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11th February 2013, 12:51
Muslim fanatics spouting on British TV: Extremists use fringe stations to call for terror, murder and the torture of gay people

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2276753/Muslim-fanatics-spouting-British-TV-Extremists-use-fringe-stations-terror-murder-torture-gay-people.html#ixzz2KafpVj9A

There is a simple solution - jam their transmissions and shut them down

11th February 2013, 19:23
Now there's a surprise. :icon_rolleyes:

Quite agree Dedworth.

I don't see why us Infidels should be the only ones expected to obey the laws in this country, or be locked up. :NoNo:


11th February 2013, 19:39
Here's another case of people avoiding being locked up


Two brothers who swapped houses to con taxpayer out of £315,000 walk FREE after judge claims 'greatest punishment' was loss of their good names

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2277073/Two-brothers-organised-16-year-long-315-000-housing-Ilford-walk-free.html#ixzz2KcK6r5FK

11th February 2013, 21:21
Just sheer madness. :NoNo:

11th February 2013, 21:42
Just sheer madness. :NoNo:

Some good comments from readers -

"Why bother being honest while we have judges of this calibre"

"These people, ladies and gentlemen, are one of the reasons why there are tens of thousands of elderly people who cannot both eat and heat their homes. The judge (if that's what you can call him), Neil Sanders, is an absolute disgrace to the genuine people of UK."

"The loss of their good names. The Judge got his law degree out of a lucky bag. Thieving scum get away with this and a genuine mistake on a tax form is a £1000 fine. Asking for forgiveness my backside. They got caught. They would lose their hands in another world."

11th February 2013, 22:00
There is a terrible sickness affecting this country.

It makes me very sad, thinking of what lies further down the line for the good kids that some of us have made an effort to raise properly.

12th February 2013, 10:17
no comment.

12th February 2013, 13:35
Here's another case of people avoiding being locked up


Two brothers who swapped houses to con taxpayer out of £315,000 walk FREE after judge claims 'greatest punishment' was loss of their good names

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2277073/Two-brothers-organised-16-year-long-315-000-housing-Ilford-walk-free.html#ixzz2KcK6r5FK

That's quite sickening to read. It was a deliberate and prolonged crime involving over £300k.
I think there's something not right here I'm going to have to complain.
Here's a case involving an identical amount of money and the same judge sentenced the 58 year old white male to 5 1/2 years. This is a disgrace :cwm23:

12th February 2013, 13:35
That's quite sickening to read. It was a deliberate and prolonged crime involving over £300k.
I think there's something not right here I'm going to have to complain.
Here's a case involving an identical amount of money and the same judge sentenced the 58 year old white male to 5 1/2 years. This is a disgrace :cwm23:

Sorry here's the link to the other case


12th February 2013, 13:40
And some more Muslims set free for a horrible crime by the same judge :cwm23:


12th February 2013, 14:05
And some more Muslims set free for a horrible crime by the same judge :cwm23:


Judge needs reporting Marco - I got a fob off letter from OJC re another limpwrister stating they cannot investigate Judicial Decisions or Judicial Case Management. I'll be taking it up further as I can't say he has damaged public confidence in the judicial system without stating the farcical sentence he passed. I feel a surgery appt with Mrs May is on the cards