View Full Version : Online Dating (re-post...full version)

23rd February 2013, 00:28
Hi all.

I hope every one here is well.

Ok! Well, I tired online dating. The site was mentioned in a reply to my 'hello' post. I will not name the site, but it is one of a few free sites out.

I am sure the majority of girls are genuine. And I feel sorry for some of them because they really want to meet someone. Ok...a couple turned out to be wanna-be cam girls. I am shy enough when talking on a cam but when a girl gets her boobs out I cannot deal with that. It is not want I want.

Anyway I guess I have a trust issue so when ever I have spoken to a girl I found it hard to really believe what she is saying.

But In my couple of weeks of being part of an online dating web site I have actually started to talk to someone that I feel I have a really connection with. We talk for hours. One day we spoke for a good six hours and we have cam talked a couple of times. I really love chatting / talking with her and we laugh a lot.

We have decided to take things slowly and see what happens. I am pleased about that because taking things slowly gives is time to really get to know each other and builds strong foundation for a good relationship.

So, now I really want to go to the Philippines to met her and her family.

But I still fear being hurt.

I also I do not know what to really expect in the Philippines. Especially with some of the horror stories I have read.

However the girl I am talking is really nice and I really like her and I really hope it works out. But I struggle to know what she sees in me. I have nothing to offer. I am not good looking, I do not earn a lot of money and I have no degree.
But I really miss her when we do not chat.

I have closed my account with the online dating site, because I want to focus on (give my attention to) this girl.

I also hope I can get on with her family.

She makes me happy. I feel I have known her a long time and I really do feel a connection with her.

stevie c
23rd February 2013, 00:32
Sounds promising steve good luck hope she turns out to be the one you are looking for

23rd February 2013, 00:33
Going to have to re-write this post. Posted it before I finished :(

Arthur Little
23rd February 2013, 00:44
Going to have to re-write this post. Posted it before I finished :(

Steven ... simply type the insertion(s) you intended, and either I, or one of the other Mods, will do the needful in order to link the post together. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd February 2013, 00:47
Hi all.

I hope every one here is well.

Ok! Well, I tired online dating. The site was mentioned in a reply to my 'hello' post. I will not name the site, but it is one of a few free sites out.

I am sure the majority of girls are genuine. And I feel sorry for some of them because they really want to meet someone. Ok...a couple turned out to be wanna-be cam girls. I am shy enough when talking on a cam but when a girl gets her boobs out I cannot deal with that. It is not want I want.

Anyway I guess I have a trust issue so when ever I have spoken to a girl I found it hard to really believe what she is saying.

But In my couple of weeks of being part of an online dating web site I have actually started to talk to someone that I feel I have a really connection with. We talk for hours. One day we spoke for a good six hours and we have cam talked a couple of times. I really love chatting / talking with her and we laugh a lot.

We have decided to take things slowly and see what happens. I am pleased about that because taking things slowly gives us time to really get to know each other and builds strong foundation for a good relationship.

So, now I really want to go to the Philippines to met her and her family.

But I still fear being hurt.

I also I do not know what to really expect in the Philippines. Especially with some of the horror stories I have read.

However the girl I am talking is really nice and I really like her and I really hope it works out. But I struggle to know what she sees in me. I have nothing to offer. I am not good looking, I do not earn a lot of money and I have no degree.
But I really miss her when we do not chat.

I have closed my account with the online dating site, because I want to focus on (give my attention to) this girl.

I also hope I can get on with her family.

She makes me happy. I feel I have known her a long time and I really do feel a connection with her.

23rd February 2013, 00:51
Steven ... simply type the insertion(s) you intended, and either I, or one of the other Mods, will do the needful in order to link the post together. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Thanks :) but I have actually reported it. Sorry!

Actually. While your here? I cannot access my profile. It says I do not have access rights. Is there something I need to do?

23rd February 2013, 00:53
Thanks :) but I have actually reported it. Sorry!

Actually. While your here? I cannot access my profile. It says I do not have access rights. Is there something I need to do?

I meant 'reposted it'

23rd February 2013, 01:05
Glad to hear you're making some progress. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Hmm, so some of them got their boobs out you say ? :Erm:

Arthur Little
23rd February 2013, 01:36
Thanks :) but I have actually reported it. Sorry!

No worries :nono-1-1: ... you've inadvertently clicked on the small black triangular shaped icon in the greyish~coloured bar running along the foot of your page. Anyway, I've since deleted all reference to the fact that the post had been "Reported".

Actually. While your here? I cannot access my profile. It says I do not have access rights. Is there something I need to do?

:yeahthat:'s because ALL 'Newbie' posts are automatically placed in a queue for Moderation ... until the Forum Administration considers the newcomer has posted often enough to attain fully-fledged membership status.

I meant 'reposted it'

Ah ... okay ... it has probably still to filter through. :smile:

23rd February 2013, 01:46
Glad to hear you're making some progress. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Hmm, so some of them got their boobs out you say ? :Erm:

Yeah! One of the girls did. I did not expect it. It was really quick. Cam in 'hello' boobs out. Me shocked felt embarrassed cam off

23rd February 2013, 01:49
Thank you Arthur Little.

23rd February 2013, 03:02
Yeah! One of the girls did. I did not expect it. It was really quick. Cam in 'hello' boobs out. Me shocked felt embarrassed cam off

which site :hubbahubba::biggrin: joking, i dont want to know:laugher::laugher::laugher:

good luck, i hope it works out for you :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd February 2013, 03:11
your a good guy , thats what she sees, the real you inside,

i do believe they see deeper than someones outer shell,

a long nose is a must have :icon_lol::icon_lol:

pleased for you steve,:xxgrinning--00xx3: start planning your visit together, dont worry about the parents, just be the person you are, they will like you

23rd February 2013, 11:04
can you tell us more about the girl you are talking to, where is she from , does she live at home and so on,
Well done for starting to chat to someone on line and keep asking questions and finding out more what she is wanting in life , just like what you are wanting too

23rd February 2013, 11:22
I just merged your threads. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd February 2013, 11:30
which site :hubbahubba::biggrin: joking, i dont want to know:laugher::laugher::laugher:

good luck, i hope it works out for you :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Phew, glad I'm hardened to such things....though I've yet to be so lucky...sorry, I mean unlucky. :icon_lol:

Michael Parnham
23rd February 2013, 11:34
Good luck with future progress with your new found friend, sincerly hope it works out for you Steven!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd February 2013, 11:37
Glad to hear you're making some progress. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Hmm, so some of them got their boobs out you say ? :Erm:

i think you know the ones graham :biggrin:


23rd February 2013, 14:14
Hi all.

So, now I really want to go to the Philippines to met her and her family.

But I still fear being hurt.

I also I do not know what to really expect in the Philippines. Especially with some of the horror stories I have read.

However the girl I am talking is really nice and I really like her and I really hope it works out. But I struggle to know what she sees in me. I have nothing to offer. I am not good looking, I do not earn a lot of money and I have no degree.
But I really miss her when we do not chat.

I have closed my account with the online dating site, because I want to focus on (give my attention to) this girl.

I also hope I can get on with her family.

She makes me happy. I feel I have known her a long time and I really do feel a connection with her.

yes, meet her in real and start from there...dont forget to keep us updated ...good luck :smile:

23rd February 2013, 14:53
Hi Steven,

I'm so glad you are making headway and starting to have some trust in a woman. We can't enter into a relationship without opening up and allowing that person into your life even from 7500 miles away.

Don't put yourself down. You are who you are and she is still around so she obviously thinks you are just fine.

Much of what you say reminds me how our relationship started. After chatting with several other ladies who didn't rock my boat or I didn't rock theirs, I met Ging and we just hit it off from the start and we were just so comfortable with each other and, still are.

We chatted and skyped for around 5 months, just getting to know each other really. I then reached the point that you are at now, let's go and see for myself that she is who and what she says she is. So I took her completely by surprised and told her I was coming to see her and her face was a picture!

we spent 3 weeks together, me, Ging, her 20 year old son and 8 year old daughter and it was if we had known each other for 20 years. She has another son who is a professional footballer and lives in Manila.

I went back in Sept/Oct and we were married just over a year on from first meeting.

It would be nice to know a little about her if that's OK.

I know many guys wouldn't want an instant family but, I like kids although, I couldn't eat a full one!

As for girls getting their dorks out on camera, it is an absolute disgrace and I'm glad it has never happened to me.:grosyeux:

PS: Don't worry about meeting her and her family. The Filipinos are just the friendliest people on the planet and they will make you hugely welcome.

Good luck mate. Bill

Arthur Little
23rd February 2013, 16:31
Phew, glad I'm hardened to such things.... :icon_lol:

........... :cwm24: ... y'mean :icon_tonguew: ?

Arthur Little
23rd February 2013, 16:40
Seriously ... we admire your moral stance on the issues you've mentioned, and wish the pair of you all the very best in your burgeoning romance, Steven. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd February 2013, 16:51
........... :cwm24: ... y'mean :icon_tonguew: ?

Arthur ! :omg::icon_lol:

Well I'm puffed out now after dancing around my room for about an hour doing the Samba and generally mucking about in front of my webcam to keep my lady entertained. :REDancedancer08: :Cuckoo:

Arthur Little
23rd February 2013, 17:28
Arthur ! :omg::icon_lol:

Well I'm puffed out now after dancing around my room for about an hour doing the Samba and generally mucking about in front of my webcam to keep my lady entertained. :REDancedancer08: :Cuckoo:

:xxgrinning--00xx3: ... good man, Graham! :cwm24: ... oh for an ounce of your stamina!

23rd February 2013, 17:36
and wish the pair of you all the very best in your burgeoning romance, Steven. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

now now Arthur what pair are you on about now :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

23rd February 2013, 20:23
:xxgrinning--00xx3: ... good man, Graham! :cwm24: ... oh for an ounce of your stamina!

.......then I had to go and lie down for a couple of hours. :cwm3:

23rd February 2013, 20:49
On-line dating sites can work, and that person on the other side of the world can be exactly the person you'd hoped for when you eventually meet for REAL. :smile:

Thanks dateinasia. :xxgrinning--00xx3:


24th February 2013, 18:44
Wow! Thanks for the message.

It really is a trust matter for me. Learning to trust someone again. And I believe it is the same for her, also. She was also hurt in a past relationship.

She really is a nice person and we get on really well. We are taking things slow and we do ask each other serious questions along with just having fun talking to each other. I think it is important to take our time and really get to know each other.

I do not know. I cannot explain how we seemed to have just clicked. It really does feel like I have known her before. And we chat and video chat for ages. Sometimes I go to work on just 2 hours sleep. Hehehehe!

I told her about this girl that popped her breasts out. She thinks maybe the girl feels from past experiences that is what men want. She may possibly be looking for a serious relationship but maybe just feels that she will not meet anyone unless she shows some kind of sexual willingness. I can understand that. I find it sad that she felt she had to do that.

I like family. I am a family man. I like kids and I would like another child. We have spoken about such things. Even spoke about how I feel about a catholic wedding. I am a great believer that the bride is the most important person at a wedding. She is the one that needs to feel loved and special on her wedding day. So I feel the wedding should be how the bride wants it. She wants a traditional church wedding, then so be it.
We spoke about age difference. Actually the age difference is not that great, 14 years is nothing when compared to others. But age does not matter if you love some one.

I like the fact she is not calling me 'honey' or 'Darling.' It shows a certain maturity about her.

She has a good education. Thankfully she did spend some time in the UK so her English is good (My Tagalog is pretty much non-existent) and also understands some the difficulties that the modern British family has to face in their day to day lives.

I think her family sound very nice. I quickly said hello to her aunt the other day. And I do not really feel scared about meeting her family now....just shy and nervous.

Anyway, I really want to meet her. I think when we meet face to face we will know if we are suited and will get on.

I better renew my passport and get a visa sorted. What else? I will start to research it.

24th February 2013, 18:50
Thanks everyone for the messages. Much appreciated :)

24th February 2013, 20:42
Wow...you sound like a real gent....just like myself. :biggrin:

For a visit to the Phils you'll just need a British passport with a minimum of 6 months left on it before the expiry date, plus a return air ticket.

As a British citizen you will not need a visa as such, unless planning to stay more than 21 days.

For up 21 days holiday....NO VISA REQUIRED. :smile:

As things progress (hopefully), you'll find lots of advice on the forum from our many members who have huge experience of all things Philippines related. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
24th February 2013, 20:54
I agree Graham, a really great guy:xxgrinning--00xx3: