View Full Version : Schengen Visa

15th February 2013, 22:32
Hello Ladies and Gents!
Hope everyone had a lovely and romantic Celebration of the Valentine's Day.

Can I just please ask if anyone in the forum had just recently applied for a Schengen Visa?
Would love to know how and where to start applying for one. Look forward to your help and advice. Thank you very much!

15th February 2013, 22:39
hi -you might find info here http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/34737-Schengen-Visa-Process?highlight=schengen+visa

15th February 2013, 23:33

My previous schengen visa expired last year Nov 21, 2012. It was well used schengen visa.
When I did have a look 3 weeks ago, they have slightly changed for no appearance.. the TLS for France will require for Certificate of Employment. That's it.

But depends where you go. Like for Belgium it is only 1-3 days, Austria is the same but needs to be there in London for appointment.

I was going to apply for snowboarding holiday. But unfortunately my spouse visa will ran out on 2nd March 2013 and just went yesterday to Solihull for ILR and won't hear from them for 7 days specially we made a mistake about claiming child benefits on my name instead of my husband's name.