View Full Version : What keeps you busy?

8th February 2013, 17:11
Most of us do get bored sometimes specially those who are waiting for visa updates and brp's (im definitely one of the few whose waiting). Would be lovely though to work but not allowed yet, arent we? Its a challenge for me to keep me self busy everyday as husband's away from 8am-5pm everyday to work. I like to keep myself occupied and busy for me to be able to forget and be away on homesickness.

I like doing house chores, I like ironing, I like cleaning the oven, tidying up, I like photography, I like crafts and I like playing games on my pad like Candy Crush, Hay Day, Bejeweled and Bubble Witch saga. I like shopping (thrift shopping and cheap goods only) and I like wondering round the web. I go Zumba every friday and walking in the afternoon. I like looking for places that we can visit on a weekend to try new things and start planning, I also like watching few programs in BBC 1 in the morning and evening. Documentaries are best but I like Eastenders as well. :icon_lol::biggrin:

How about you? What makes yourself busy? Want to share some tips and ideas? Would be great help for other members as well. xxx

Arthur Little
8th February 2013, 19:42
Hmm ... easily answered in MY case, Novie; as one of the Moderators here, I'm kept really busy "patrolling" this site ... assisting in monitoring it for signs of any potential troublemakers and, to the best of my ability, dealing with a myriad of questions that forums such as ours generally attract throughout the day and/or night.

Luckily, I thoroughly enjoy my role (best "job" I ever had!) and, like you, derive great satisfaction from helping others in whatever way I possibly can. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Akilah Blythe
8th February 2013, 20:08
Hiya, in my case aside from doing my everyday chores, walking (only when weather permits), browsing on the web and drawing, I also spend most of my time baking cakes and pastries for my husband and his work colleagues.

8th February 2013, 20:26
Hmm ... easily answered in MY case, Novie; as one of the Moderators here, I'm kept really busy "patrolling" this site ... assisting in monitoring it for signs of any potential troublemakers and, to the best of my ability, dealing with a myriad of questions that forums such as ours generally attract throughout the day and/or night.

Luckily, I thoroughly enjoy my role (best "job" I ever had!) and, like you, derive great satisfaction from helping others in whatever way I possibly can. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

great sir art! its my pleasure to help others as you know. ill help as much as i can. i forgot to put that this forum gave me friends as well that keeps me busy chatting too! xxx

8th February 2013, 20:27
Hiya, in my case aside from doing my everyday chores, walking (only when weather permits), browsing on the web and drawing, I also spend most of my time baking cakes and pastries for my husband and his work colleagues.

i would love to know how to bake cake but i might ended up eating all and gain weight! xxx

Ako Si Jamie
8th February 2013, 20:46
I rarely get bored, always busy doing something. Currently working on my website which I've been doing for the last six months. I work on this at times during the evenings and weekends in between watching documentaries on YouTube and doing other stuff. I don't go out as much as I used to. Probably been to a pub about three times since the summer. Stark contrast to a few years ago
:icon_lol: :66:

Akilah Blythe
8th February 2013, 21:13
@melovesengland: I can send you some recipes if you want. What I do normally do, everytime I bake some goodies, I let my husband eat most if it. In that way, I won't end up piling up pounds but he does.:laugher:

9th February 2013, 17:50
@melovesengland: I can send you some recipes if you want. What I do normally do, everytime I bake some goodies, I let my husband eat most if it. In that way, I won't end up piling up pounds but he does.:laugher:

Hahaha cheeky :icon_lol:. Like you, I have started to gain interest in baking and cooking when I arrived here in the UK :biggrin:. Most of the time, we eat a slice together (and nobody is supposed to grab one without the other's permission) - surprisingly we didn't pile up pounds :cwm25:.

As of other things that keep me occupied nowadays - gardening, photography, reading, and revising for my CBT.

9th February 2013, 20:44
Hi everyone , i have been here in the UK for about 1 year and 6 months ! and i have never felt bored because i make something to keep busy e.g. cooking , cleaning , handwashing , internet surfing and talking with my family through skype every afternoon , while waiting for husband to come home from work and i volunteer in Age uk charity shop every friday . Myrna

9th February 2013, 21:31
Hi everyone , i have been here in the UK for about 1 year and 6 months ! and i have never felt bored because i make something to keep busy e.g. cooking , cleaning , handwashing , internet surfing and talking with my family through skype every afternoon , while waiting for husband to come home from work and i volunteer in Age uk charity shop every friday . Myrna

Well done Myrna, and more power to you :Jump:

Life in UK can be difficult when coming from a place like Philippines. You found a way. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th February 2013, 21:52
@melovesengland: I can send you some recipes if you want. What I do normally do, everytime I bake some goodies, I let my husband eat most if it. In that way, I won't end up piling up pounds but he does.:laugher:

im no good on that as my husbands not fond of eating cakes so it will go down to me all if i get into baking. hahahaha.

jlags like baking!!

9th February 2013, 21:53
Hi everyone , i have been here in the UK for about 1 year and 6 months ! and i have never felt bored because i make something to keep busy e.g. cooking , cleaning , handwashing , internet surfing and talking with my family through skype every afternoon , while waiting for husband to come home from work and i volunteer in Age uk charity shop every friday . Myrna

Never been bored yet as well, scrubbing the toilet and kitchen keeps me busy. hehehehe. well done myrna! keep going!

9th February 2013, 21:55
Have a baby - Rina is never bored, there's always something to do! :)

9th February 2013, 22:25
Never been bored yet as well, scrubbing the toilet and kitchen keeps me busy. hehehehe. well done myrna! keep going!

I've PM'd you with my address :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I just want to help you with your hobby :biggrin:

10th February 2013, 14:52
Never been bored yet as well, scrubbing the toilet and kitchen keeps me busy. hehehehe. well done myrna! keep going!Yes i am Novie , thank you ..xx