View Full Version : Hello

8th February 2013, 21:36
My name is Steve. I am 43 years old, divorced. (My ex-wife was having an affair) I have one daughter - 11 years old. I work in property inspection, management. Sounds interesting but it is not and I am not one of those rich property owners.

My main reason for being here....well, I have been alone for 3 years and I would like to meet someone and I think, I hope a Filipino woman would be kind and loving and faithful.

I have never been to the Philippines and I do not know Tagalog.

I am not rich, I am not good looking but I hope someone will like / love me for who I am.

I enjoy music and I play....or at least try to play....the guitar.

I live in Bracknell, Berkshire. But I am happy to travel if it means the chance of meeting that special someone.

8th February 2013, 21:42
hi there Steve,and welcome, well that sounds like a familiar story from many many of us on here, but look at us all now, life is very good, may i ask why a fillipina, and why the phils too

stevie c
8th February 2013, 21:49
Hi Steve from another Steve :Wave:
Good luck in your search for a filipina I'm sure you won't regret it :xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th February 2013, 22:07
Hi Steve. Thanks for the welcome and reply. Good question. I know a couple (English husband and Filipino wife) ok, the have their ups and downs, but they seem happy. I would like that happiness.

8th February 2013, 22:10
Hi Steve from another Steve :Wave:
Good luck in your search for a filipina I'm sure you won't regret it :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I thought I better quote this. Two replies from two Steve's to a post by me...also Steve. (Confused yet? Hehehe)

Anyway, thank you. I hope my search works out well.

8th February 2013, 22:18
wait till the rest of the steve,s wake up, thats confussing,we all have our ups and downs, but its knowing that the person who you are having words with still loves you for who you are,
Iam sure there will be some ladies along soon who may be intrested or know someone, just take your time, try to visit the phils at some time too, better to go there to have someone waiting to meet you though,have you been on the internet looking too

8th February 2013, 22:49
How many Steve's are there? And here's me thinking I was unique. Hehehe!

That is true. Every couple have their ups and downs and disagreements, etc. but if you truly love each other you can get through it.

I have not been to the Philippines, yet, but I do have a plan to go. I am not sure going there to look for someone will be a good idea. I think that may take the enjoyment away from exploring the country, because that will be all I would concentrate on, if that makes sense? If I meet someone I want it to be....how can I explain.....natural? Something that happens accidentally. I guess that sounds almost fatalistic. If it happens it happens, kind of think.

To be honest. I am a little nervous of dating sites. I did try one. But the girl ended up asking for money for a phone, and then money to buy food for her family, etc. However, that is one girl among millions of others, and I never judge a nation on the actions of one (or a minority)

Also, since finding out about my ex-wife's affair (3 years ago) I lost a lot of confidence and find it a little hard to talk to women with the few of dating, marriage etc. plus I am not a good looking chap, by any means.

But I really cannot stand being alone anymore.

I would like to meet that special someone and I hope a girl here will take some interest in me or know someone that might be interested in me.

8th February 2013, 23:03
Sorry 'thing' not 'think
'View' not 'few'
I am sure there are many more spelling mistakes.

9th February 2013, 01:22
Hi Steve, definitely more Steves' needed on this thread. We have like Steve already said been in similar situations to you. But with time and some degree of luck you can find the right lady for you. Good luck and welcome to the forum.

Steve (1)

9th February 2013, 01:35
Hi Steve and welcome to the forum. I wish you good luck in your search :Hellooo:

9th February 2013, 01:42
hi the new steve lol, welcome to the forum, nice intro from you, dont put your looks down, to someone else will see the person inside and im sure your not as bad as you may think, put a profile photo up steve:biggrin:

im sure you will find a good lady, there will be some members here know some nice genuine ladys, good luck :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th February 2013, 08:21
Hi Steve, definitely more Steves' needed on this thread. We have like Steve already said been in similar situations to you. But with time and some degree of luck you can find the right lady for you. Good luck and welcome to the forum.

Steve (1)

steve 1 where has that come from,:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: age

9th February 2013, 08:30
once anyone gets knocked in life its hard to get back, but you must its all down to yourself to find a place to start, dont worry about your looks people will take you for who you are, again internet dating give it a try.
some on here has been court out sometime or other from a very nice lady, but can you blame them, they have to make a living too, but once you find that right person enjoy getting to know her well before you make plans to meet her in the phils,
a few tips, dont make any promises to her that you cant keep,
always tell the truth to her
use your eyes to find the woman of your dreams not your willy,
good luck

Michael Parnham
9th February 2013, 10:40
Welcome Steve, let us know how you progress!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th February 2013, 11:08
Thanks every one for you replies, greetings and well wishes.
My profile picture will be up soon.

I like the comment "use your eyes to find the woman of your dreams not your willy," Made me laugh. But that is so true. I will use my eyes and heart :)

Of course, I know every one needs to earn a living. I apologise if what I wrote sounded a bit harsh.

I am definitely going to go to the Philippines. So some travel advice would be very much appreciated.

I hope everyone will have a great weekend.

9th February 2013, 12:15
Hi Steve, welcome aboard :welcomex:

Good luck in your quest. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

We have quite a few single ladies looking for friends here, so be patient.

9th February 2013, 12:17
Hi Steve.

I would recommend dating sites. I think quite a few of our members have met through them (maybe most).

Yes, you will come across quite a lot of ladies on there just trying to scam you for money, but you soon get used to it and able to weed them out.

There are still thousands of genuine ones, so well worth the effort.

To start you off, 'dateinasia' is a good site, and free. There are scammers on there and there are plenty of 'ladyboys' too, but also many many genuine girls.

Give it a go, and the best of luck to you.

Always plenty of advice and support on here from those who have done exactly what you are contemplating. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th February 2013, 21:05
Hi steve i wish you luck in your search. :-) just be careful of dating sites some women do ask for a lot of things.i met my ex in a social network and we were together for almost 4 yrs and my only advice is to get to know her in person first before giving anything to her.theres nothing like meeting someone face to face to get to know her, to spend time with her just learning about her principles in life.. goodluck! :-)

Akilah Blythe
9th February 2013, 22:04
Hiya, first and foremost welcome to the forum. I understand where you're coming from and I wish you'd find the one who would truly treasure you. Good luck on your search..

10th February 2013, 03:31
My name is Steve. I am 43 years old, divorced. (My ex-wife was having an affair) I have one daughter - 11 years old. I work in property inspection, management. Sounds interesting but it is not and I am not one of those rich property owners.

My main reason for being here....well, I have been alone for 3 years and I would like to meet someone and I think, I hope a Filipino woman would be kind and loving and faithful.

I have never been to the Philippines and I do not know Tagalog.

I am not rich, I am not good looking but I hope someone will like / love me for who I am.

I enjoy music and I play....or at least try to play....the guitar.

I live in Bracknell, Berkshire. But I am happy to travel if it means the chance of meeting that special someone.

Hi Steve!! welcome to the forum!!!! loads of single ladies here like me rolf! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Goodluck and cheers!!!

Arthur Little
11th February 2013, 11:30
How many Steve's are there?

:smile: Popular *name on this site, Steve ... must be at least seven currently active members who share *it at the last count! :welcomex:

Arthur Little
11th February 2013, 11:39
And here's me thinking I was unique. Hehehe!

Ah ... but you ARE unique! Each and every one of our members IS, in his/her own way. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th February 2013, 11:50
Ah ... but you ARE unique! Each and every member here IS, in his/her own way. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I certainly agree to that! :smile:

Arthur Little
11th February 2013, 11:58
Another coincidence ... :cwm24:... you also happen to share MY middle initials ... JB!

12th February 2013, 01:25
Hi every one.
sorry for replying late. Been busy.
thank you for your replies and warm welcome. It is very much appreciated :)

12th February 2013, 01:26
Your single? Lets talk. LOL!

12th February 2013, 01:30
Hi steve i wish you luck in your search. :-) just be careful of dating sites some women do ask for a lot of things.i met my ex in a social network and we were together for almost 4 yrs and my only advice is to get to know her in person first before giving anything to her.theres nothing like meeting someone face to face to get to know her, to spend time with her just learning about her principles in life.. goodluck! :-)

Thank you for your advice.
I would rather meet face to face than online or a dating site.

I am sorry things went wrong between you and your ex.

Your my neighbour in Hampshire Hehehe!

12th February 2013, 02:47
Your single? Lets talk. LOL!

haha are you talking to me lol?!

Rather choose also to meet face to face. :)

I experienced also joining dating site, to be short all, i will never fall inlove again online haha :)( Strange thing :P) but it happened indeed. :doh:doh:doh


12th February 2013, 05:20
Hi Steve, I'm new to this site also, however i am settled here in Cebu with plans on returning to the UK later this year with 'company'. You have joined the right site to get some good responses and advice.

I did use dating sites to meet some girls before in the past and had met those few girls in person thereafter (mine was filipinaheart.com) but the irony is that i ended up meeting my GF out of the blue in a diving resort i stayed at upon meeting face to face. I think internet dating is fine as you will know from alot of forum posters here that it can and will find you happiness, but if you are coming here for a relatively decent duration it is not 100% necessary as girls are more approachable here than back in the UK.
As grahamw48 mentions above there will be people with alternative motives out there and pray on your unfortunate situation with your previous wife. Put it this way, alarm bells would ring if a UK girl asks for money off you straight away so why should you make the exception with someone anywhere else?

If you are deciding to head the Phils, before you go there is no harm in making some acquaintances online before hand but don't rely soley on this. How long will your visit to the Phils be? You are still considered 'young' over here and i'm sure you will receive some attention but try not to let it go to your head as some of this attention may be primarily on your status as a foreigner here and your finances alone.

It is very cheap to fly around the islands here at short notice so i recommend just getting a return ticket to Manila and make it up as you go along or even better, by-pass Manila completely (and subsequent frustrations and headaches) and fly into Cebu as they have an international airport connecting to South East Asia. If you are interested in meeting a special someone here, it is good to get a feel of the place and finding out about culture, how everything works around here as you will understand your future special someone far better. Resorts and recreational activities are cheap and even doing some island hopping you will still stand a good chance of meeting someone along the way. So head over with positivity but don't make it your ultimatum to meet someone here on the trip alone. Besides you can still go back to the option of online dating after your visit but with a new perspective!!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Also i advise you to check out the complications and hurdles you may face in the future with Visas and settlements. Not that it should be off-putting, but it's something that essentially has to be understood if you are to go down that road. It would be sad for you to endure yet more heartache.....

12th February 2013, 11:57
Good post Chris. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th February 2013, 13:42
Thank you for your advice.
I would rather meet face to face than online or a dating site.

I am sorry things went wrong between you and your ex.

Your my neighbour in Hampshire Hehehe!

There's nothing like face to face meet-up.

Thanks I'm recovering well from a good riddance :smile:

Whereabouts in Hampshire are you at?

13th February 2013, 13:45
haha are you talking to me lol?!

Rather choose also to meet face to face. :)

I experienced also joining dating site, to be short all, i will never fall inlove again online haha :)( Strange thing :P) but it happened indeed. :doh:doh:doh


i met a man online, but never fell for him till we met face to face. i don't think i'd ever fall in love over the wires. nevertheless, it lasted for 4 yrs so it was quite worth it. :biggrin::icon_lol:

22nd February 2013, 23:51
Thanks every one for the great replies and advice. I very much appreciate it :)