View Full Version : dublin

20th February 2013, 20:44
hi everyone am back from my trip to phil been two months with wife but now need to get her here as i dont get any where near the amount needed we was thinking the dublin route unless uk have closed that too what i want to know has anyone done that since tha new :cwm23: rules came in and what if any pit falls am i looking at going down this road are there any tips or sites that i can go onto and find work i am a hgv driver as i work agencys it would only be for the short time needed to get her there then bring her to uk many thanks

20th February 2013, 22:18
hi everyone am back from my trip to phil been two months with wife but now need to get her here as i dont get any were near the amount needed we was thinking the dublin route unless uk have closed that too what i want to know as anyone done that since tha new :cwm23:rules came in and what if any pit falls am i looking at going down this road are there any tips or sites that i can go onto and find work i am a hgv driver as i work agencys it would only be for the short time needed to get her there then bring her to uk many thanks

What do you mean by the Dublin Route??

If you mean by way of securing an Irish Passport and claiming Family Permit as an EEA national/citizen, then I'm sorry to say that you are indeed a few months too late as that particular 'loophole' has been closed since last October 2012.

Now, if you are definitely sure there's no way to reach the £18600 income target within UK, then you may wish to consider physically moving to another EU member state (as a UK citizen) to follow the EEA Route

Have a review of this thread here (http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/41784-EEA-route?highlight=EEA+Route) and see if anything interests you or if you think you could make use of the principle.

Be very sure to follow these important links:-

DIRECTIVE 2004/38/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL (http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2004:158:0077:0123:EN:PDF)

The Immigration (European Economic Area) Regulations (http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2006/1003/regulation/9/made)

Free movement for EU citizens and their non-EU family members (http://eumovement.wordpress.com/directive-200438ec/)

Freedom to move and live in Europe (http://ec.europa.eu/justice/policies/citizenship/docs/guide_free_movement_low.pdf)

UKBA webpage How to apply for an EEA family permit (http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/eucitizens/eea-family-permit/applying/)

20th February 2013, 22:35
sorry i forgot to say the eea route family permit

20th February 2013, 22:44
sorry i forgot to say the eea route family permit

Just follow the thread and links provided in my previous post :xxgrinning--00xx3:

If you have specific questions, fire away.

23rd February 2013, 09:45
tryed web for any work agencys in dublin but nothing good so checked nationel express they do a service to dublin for £38 ish so when i get some spare time i will go over and try looking around also check out any poss accomadation as i only got around £7000 last 7 month am never going to be with my wife usual way so its got to be eea familey permit unless things change in ukba income amount but thats never going to be soon lol

23rd February 2013, 13:07
tryed web for any work agencys in dublin but nothing good so checked nationel express they do a service to dublin for £38 ish so when i get some spare time i will go over and try looking around also check out any poss accomadation as i only got around £7000 last 7 month am never going to be with my wife usual way so its got to be eea familey permit unless things change in ukba income amount but thats never going to be soon lol

Hawk, if you research the links I posted you'll see that the only income requirement for EEA route is that equal to social security payment levels.
So no need to seek out high-paying work.

Good idea to go to Dublin and have a look around :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
23rd February 2013, 19:13
Good idea to go to Dublin and have a look around :xxgrinning--00xx3:

"Off to Dublin in the :biggrin: green" ... as a means of keeping visa sponsors out of the red, eh?

24th February 2013, 11:51
thanks guys for your help will be going over as soon as i can get time on a fact finding trip first then over for time needed. how long do i need be in country before wife apply for permit as cant find ref in links suppled thanks again

24th February 2013, 17:38
thanks guys for your help will be going over as soon as i can get time on a fact finding trip first then over for time needed. how long do i need be in country before wife apply for permit as cant find ref in links suppled thanks again

Hawk, there's no specific time period. You just need to be 'established'

To be on the safe side of regulations I would suggest that to be 'established' you should have an address in Ireland (somewhere to live) and a job. That's it.

Take a look here at this link (http://www.inis.gov.ie/en/INIS/Pages/Join%20Family#NON_EEA_Family_Member_of_EU_Citizen) as it gives information on the Qualifying Family Members who wish to JOIN EU Citizen in Ireland.

Hope this link will help you.

25th February 2013, 20:22
many thanks terpe and everyone else i will read it all :xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th March 2013, 22:29
i have sent irland immigration emails about staying there and all they say is go to there web and not anwsering my question i have read it but what i need to know is have i to stay the full 3 months without leaving irland to get my eutr or am i allowed to leave and go back without losing the time in state ?do any you guys know of any cheap rentals private not agencys to keep rent down plus anyone know any driving firms/agenys hiring hgv drivers thanks

12th March 2013, 18:05
i have sent irland immigration emails about staying there and all they say is go to there web and not anwsering my question i have read it but what i need to know is have i to stay the full 3 months without leaving irland to get my eutr or am i allowed to leave and go back without losing the time in state ?do any you guys know of any cheap rentals private not agencys to keep rent down plus anyone know any driving firms/agenys hiring hgv drivers thanks

Sorry Hawk, I must be having another 'senior moment' as I cannot understand your question.

Can't help with accommodation or work.

Just a head-up hawk, be very cautious about contact and questions to immigration concerning your plans. UK and Ireland have what is called the Common Travel Area (CTA) and WILL attempt to conspire against your strategy in some way.
Read those links you will discover all the answers.

30th June 2013, 10:57
Hi Hawk, I'm just seeing this post now.. are you in Ireland?? how is things going for you?? If you need any other information regarding exercising your treaty rights etc in Ireland under the EU directive I can add you to a facebook group that will give you everything you require. I will be in Ireland next week with my wife we will be travelling together from the Philippines, luckily I've already secured a job. If you need any help, let me know.

30th June 2013, 11:38
robert -whats the facebook group?

Arthur Little
1st July 2013, 09:21
:cwm23: ... hellish really, the increasing number of obstacles the British Govt's putting in the way of some of our members - and goodness knows :anerikke: how many other couples we're unaware of - whose top priority is to be with their lawfully-wedded partners in a so~called "democratic society".

It truly IS :censored: high time SOMETHING was done about it!