View Full Version : Asylum seeker alleges assault during Heathrow deportation

8th February 2013, 14:26
An asylum seeker alleges he was assaulted by private security staff on a plane at Heathrow Airport, the BBC has learned.

Marius Betondi, who is from Cameroon, claimed he suffered serious injuries to his eye and face during an attempt to remove him from Britain last month.

read more here .. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-21384435

8th February 2013, 14:32
More damned wasted money on 'investigations'.:NoNo:

The man is clearly hoping to get thousands in compensation by making a spurious claim.

It's about time this stupid country stood up for itself and said ENOUGH IS ENOUGH !

Don't come here illegally. You're not welcome, and when we find you you'll be thrown out, bodily if necessary....as would certainly happen to us (or worse) if we tried the same nonsense in your country. :mad:

8th February 2013, 14:34
well they called off the deportation, next time maybe they should be wrapped in bubble wrap :biggrin:

8th February 2013, 14:42
Quite honestly Joe, though I get annoyed about it, I've really stopped caring now.

This country has just totally lost the plot.

I've got maybe 20 years of life left if I'm lucky, and I will not waste any more of it fretting over what lies ahead for what is left of our traditions and way of life now that the door has been thrown wide open to every form of human detritus that can manage to cross the Channel. :icon_rolleyes:

8th February 2013, 14:53
Met Police and UKBA wasting public money investigating - who in their right mind sanctioned that ?? :cwm23: - these deportee germs should be hooded, manacled and trussed up in restraining straps so they can't put up a struggle

8th February 2013, 20:06
This is the bit that sticks in my throat :-

"Since then, according to the Cameroonian, there have been four failed attempts to remove him, the latest of which took place on 18 January"

He should be gagged and given a good hiding before my aforementioned hoods, manacles and straps are deployed

8th February 2013, 20:22
Absolutely pathetic isn't it...and in a country that within the last 100 years controlled one of the world's greatest ever empires. How humiliating. :NoNo:

The self-destruct button has been well and truly pressed.

Arthur Little
8th February 2013, 20:41
The self-destruct button has been well and truly pressed.

:iagree: ... leaving the rest of us depressed! :bigcry: