View Full Version : Prince Philip Strikes Again!

20th February 2013, 19:27
Today at a UK hospital came out with one of his usual classics to a Filipino nurse:

“The Philippines must be half empty – you’re all here running the NHS.”


20th February 2013, 19:36
I think he's past caring about putting his foot in it.


Arthur Little
20th February 2013, 19:48
I think he's past caring about putting his foot in it.

:biggrin: ... customary quip from HRH, who's had "one foot in the grave for years.

Arthur Little
20th February 2013, 20:08
Today at a UK hospital came out with one of his usual classics to a Filipino nurse:

“The Philippines must be half empty – you’re all here *running the NHS.”


Ah ... *IF only! :icon_rolleyes: ... they'd make a far better job of it, :yeahthat: I'm certain!

20th February 2013, 20:28
I have got to admit I am not a royalist but if I had to like one it would be him.:wink:

20th February 2013, 20:29
yes he,s right if the philippines was to stop, most of industry wouldnt run as many work in hospitals nursing homes oil shipping. a lot do more than we know keep it up philip, tell it how it should be said :xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th February 2013, 20:52

20th February 2013, 22:21
Classic !!!

20th February 2013, 23:11
He really is soooo funny! :icon_lol: :xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st February 2013, 00:10
Good lad...keep em coming. :icon_lol:

For a Greek, he's more British than a lot of Brits. :biggrin:

21st February 2013, 07:41
I hope he realises how caring and necessary they are too.

The first Filipina's I met were when I was in hospital.

21st February 2013, 07:52
Can't really see how anyone could get upset about THIS remark though - it's not an attack or anything, and if anything it's almost complementary.

Some of the things he's said in the past have been a bit off the wall, but a certain documentary about him a year ago, he's not the duffer some people paint him as - he's likeable, and it's a shame he had to cut short his military career which he loved, due to circumstances.
He really doesn't get the recognition he deserves

21st February 2013, 08:38
Many a true word is spoken in jest :xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st February 2013, 11:49
He really is soooo funny! :icon_lol: :xxgrinning--00xx3:

And yet some idiots would call it racist :doh :anerikke: :76:

21st February 2013, 13:50
And yet some idiots would call it racist :doh :anerikke: :76:

I think it's only classed as racist by the "usual suspects" if the joke is aimed at certain groups. Now if he had said about Pakistan being empty and all here, the uproar would have been nuclear.

21st February 2013, 15:49
He was simply engaging in a bit of 'traditional' harmless British banter...something the pain in the backside politically-correct whiners have no concept of. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I also watched that documentary about Prince Phillip's life story, and at the end of it I too had really warmed to the guy and was left being thankful that the Queen was fortunate enough to have married such a decent and admirable man. :smile:

21st February 2013, 18:39
Lack of humour should be classed as a mental health :Erm:

21st February 2013, 23:11
Should be included in the UK citizenship test. :biggrin:

22nd February 2013, 09:56
I wonder what the press would have said if Philip had said the same thing to a bunch of Pakistani taxi drivers? (thinking of a stereotypical job they do).

22nd February 2013, 11:09
As far as I'm concerned the press are the biggest enemy of this country. :NoNo:

22nd February 2013, 11:12
Tony Blair will be happy with that, it takes some of the pressure off him :biggrin:

22nd February 2013, 13:11
Phil the Greek's observation is correct but its a pity Theresa Mays immigration policy does nothing to encourage Nurses to come here from the Philippines. Why come here to work if they cannnot build a future here.