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17th February 2013, 09:00
Well another facebook story coming your way, sad as -----k as i call it,
Dont get me wrong its a fantastic way to talk to people so far away and talking nice too, but with so many people wanting to call everyone from a pig to a c----, well its not for me.
Anyway for this little moan i have just found out that my brothers mum in law has past away, its all on sad as ---k written on there by her grand kids
Is this the new way of doing things or is it me just living in the past,
Answers on here please not on sad as ---k

Michael Parnham
17th February 2013, 10:10
Steve your not alone, it should be used in a adult manner, I find that a lot of people seem to be extremely childish and uneducated whilst using Facebook, just my opinion!:wink:

17th February 2013, 11:11
I used to use Facebook a little, never very much, and finally removed my page, it never felt secure to me.

When my eldest brother was having cancer treatment last year, I did a fair bit of driving them to the ferry to go to mainland hospital appointments and like, then he was admitted to a hospice to have his medication level adjusted, I thought he was getting close to the end, and they knew but his wife said she wanted to keep how long between them and their children, which was fair enough.

My brother who still uses Facebook then said a granddaughter of my eldest brother has posted on Facebook that he was given 2 or 3 months.

It was more the granddaughter's fault than Facebook itself, but it would not have happened without Facebook.

He died within a week.

17th February 2013, 11:18

17th February 2013, 12:04
You can never deny that technology is growing everyday. And it makes things easier than it used to. When my grandmother died a couple of weeks ago, Facebook was one way of informing relatives and friends who are miles away and get the news that quickly. My siblings and cousins posted what happened too in Facebook, from the moment my grandma had the stroke till the funeral. We asked for friends' prayers as we needed it. We asked for sympathy as that's one way of releasing the sadness we felt. I'm not sure which thing you considered as sad as ---k. But some things may be a comfort for others and not for you, or the other way around. If my family informed all the relatives and friends of the passing of my grandma the normal way, they might have spent extra money just for calls overseas. Facebook is one of the best thing invented for me in terms of connecting to families and friends, as it's very easy. As long as you take control of who you add to your friends list, there would be no problem. If you don't like the posts of certain people, delete them. That's what I do.

17th February 2013, 12:14
You can never deny that technology is growing everyday. And it makes things easier than it used to. When my grandmother died a couple of weeks ago, Facebook was one way of informing relatives and friends who are miles away and get the news that quickly. My siblings and cousins posted what happened too in Facebook, from the moment my grandma had the stroke till the funeral. We asked for friends' prayers as we needed it. We asked for sympathy as that's one way of releasing the sadness we felt. I'm not sure which thing you considered as sad as ---k. But some things may be a comfort for others and not for you, or the other way around. If my family informed all the relatives and friends of the passing of my grandma the normal way, they might have spent extra money just for calls overseas. Facebook is one of the best thing invented for me in terms of connecting to families and friends, as it's very easy. As long as you take control of who you add to your friends list, there would be no problem. If you don't like the posts of certain people, delete them. That's what I do.

I agree! FB helped me a lot in terms of communication. Liking and getting used to it I think depends on someones circumstances but for me like Rayna feels its one of the best thing we have. You can keep your profile private and add people that you only you makes its secure.

17th February 2013, 12:20
Rayna i understand what you are saying,and treated properly it is a fantastic thing, my problem is when your family lives in the same town even a few streets away but cant be bothered to tell you face to face or even a phone call, but are so quick to make the news on facebook, being from a large family we tend to find out from other members about things like this, have you heard this and that, but for some reason that has not happened, my poor sister has brought a condolence card but is afraid to send it just in case she is wrong, may be its just my family but either way its wrong for someone so close

17th February 2013, 12:22
I use facebook, but I only put on it what I dont mind people knowing. If you post something on there and then get upset when people say something, then that is your fault in the first place....

The one thing that annoys me about it is the fact that when i make a post on somebodys page, or like somebodys comment. It will say so in the sidebar for all my friends to see. Sometimes I don't want everyone of my friends to know what I wrote on x's page! but there is no way to turn this off.

17th February 2013, 12:26
I use facebook. :)

It's great for communicating with friends and family.

You just have be sensible with the privacy settings, and if something personal needs saying, then you just use the private message feature. :)

17th February 2013, 13:51
facebook is important for me especially that i'm here in the uk now. facebook is a cheap and easy way to talk to my family. i say cheap because we dont need to call each other because the email or video call is there.
i remember when i was little , we have lots of small tapes with the recorded voice of my aunt living in australia :icon_lol: so it means she have to send those mini tapes all the way from australia just to update us there. bless her heart. :icon_rolleyes: :smile:

by the way guys i made a second FB account because my old one reached it's maximum friend limit already :biggrin: and this time i promise to my self i won't accept whom i don't know. :nono-1-1: so if anyone want to add me as a friend just let me know, you can visit my forum page and click my profile link. take care guys! i'm still waiting for my BRP. *sigh

17th February 2013, 13:56

17th February 2013, 13:59
you can easily block, unfriend, or put them on your restricted list if you don't like somebody in facebook. or if you want, you can adjust your privacy settings in your account. :smile:

17th February 2013, 14:09
you can easily block, unfriend, or put them on your restricted list if you don't like somebody in facebook. or if you want, you can adjust your privacy settings in your account. :smile:

i cant block them, i have no friends:bigcry:, billy no mates i am called:NoNo:

17th February 2013, 14:19
i cant block them, i have no friends:bigcry:, billy no mates i am called:NoNo:

well now you have, i am well happy to add you as a friend :smile::xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th February 2013, 14:30
Sometimes, there are people who thinks that if something doesn't concern the other person, they may choose not to tell them of such things. No wonder there are parents who never know who their sons/daughters are dating. Also, some people would contact you only if they want something. Keith's kids only text him if they want something and Keith's ignoring their Facebook messages, or if they can't connect to Facebook and want something really bad. It's how kids/younger generation these days act in general. Keith's sister would relay/pass her message for Keith to their parents and not directly even though she knows all Keith's numbers. And we don't know why she does that. Sometimes we have to accept that we can be important or not to other people, even to our own relatives or families.

17th February 2013, 16:53
Love FACEBOOK that's part of my daily routine. :smile: But when I post something I need to be sensible not to offend other people and not using it for "SHOWING OFF".:yikes:

17th February 2013, 21:07
face book its a great tool for finding out truths:xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th February 2013, 21:59
A tool is only as good as how you use it. :wink: :smile:
I try to limit it, just for close family and friends that you can really talk to.

18th February 2013, 01:54
I' ve got two fb page one is for having fun with friends and acquaintances and one exclusively for my family and relatives. I am a private person so giving personal info online is somewhat i limit myself.

18th February 2013, 03:08
I guess its ok :xxgrinning--00xx3: don't worry stevewool they just wanna show their point, but yes many people use FB some in a good way but some wanna use it in a very insensible way, i remember one of my two friends almost got a fight :icon_lol: but they also got ok after awhile. My FB is only use for close family since i also have some not-likeable relatives :icon_lol: and closefriends and i make it private now.

Michael Parnham
18th February 2013, 09:16
May I be so bold as to ask, whats wrong with E-Mail? surely its more private and personal !

18th February 2013, 09:25
May I be so bold as to ask, whats wrong with E-Mail? surely its more private and personal !
Agree, that is my preferd method:xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th February 2013, 10:37
I hate Facebook .... I have to keep going on it to do battle with other :furious3: fleets in Battle Pirates :biggrin: