows has.

Lots of choice nowadays!


Michael Parnham
9th February 2013, 11:18
Don't know anything about all your gadgets, but I bought my Maritess a new Nokia mobile in 2010 and she's only just discovered that she can use her facebook on it, so now its her new toy!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th February 2013, 12:02
If you ask me steve.. not to sound silly. But I think I will only need both Iphone 5 and Ipad mini or 2, 3, 4 if I commute for long hours, work in IT or office based jobs that requires presentations.

Otherwise... those stuffs won't be a necessity but just showing off.

Sorry if it sounded rude... I just can't handle the consumerism attitude of people and not thinking why our planet is suffering.

I can completely empathize with that man who do #blackmirror.

9th February 2013, 21:50
I wouldn't go for Apple. It's good kit, but you pay a premium and you're locked into Apple's operating system, apps, etc.

Android is definitely the way to go! My HTC One S phone is brilliant and I'm even more impressed with my (wife's) Google Nexus 10. It's an amazing piece of technology and at £330, it's significantly cheaper than an iPad. Also, the spec is better! Nexus 10's screen has got a higher resolution than Apple's "Retina" display.

Get a Nexus 10. You won't regret it! :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th February 2013, 22:40
I wouldn't go for Apple. It's good kit, but you pay a premium and you're locked into Apple's operating system, apps, etc.

Android is definitely the way to go! My HTC One S phone is brilliant and I'm even more impressed with my (wife's) Google Nexus 10. It's an amazing piece of technology and at £330, it's significantly cheaper than an iPad. Also, the spec is better! Nexus 10's screen has got a higher resolution than Apple's "Retina" display.

Get a Nexus 10. You won't regret it! :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Apple stuff is not ALL bad.
The iPad is a darn good piece of kit and still considered the leading technology despite not much changing since iPad 3

That Nexus 10 is pretty good. The battery life is terrible.
You're right that the 2560x1600 pixel resolution is a bit better than the iPad. The picture looks just as good.
But honestly, it really falls short on brightness and that makes a difference. Well at least to me.
Currently not many Android apps can yet make full use of the hi-res screen.

9th February 2013, 23:27
Interesting figures


1st June 2013, 07:11
I'm buying ipad mini for my birthday on tuesday. Dave and I will split 50-50 for it :biggrin:. good choice? :Help1:

1st June 2013, 07:13
good luck with your new toy, shop around for the best price too,

1st June 2013, 07:21
good luck with your new toy, shop around for the best price too,
thanks! :smile: I'm excited already. :Jump: