View Full Version : received a special delivery about my FLR(M)

13th February 2013, 12:17
On Jan 19, we received a letter from the UKBA requesting my husband's passport and our bank statement. (it seems like it's a good thing to hear from them after nearly 9months of waiting:Cuckoo:) and so we manage to fix it 2days ago Feb 11. We sent it on next day delivery Feb 12. A day before the said deadline. :biggrin:
So this morning as i was in my room reading some posts in the forum, my husband came inside holding a big folder. That's when i realized it was our FLR(M) application Folder:cwm24:. Inside together with my passport and some important papers is a letter from them saying:

Dear Miss Flores

I am returning the enclosed passport(s) and other documents which you provided in support of your application. A Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) will be sent to you under separate cover. If you have not already receive it, it should reach you shortly...................

so now i will wait for the BRP within 10 working days. they said when i receive it, i need to check all my details are correct and if i find any mistake i need to send them an e-mail. :smile:

this is a good news but i won't rest until i got this permit so everything will be sorted out and hopefully i can move on with our lives. :icon_rolleyes:

i just want to thank all the people here in the forum for all your support and especially to 'experts' here thank you all! :icon_sorry:

MY FLR(M) timeline:
May 29,2012 - application sent via special delivery
June 13,2012 - passed to the casework unit
June 28, 2012 - letter requesting for Biometrics
july 06, 2012 - biometrics details submitted all the way in Exeter because we can't do it here in barnstaple
december 03, 2012- 6months later we called the UKBA for follow-up and confirmed it's been processed (thank God)
Jan 19,2013 - letter from the UKBA requesting myhusband's passport and recent bank statements deadline is Feb.13
Jan 21, 2013 - Dave's passport sent
Jan 29, 2013 - received passport bank
Feb 11,2013 - Bank statement sent via guaranteed next day delivery
Feb 12, 2013 - Bank statement delivered
Feb 13, 2013 - Got my passport, and important documents back
Feb ?? ,2013 - (to be filled up soon)

I will inform you all as soon as i got my BRP. :smile:

13th February 2013, 12:22
congratulations :smile:

13th February 2013, 12:25
congratulations :smile:
thank you :smile:

stevie c
13th February 2013, 12:31
Great news congrats & about time too :Jump:

13th February 2013, 12:36
Great news congrats & about time to :Jump:

thank you so much :smile:

13th February 2013, 12:47

13th February 2013, 12:49
My wifes permit was delivered by hand last week, several days later the passports arrived via royal mail special delivery, congratulations anyway Ana, just hope Rayna has good luck shortly too.

13th February 2013, 12:56

thank you so much xx

13th February 2013, 12:59
My wifes permit was delivered by hand last week, several days later the passports arrived via royal mail special delivery, congratulations anyway Ana, just hope Rayna has good luck shortly too.

ah i see thank you! ,hopefully i'll get mine too because after this i'll definitely find a job.
yeah i really hope and pray that rayna and other people will get some good news soon :)

13th February 2013, 13:11
wotwooo im sooo happy for you, congratulations....what did you do when you were reading the letter, i bet you were crying:bigcry:... :icon_lol:...tears of joy....:Jump:so very very happy for you both...hope the rest will get a possitive result soon. And happy on Valentines day. Enjoy:biggrin:

13th February 2013, 13:18
wotwooo im sooo happy for you, congratulations....what did you do when you were reading the letter, i bet you were crying:bigcry:... :icon_lol:...tears of joy....:Jump:so very very happy for you both...hope the rest will get a possitive result soon. And happy on Valentines day. Enjoy:biggrin:

thanks sis gwen! :BouncyHappy:
true...i almost cried sis , finally after 8 months i can somehow do what i want to do. i just need to wait for my brp. so yeah i am very excited sis. i will find work as soon as possible. any , i mean any job will do :biggrin:

13th February 2013, 13:20
congrats!!! its nearly 9-10 months of wait for you miss ana! well done! im happy for you! KEEP THE BRP FLOWING PLEASE!!!!

13th February 2013, 13:27
thanks sis gwen! :BouncyHappy:
true...i almost cried sis , finally after 8 months i can somehow do what i want to do. i just need to wait for my brp. so yeah i am very excited sis. i will find work as soon as possible. any , i mean any job will do :biggrin:

thats what i thought, coz when i read your message i felt like im the one who recieve my FLR hahaha felt like crying too, hmmnnn just so happy to hear you got yours, and hopefully the rest will get theirs today, tomorrow or soon..:Jump:

13th February 2013, 13:32
thats what i thought, coz when i read your message i felt like im the one who recieve my FLR hahaha felt like crying too, hmmnnn just so happy to hear you got yours, and hopefully the rest will get theirs today, tomorrow or soon..:Jump:

awww you're so sweet sis . i feel like since a number of us here in the forum finally got their result ,the rest will be too. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
13th February 2013, 13:36
:Jump: Ana ... I'm delighted for both you and Dave; Congratulations! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th February 2013, 14:01
:Jump: Ana ... I'm delighted for both you and Dave; Congratulations! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

sir, you know what i've been through while waiting for nearly 8 months for this. thank you for your expert advice and support sir. :thankyou:

13th February 2013, 14:14
:xxgrinning--00xx3: after 9 months of :bigcry::Brick:

13th February 2013, 14:25
:xxgrinning--00xx3: after 9 months of :bigcry::Brick:

totally right.. :thankyou:

13th February 2013, 14:59
Congrats Ana..:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Doc Alan
13th February 2013, 15:04
Great news Ana, even if I'm not one of the experts who could help you, thank you for sharing your " timeline " and best wishes in your job search :xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th February 2013, 15:09
At long last !!
Congratulations :Jump:

Onwards and upwards :xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th February 2013, 15:39
congratulations :Jump::xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th February 2013, 15:43
Ahhhh a gift from UKBA nice one ! Congratulations MissAna and advance Happy Valentines day ..:smile::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Akilah Blythe
13th February 2013, 15:44
Congratulations ana, happy for you indeed. You're relieved at last. I'm just praying the rest of us who's been waiting in vain would finally be given such relief as well.

13th February 2013, 16:45
Great news Ana, even if I'm not one of the experts who could help you, thank you for sharing your " timeline " and best wishes in your job search :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:Wave: Doc alan,you're one of the experts here . your threads about healthcare and nursing stuffs are really helpful . thank you sir. :thankyou:

13th February 2013, 16:49
congrats!!! its nearly 9-10 months of wait for you miss ana! well done! im happy for you! KEEP THE BRP FLOWING PLEASE!!!!

:thankyou: i will update you guys.. i promise :smile:

13th February 2013, 16:57
Congrats Ana..:xxgrinning--00xx3:

:thankyou: i pray that your FLR(M) application will be sorted soon :smile:

13th February 2013, 17:00
At long last !!
Congratulations :Jump:

Onwards and upwards :xxgrinning--00xx3:

thank you sir Terpe :thankyou: your expert advice and knowledge helps us a lot :icon_sorry: :smile:

13th February 2013, 17:02
congratulations :Jump::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ahhhh a gift from UKBA nice one ! Congratulations MissAna and advance Happy Valentines day ..:smile::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Congratulations ana, happy for you indeed. You're relieved at last. I'm just praying the rest of us who's been waiting in vain would finally be given such relief as well.

:68711_thanx: i'll keep you guys updated . :xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th February 2013, 17:05
Congrats :xxgrinning--00xx3:,, im still waiting my flr.

13th February 2013, 17:14
Congrats :xxgrinning--00xx3:,, im still waiting my flr.

:68711_thanx: how long have you been waiting? :smile:

13th February 2013, 17:19
Im waiting 2months now, hopefully i get it soon.

13th February 2013, 17:25
Im waiting 2months now, hopefully i get it soon.

ah i see.. have you done your biometrics already ? if yes, then you'll get yours soon :smile:

13th February 2013, 17:54
Congrats :xxgrinning--00xx3:,, im still waiting my flr.

When did u submit your application sky ?

13th February 2013, 17:58
i just done my biometric yesterday, malchard, i submit last december 12.

13th February 2013, 19:27
I think UKBA is already moving slowly...:biggrin:
Congratulations Miss Ana and Dave.:Jump::Jump::Jump:
What a nice Valentine's Day gift received:biggrin:
Is UKBA getting more romantic, I wonder:Erm:

13th February 2013, 19:40
I think UKBA is already moving slowly...:biggrin:
Congratulations Miss Ana and Dave.:Jump::Jump::Jump:
What a nice Valentine's Day gift received:biggrin:
Is UKBA getting more romantic, I wonder:Erm:

:thankyou: yeah i guess they are and i'm glad they finally come to their senses ever since the bad publicity they're having :thumbsdown:
:icon_lol: it is a perfect gift for valentines day from the UKBA. they are not so bad after all :rolleyes:

Michael Parnham
13th February 2013, 19:47
Wonderful news Ana, so pleased for you, hope Rayna receives hers soon! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th February 2013, 19:49
:wink: COngrats MissAnna

:Jump: :Jump: finally.
I'm sure your BRP will be delivered soon-
I got my BRP the next day- after I got my docs back. :)
Happy for you and your husband..
Hope the rest will get theirs soon.

13th February 2013, 19:59
:wink: COngrats MissAnna

:Jump: :Jump: finally.
I'm sure your BRP will be delivered soon-
I got my BRP the next day- after I got my docs back. :)
Happy for you and your husband..
Hope the rest will get theirs soon.

:thankyou: sis!really next day? wow
that's fast. so when i got my BRP, my next problem is what to do next??? can anyone answer please

13th February 2013, 20:30
:thankyou: yeah i guess they are and i'm glad they finally come to their senses ever since the bad publicity they're having :thumbsdown:
:icon_lol: it is a perfect gift for valentines day from the UKBA. they are not so bad after all :rolleyes:

They're not good..they're blind and deaf and got no sense at all..:cwm23:

13th February 2013, 20:59
They're not good..they're blind and deaf and got no sense at all..:cwm23:

i agree 100%

vernier caliper
13th February 2013, 21:01
so when I got my BRP, my next problem is what to do next??? can anyone answer please

Your next action depends on your plan. If you want:
1. To work - read this http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/ni/intro/number.htm to arrange National Insurance Number.

2. To drive - read this https://www.gov.uk/apply-first-provisional-driving-licence to apply for provisional driving license.

3. To change your passport and use your husband last name go to http://philembassy-uk.org/consular-matters/passport. Once you received the passport, read this to renew your BRP http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/visas-immigration/while-in-uk/do-i-need-brp/responsibilities/. This action is not advisable, your BRP will be stocked again to UKBA for at least 6 months:NoNo:.

4. To travel EU - read this http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/34737-Schengen-Visa-Process?highlight=schengen+visa

5. To go Philippines - buy ticket and fly immediately:icon_lol:.

Congrats MissAna on your BRP. Happy heart's day!

13th February 2013, 21:13
Your next action depends on your plan. If you want:
1. To work - read this http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/ni/intro/number.htm to arrange National Insurance Number.

2. To drive - read this https://www.gov.uk/apply-first-provisional-driving-licence to apply for provisional driving license.

3. To change your passport and use your husband last name go to http://philembassy-uk.org/consular-matters/passport. Once you received the passport, read this to renew your BRP http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/visas-immigration/while-in-uk/do-i-need-brp/responsibilities/. This action is not advisable, your BRP will be stocked again to UKBA for at least 6 months:NoNo:.

4. To travel EU - read this http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/34737-Schengen-Visa-Process?highlight=schengen+visa

5. To go Philippines - buy ticket and fly immediately:icon_lol:.

Congrats MissAna on your BRP. Happy heart's day!

oh my :thankyou: so much for this information it really helps me a lot. :BouncyHappy:
my plan is ,i want to work as soon as possible then, save some money, learn to drive,and go back to the philippines :Jump: but i know it won't be that easy.

vernier caliper
13th February 2013, 21:24
save some money, learn to drive

You need to save a lot of money. DL1 application, theory test, car, driving lessons and practical test is a BIG COST!:doh Anyway, good luck on your job hunting. Happy days:smile::smile::smile:

13th February 2013, 21:26
Congrats! Your early Valentine's gift from UKBA. I wish everyone will be happy like you. :Wave::Yippeee::veryhappy::hug-1:

13th February 2013, 21:31
You need to save a lot of money. DL1 application, theory test, car, driving lessons and practical test is a BIG COST!:doh Anyway, good luck on your job hunting. Happy days:smile::smile::smile:

yeah i heard it's costly :NoNo: i'll just take my plans one step at a time.
i have a question, i hope you can help me
when i got my BRP, the name written there is my maiden name right? so when i try to apply some work, will i use my married name or my single name?
also my passport is still on my maiden name. when should i apply to change it? it expires on 2015

vernier caliper
13th February 2013, 21:53
For the meantime use your maiden name in all your applications (i.e. bank, national insurance, work, licence) matching to both your BRP and Passport.

I suggest to renew your passport atleast 2 months before you apply for ILR. Ensure your passport will be received before your FLRM expires.

13th February 2013, 22:01
Congrats! I wish everyone will be as lucky as you. But not waiting for a long time. Lol. :hubbahubba:

13th February 2013, 22:18
For the meantime use your maiden name in all your applications (i.e. bank, national insurance, work, licence) matching to both your BRP and Passport.

I suggest to renew your passport atleast 2 months before you apply for ILR. Ensure your passport will be received before your FLRM expires.

ah so i need to follow what's written on my BRP and passport. thank you so much again for telling me such an important information in order for me to start a new life. :smile:

13th February 2013, 22:20
Congrats! I wish everyone will be as lucky as you. But not waiting for a long time. Lol. :hubbahubba:

:68711_thanx: did you apply for FLR(M) also?

13th February 2013, 22:40
Congratulations Ana :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th February 2013, 00:37
Fantastic news Ana, congratulations and well done! :Jump: I hope that you are able to find a job quickly and wish you the very best of luck :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th February 2013, 08:52
Fantastic news Ana, congratulations and well done! :Jump: I hope that you are able to find a job quickly and wish you the very best of luck :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:thankyou: so much for your kind words , i really appreciate it.

17th February 2013, 15:00
Congratulations Ana. Great news!

Do these BRP's get delivered by the Royal Mail? If so I don't have to keep waiting in for ours to be delivered...
Last time I had a residents permit delivered it was by a private courier service. :cwm25:

17th February 2013, 15:02
Congratulations Ana. Great news!

Do these BRP's get delivered by the Royal Mail? If so I don't have to keep waiting in for ours to be delivered...
Last time I had a residents permit delivered it was by a private courier service. :cwm25:

I think UKBA uses DX courier, as what others have said. They don't want these BRPs to be misplaced as it's a very important document. Hence they need proof of identifications and signature when it's delivered.

17th February 2013, 15:48
yet all MY important stuff such as passport, marriage license etc. came via Royal Mail Special Delivery. Maybe that's not so important to them ...

17th February 2013, 15:51
yet all MY important stuff such as passport, marriage license etc. came via Royal Mail Special Delivery. Maybe that's not so important to them ...

If you provided them with a Royal Mail Special delivery envelope, then they would use that as it's already been paid. I don't know which one they would use if in case you haven't. They probably would use the same courier service with the brp.

17th February 2013, 15:56
no I never provided with any envelope for RM special delivery - it just came that way. Thats was why I was wondering if they'd switched from the couriers to the RM special delivery service.

17th February 2013, 16:03
no I never provided with any envelope for RM special delivery - it just came that way. Thats was why I was wondering if they'd switched from the couriers to the RM special delivery service.

Well you can ask UKBA if you really want to know. But like what others have said, BRPs are delivered by DX courier.

17th February 2013, 16:09
ok thanks raynaputi :smile:

17th February 2013, 16:16
Well you can ask UKBA if you really want to know. But like what others have said, BRPs are delivered by DX courier.

I kid you not but about 10 years ago the Passport Agency "Courier" just handed me a plain envelope containing my new passport no signature - he was a dodgy looking Kurdish or Iraqi "asylum seeker" driving a 20 year old toyota. I took this up with the PA and they told me their contractor must have (without authorisation) subbed the work out.

17th February 2013, 21:59
my wifes BRP was hand delivered by a guy with a UKBA motif in his sweater, passports etc arrived a few days later via recorded delivery

19th February 2013, 09:16
Congratulations!:xxgrinning--00xx3: I'm still waiting for my FLR and hope to hear from UKBA soon:pray:

Akilah Blythe
19th February 2013, 10:10
Hi smileyangel, been waiting for mine too for more than 7 months now. How bout you?

19th February 2013, 10:20
Congratulations Ana!
You were asking what to do next. How about you study and take the Life in the UK Test? So you have all the time to focus on studying/reviewing for the test before you start working.

Hope everyone who has been waiting for their FLR (M) will get theirs soon. :wink:

20th February 2013, 10:11
Hi smileyangel, been waiting for mine too for more than 7 months now. How bout you?
Not that long yet Akilah as compared to you, I'm patiently waiting for almost 4 months now :Erm:

20th February 2013, 10:13
Hope everyone who has been waiting for their FLR (M) will get theirs soon. :wink:

Thanks Filbrit! Hoping the same too :xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st February 2013, 16:19
guys i finally got my BRP card (biometric residence permit card) :woohoo: i'm simply over the moon about it! also my husband is pleased for me. I'm so excited for our future together :603785: :hugx:

21st February 2013, 16:23
guys i finally got my BRP card (biometric residence permit card) :woohoo: i'm simply over the moon about it! also my husband is pleased for me. I'm so excited for our future together :603785: :hugx:

I'm very pleased for you MissAna. I know how it feels. ;)
Have you decided if you are taking the LITUK test before March 25?

21st February 2013, 18:14
guys i finally got my BRP card (biometric residence permit card) :woohoo: i'm simply over the moon about it! also my husband is pleased for me. I'm so excited for our future together :603785: :hugx:

Congratulations :Jump:

Good job, well done :xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st February 2013, 18:17
guys i finally got my BRP card (biometric residence permit card) :woohoo: i'm simply over the moon about it! also my husband is pleased for me. I'm so excited for our future together :603785: :hugx:

woow ...Congrats:xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st February 2013, 18:32
Congrats Ana! :Jump:

21st February 2013, 19:08
I'm very pleased for you MissAna. I know how it feels. ;)
Have you decided if you are taking the LITUK test before March 25?

thank you so much!
i think i won't be able to take the exam on march. if only i study ahead of time i would have to :doh so now the plan is to find a job first. :smile:

21st February 2013, 19:09
Congratulations :Jump:

Good job, well done :xxgrinning--00xx3:

woow ...Congrats:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Congrats Ana! :Jump:

:thankyou: i really appreciate it.

21st February 2013, 19:12
Congrats ana:xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st February 2013, 19:27
Great news Missana! You must be very happy.
Am still waiting for our BRP but hoping it's going to be very very soon! :76: