View Full Version : Polish mums having Polish babies in a Polish hospital... And we pay.

24th February 2013, 19:41
I guess another loophole that needs to be closed.


24th February 2013, 20:46
:icon_rolleyes: unbelievable.

Michael Parnham
24th February 2013, 21:02
Too many hangers on!:mad:

stevie c
24th February 2013, 22:10
:yikes: :cwm23: this country just gets worse & worse :NoNo:

24th February 2013, 22:20

unbelievable what has this country come to :NoNo:

surely you cant exercise your treaty rights in the country where you were born, just as we brits cannot apply for a family permit for or partners, so anything to do with poles in Poland has nothing to do with EU law :doh

so the gov should refuse to pay it :cwm23:

24th February 2013, 22:36

unbelievable what has this country come to :NoNo:

surely you cant exercise your treaty rights in the country where you were born, just as we brits cannot apply for a family permit for or partners, so anything to do with poles in Poland has nothing to do with EU law :doh

so the gov should refuse to pay it :cwm23:

That's the problem Joe. We don't seem to be able to say no to the EU :cwm23:

25th February 2013, 07:21
We cant say no to the EU thats the problem. Unless of course we get out of there.

25th February 2013, 07:27
Unless of course we get out of there.

More chance than juggling soot.
The British whinge a moan and vote for either Labour or Conservative.
UKIP may get a look in one day but it will be too late by then. Far too late.

25th February 2013, 16:32
uk a laughing stock:NoNo:

25th February 2013, 20:38
What a :censored: joke