View Full Version : 'Avoid London, it's full of Pakistanis,' Romanians warn fellow migrants

24th February 2013, 23:33
more from the express :biggrin:

ROMANIANS preparing to swamp Britain next year are insulting British towns and cities and making racist comments about fellow immigrants on the internet.

read more here .. http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/379820/Avoid-London-it-s-full-of-Pakistanis-Romanians-warn-fellow-migrants

25th February 2013, 07:09
Count down to 2014...
Please make your way,calmly to the panic stations please!

Its a bit hard to believe that even the Express have quoted internet chat room posts by people using alter nicks as a source for their "story" and expect British people to take it seriously..
They didn't even include a link to these chat rooms so how can this news story be verified?
Amateurish and desperate measures that will make absolutely zero difference to the floods of Romanian and Bulgarian dregs that will be arriving in tsunami like droves next year. :anerikke:
IMO lang.

25th February 2013, 07:18
Maybe the guy has got a point. Ask yourself this. We have people visiting from different countries. I wonder how they see england. Yes they come for the tourist attractions but would they like to live here? In my opinion only the people from poor countries want to come here. And why wouldnt they with our benefit system and nhs.

25th February 2013, 10:14
Maybe the guy has got a point. Ask yourself this. We have people visiting from different countries. I wonder how they see england. Yes they come for the tourist attractions but would they like to live here? In my opinion only the people from poor countries want to come here. And why wouldnt they with our benefit system and nhs.

when i went to london in 2011 i was very excited to see the sights as i cast myself as a tourist BUT never ever in my entire life I fancied living in London. It is more like the middle east to me and it frightens me being sorrounded by them. Dont know why. I guess Britain attract people because of its economy and people take advantage because you let them take advantage of you, too soft and generous as what I have observed.

25th February 2013, 10:35
It is more like the middle east to me and it frightens me being sorrounded by them. Dont know why.

I am a Filipino here in the South coast of UK. Middle Eastern that I met are nice , polite and highly educated. Maybe they are also as afraid as you to be around with Asians.

South-east boy
25th February 2013, 12:09
I guess Britain attract people because of its economy and people take advantage because you let them take advantage of you, too soft and generous as what I have observed.

Yup! And also why this country owes so much money, has lost it's AAA rating, why people are struggling and why the £ is going down against other economies! It will only get worse in a years time when all the Romanians and Bulgarians flock over! About time the politicians realised this! :icon_rolleyes:

Arthur Little
25th February 2013, 19:53
Avoid London, it's full of Pakistanis ...

... and bloody [indecipherable] cockney slang! :icon_lol:

Michael Parnham
25th February 2013, 21:25
Is there some hidden method in the goverments madness? I wonder!:Erm:

25th February 2013, 22:31
I don't think that there will be the surge of Romanians that we were expecting as we appear to have eaten most of their preferred form of transport. :biggrin:

25th February 2013, 22:39
I don't think that there will be the surge of Romanians that we were expecting as we appear to have eaten most of their preferred form of transport. :biggrin:

Boom boom!!:icon_lol:

26th February 2013, 00:15
Avoid London, it's full of Pakistanis,

just London or do they mean uk :Erm:

Arthur Little
26th February 2013, 00:39
Avoid London, it's full of Pakistanis,

just London or do they mean uk :Erm:

UK as a whole more appropriately fits the bill, I'd say ... :anerikke: ... they're ubiquitous in taking over small shops [especially newsagents] throughout the land.

Arthur Little
26th February 2013, 00:46
Not that I mind, particularly :nono-1-1: ... most of them I've come into contact with are OK. And they tend to be "open all hours" ... especially the wee convenience stores that are to be found (often on the corner) in many of our side streets. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th February 2013, 11:25
Oh yes Arthur open all hours. To be honest when I was a kid in the middle and late 60s shops used to shut on a sunday and everyone had sunday as a day of rest and spend time with the family. I wouldnt mind those times coming back. Now lots of people have to work on a sunday just to meet the cost of living. How things change.:icon_rolleyes:

26th February 2013, 13:03
yes andy, i remember quiet walks through almost empty towns, as a lad

Michael Parnham
26th February 2013, 13:05
I agree with you Andy, also whats the point of supermarkets opening 24hours, just greed to me, Yes lets go back to the good old days!:xxgrinning--00xx3: