View Full Version : Let us pray

24th August 2007, 19:08
Hi Guys,

(Keith - I hope you do not mind such a thread as this)

No new threads from Al so far this week. To be honest - I have been very busy with work - but also VERY sad.
I was in tears this week because of the senseless execution of young Rhys Jones.

There is also young Madeline McCann to consider - and doubtless there are countless other children who have been murdered, abducted etc.....

Can I please ask all Christians on this site to say a special prayer for these poor children and their families. Maybe if God receives a strong enough message - He will do something about these terrible situations.

Thank you,


24th August 2007, 19:27
here here Alan,
The world is full of needless hate, crime and violence against those who deserve it least. I will definitely join you in a prayer to end this waste of life.

24th August 2007, 19:32
Thank you mate. God bless you. :)

24th August 2007, 19:40
Me too, Alan!! I hate this killing and kidnapping and whatever crimes.

24th August 2007, 20:00
yes i'm in
i'll pray too


24th August 2007, 20:07
God bless Charwill and Tom. :)

24th August 2007, 20:19
Although I am not prone to prayers, I realize that sometime faith might help.

But we also have to realize that the country's fabric has eroded, and very soon anarchy might reign.

Penny pinching politicians in power, have allowed this state of affairs to flourish. All the cuts in services, policing and what have you, have contributed to all this mess of today.

An 11 year old boy, gunned down in cold blood is something that you would never imagine happening in our society.

Yes I pray that it will not happen again.

I pray for my kids to be back home safe after school or the playground.

I pray for a different world to what we live in today.

Fiat Lux.

24th August 2007, 20:32
I agree Dom. Thank you.


24th August 2007, 20:39
According to the BBC news web site they have just announced that they have arrested a teenager for the murder; looks like the prayers worked.

25th August 2007, 04:12
Two were arrested but are out on bail...it breaks my heart to hear all these. I am bending my knees and joining you guys in your prayers of supplication.

25th August 2007, 06:08
I will pray for the victims and their families as well. God bless their souls...

25th August 2007, 09:33
I hope I don't cause to much offense, but the murderer is just as much a victim as the soul who was killed.

It's drugs that leads to people carrying guns, and odd laws that means the kid is carrying the gun for someone else.

The government needs to bring in harsher drug laws - and wipe out this problem for good.

25th August 2007, 10:04
I hope I don't cause to much offense, but the murderer is just as much a victim as the soul who was killed.

It's drugs that leads to people carrying guns, and odd laws that means the kid is carrying the gun for someone else.

The government needs to bring in harsher drug laws - and wipe out this problem for good.

And what..........???

Infringe the criminals "human rights"....?:Brick::Brick:

All the politicians are worried about is not to fall off the gravy train.

Yes, it is about time they get off their fat, safe pensioned:butthead::butthead::butthead: and do something constructive.

But I am not holding my breath.

Bring back the "birch".

Bring back national service

Give back the teachers discipline control in the classrooms.

Get rid of traffic cams, and send the bobbies back on the beat, where they belong, re-open village police stations, sub-post offices. Etc...

Deport any foreigner found guilty of ANY crime, regardless wether they get tortured in their own country or not.

And if they are illegal immigrants, it means then that they are "illegal" so there is no need for appeals and counter-appeals at huge cost to muggins...

Bring back the death penalty, some people might think twice before pulling that trigger...

I am a very tolerant person, but what is going on, really winds me up. I earnt my right to live here, I paid all my taxes, I only been on benefit once, due to being made redundant.
And now when I finally get to the age where I could slow down a bit, I find that I can't.

The murderer had the choice, to pull the trigger or not pull the trigger.... He chose to bring death.

The victim did not have any recourse to an appeal to this summary sentence.

My thoughts and prayers are with him and his family, and not with the scum that wasted such a promising young life.

May he rot in jail.

25th August 2007, 10:09
death penalty for people trafficking drugs would be a start. (or producing the drugs in this country)

- I would hope that would be enough to stub out the problem from the root.

6th September 2007, 19:05
Hi Guys,

What say we pray today for young Rhys Jones (and his family) as he is laid to rest.

Also - a special prayer for our brother Joe and his family in their time of need.

God bless everyone.


Pepe n Pilar
7th September 2007, 03:05
Yes le'ts pray for them... It is said that 2 or 3 gathered together God is in the midst of them....