View Full Version : It's MY job to deport foreigners who commit serious crime - and I'll fight any judge

17th February 2013, 09:36
lets see action not words, not fight a judge but sack them for being incompetent

Unless there are very exceptional circumstances, foreigners who have committed serious crimes in this country, or who have attempted to cheat the immigration system, should be deported from Britain.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2279828/Its-MY-job-deport-foreigners-commit-crime--Ill-fight-judge-stands-way-says-Home-Secretary.html#ixzz2L8xzfRe5

17th February 2013, 12:43
why not let them stay,,,, IN A BODY BAG :biggrin:

17th February 2013, 14:40
Well done Mrs May :xxgrinning--00xx3:- interesting quote from the Biased Broadcasting Corporation who normally side with filth and limp wristed judges :-

She noted that one judge had justified his decision on the basis that the new guidance had been subject only to "a weak form of Parliamentary scrutiny". I hope his name and address are widely publicised


There's also a good write up in the Telegraph :-

Theresa May: I’ll bring in new law to end human rights farce


17th February 2013, 15:00
i thought judges were suppose to follow what the law was and not do what they think, Mp's are elected by the public and the public want what the mp's want, criminals should be deported, no if's or buts :cwm23:

17th February 2013, 16:09
i thought judges were suppose to follow what the law was and not do what they think, Mp's are elected by the public and the public want what the mp's want, criminals should be deported, no if's or buts :cwm23:

Quite right Joe I'll be raising this when I meet her along with the matter of the inept Office for Judicial Complaints