View Full Version : Stop Romanian & Bulgarian Immigration Petition

18th February 2013, 11:59
I've just received this round robin email. Seems I've already signed it .............

Literally millions of Bulgarians and Romanians will soon be eligible to descend on the UK and Ireland in much the same way as the Poles did some years ago. Whilst most of the Poles who emigrated to the UK are industrious and hard working the same cannot be said for the Bulgarians and Romanians. It is no coincidence that these two countries are the poorest in Europe . They have systematically impoverished themselves through their leaning towards corruption at all levels of society and serious criminality. Its almost in their DNA. Quite why these countries were ever admitted to the EU defies reason, but that's what the unelected hierarchy in Brussels decided the rest of Europe needed! They didn't have to worry about getting re-elected when they made that decision on our behalf. One can only speculate on their motives.
Certainly many hundreds of thousands of Bulgarians and Romanians will be free to leave their countries for the greener grass in the rest of the EU, and most of them will, if the Polish experience is anything to go by. The Poles were driven by their need to have a job. The probability is that the Bulgarians and Romanians will be driven by state hand-outs and the ease with which they are handed out. No prizes for guessing whose Social Security and Health Service will be at the top of their list of where to pitch up complete with extended families.
Here's an opportunity to support a Government e-petition to put off the automatic right of entry for these people who have, by and large, wrecked their own countries to the extent that they don't want to live there any more.

Go To http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/41492 and sign it.

Please send this to everyone you know
Then ask your friends and family to do the same.
100,000 signatures triggers a Parliamentary debate and we know that Call me Dave is not happy about the EU making such decisions to the detriment of the UK .
He might also do a bit better in the polls if he does something about this unwanted influx . . .

18th February 2013, 12:11

18th February 2013, 12:13
Well done Andy :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th February 2013, 12:16
I wish there was one to ban all europeans.

18th February 2013, 12:25
all done and dusted:xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th February 2013, 12:36
Done !

18th February 2013, 12:42
Soon every street will have one


18th February 2013, 16:02
:xxgrinning--00xx3: done

18th February 2013, 16:21

Arthur Little
18th February 2013, 18:57
Seems I've already signed it .............

... me too ... on January 29 apparently. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th February 2013, 19:14
However the EUSSR make our laws at the moment so I don't hold out much hope.

Michael Parnham
18th February 2013, 20:03

18th February 2013, 20:10
Please encourage a few more to sign and perhaps it will get to 100,000 quickly. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th February 2013, 20:36
Please encourage a few more to sign and perhaps it will get to 100,000 quickly. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

the sad thing is marco, the Reconsider West Coast Mainline franchise decision petition which i signed when virgin lost it, got well over 100,000 signatures in a few days. stop badger cull got 175,000.

i doubt this will do anything like these numbers, but i hope im wrong.

19th February 2013, 08:22
Soon every street will have one


A up that looks like part of the wall that goes around York, and come to think of it, look closer to her/his back is that a bum bag, Graham is that you

19th February 2013, 08:24
it says i cant sign this again, cant remember signing it before,AM I BANNED

19th February 2013, 20:43
An English guy I know is married to a Romanian and of course he has visited their country often and tells me that the word on the street is that many are gonna make the journey as this country is seen as a joke with regards to the ease it is to get handouts and how easy it is to get away with criminal acts and even if caught, sentencing is derisory. The decent folk there will also be glad to get rid of many of the thieving types (u know who im talking about) as they will decend on us next year and a burglar alarm fitter i know is expecting a surge in business once they get a foothold here as homeowners will feel the need for added protection to keep hold of what they have worked hard for.

Michael Parnham
19th February 2013, 20:53

20th February 2013, 12:16

I hope this isn't going to be the tipping point for the sort of civil strife that our foolish governments by their past actions and present inaction have made almost inevitable. :NoNo:

I mourn the passing of a once proud and independent nation.


20th February 2013, 13:39
Just recd this email

Thank you for your email to Theresa May.

The Government have not prepared forecasts of likely inflows from Romania and Bulgaria once restrictions are lifted. Such forecasts are unlikely to be reliable because they are dependent on too many variable factors. The Government do not routinely produce forecasts or estimates of future levels of migration from individual countries. The difficulty in producing a reliable forecast of likely levels of migration is in this instance accentuated by the fact that the United Kingdom is not the only member state that will be required to lift existing labour market restrictions on Bulgarian and Romanian nationals on 31 December 2013.

Rather than produce speculative projections, the Government is focusing on work to cut out abuse of free movement and address pull factors, such as access to benefits and public services.

Thank you again for writing.

I've replied as follows :-

Deputy PM Clegg has admitted that the Government has seen estimated figures of the numbers of Romanians and Bulgarians expected to come to the UK. Is Theresa in favour or not of releasing these estimates to the public ?

20th February 2013, 13:53
Good work Dedworth. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th February 2013, 14:06
I've also signed this one.

Seems to be going a bit slow, only 35,384 so far.

Personally, I only signed up to make a point and join the 'many' but looks like it may not be that many.

One of the cornerstones of EU treaties is freedom of movement.

Lets see how quickly this one moves up

20th February 2013, 14:21
One of the cornerstones of EU treaties is freedom of movement.

but before countries could join the EU their standard of living should have been on par with other EU members.

it's easy to let poor countries join the EU rather than someone to actually try and end the poverty :doh

20th February 2013, 14:27
There's huge difference between what the EU should do and what the EU actually does.

Nothing to be done it's not a democratic organisation

20th February 2013, 19:13
my husband signed :xxgrinning--00xx3:
.. hate those beggars in London they look posh in their UGGS and Parka Jacket:cwm23:

20th February 2013, 20:34
Just recd this email

Thank you for your email to Theresa May.

The Government have not prepared forecasts of likely inflows from Romania and Bulgaria once restrictions are lifted. Such forecasts are unlikely to be reliable because they are dependent on too many variable factors. The Government do not routinely produce forecasts or estimates of future levels of migration from individual countries. The difficulty in producing a reliable forecast of likely levels of migration is in this instance accentuated by the fact that the United Kingdom is not the only member state that will be required to lift existing labour market restrictions on Bulgarian and Romanian nationals on 31 December 2013.

Rather than produce speculative projections, the Government is focusing on work to cut out abuse of free movement and address pull factors, such as access to benefits and public services.

Thank you again for writing.

I've replied as follows :-

Deputy PM Clegg has admitted that the Government has seen estimated figures of the numbers of Romanians and Bulgarians expected to come to the UK. Is Theresa in favour or not of releasing these estimates to the public ?
They dont know how immigrants are here now so how are they going to know the answer to that one.? :icon_rolleyes: