View Full Version : Non-Catholic Marrying a Catholic

26th February 2013, 00:09
This may have been discuss in a previous post. So I apologise if I am repeating the same question. No doubt I will repeat a lot of previously asked questions that have been posted in this forum.

However, anybody here, that is not Catholic marry a Catholic? Obviously the majority of Filipino's are Catholic and the majority of those in the UK are Protrstant (especially in England)

I like to add....the girl I am talking to and myself are not getting married....we are still only talking and getting to know each other....However she did ask if I am Catholic and that she would like to marry in a Catholic Church.

How does it work, a non-Catholic marrying a Catholic? Would we be allowed to marry in a Catholic Church? Would I have to convert? If we had children would they be expected to be brought up with in the Catholic faith?

I respect all people's religious believes and have read The Bible, Koran, Bhagvad Gita, Torah and books and magazines, etc of various other religions. So I am not at all bothered if my wife is Catholic and I am not. (Let's face it, Christianity as a whole, is full of Pagan ideas. The cross, trinity, immortal soul, mother of god or mother god worship, etc, all pre-date Christianty even the celebrations are of pagan origin. Easter, for example is a fertility festival) So her being Catholic is not an issue for me.

Would the fact that I am Protestant (Church of England) and she is Catholic cause problems between us?

I would be interested in other people's experiences.

26th February 2013, 01:27
I'm sure a lot of people on here have. I certainly did (me being officially a Methodist).
Problem was solved by marrying in a civil ceremony in the Phils...no god people involved.
Neither of us were particularly religious.

It would depend upon the lady of course, and how serious she is about her religious beliefs (and her family too ?).

Perhaps some of our lady members would like to comment.

26th February 2013, 01:40
Jake reckons he converted in order to marry in church here!!
Im sure he will let the OP know how its done but a donation in a Manila envelope may see a way around that option IMO..

26th February 2013, 01:42
We had a wee discussion last week about the subject.


26th February 2013, 02:47
Jake reckons he converted in order to marry in church here!!
Im sure he will let the OP know how its done but a donation in a Manila envelope may see a way around that option IMO..

:omg:Are you trying to imply things can be arranged here? :icon_lol:
The story started when i was playing doubles tennis with the local postie, the priest and his girlfriend. Yes the priest had a girlfriend. Fair play to the guy as least he wasn't into the same things as most of his mates seem to be. Anyway!
After the game we were taking refreshments (whisky) supplied by the postie. I mentioned that my girlfriend wanted to get married in the catholic church but i wasn't one of them. He said that's not a problem as i can still marry you as a non catholic but i cant say mass at the wedding. Great problem solved. Not!
Went home to the missus chuffed at the outcome and she said she wanted to do mass. :Erm:
Went back to my mate the padre and told him this. He said you will have to go and see the bishop.. great! Went to see the bishop and by the end of my interview (interrogation) he said he will speak to the priest. Didn't tell him the priest had given me a crash course in what to say. :wink:
On the day of the wedding i went to see the priest in private and he converted me to a catholic.
A few months later the priest got his girlfriend up the duff and left. :icon_lol: With his departure the tennis court which was on church ground was made into something else:thumbsdown:

There you go Fred!

26th February 2013, 03:59
:omg:Are you trying to imply things can be arranged here? :icon_lol:
The story started when i was playing doubles tennis with the local postie, the priest and his girlfriend. Yes the priest had a girlfriend. Fair play to the guy as least he wasn't into the same things as most of his mates seem to be. Anyway!
After the game we were taking refreshments (whisky) supplied by the postie. I mentioned that my girlfriend wanted to get married in the catholic church but i wasn't one of them. He said that's not a problem as i can still marry you as a non catholic but i cant say mass at the wedding. Great problem solved. Not!
Went home to the missus chuffed at the outcome and she said she wanted to do mass. :Erm:
Went back to my mate the padre and told him this. He said you will have to go and see the bishop.. great! Went to see the bishop and by the end of my interview (interrogation) he said he will speak to the priest. Didn't tell him the priest had given me a crash course in what to say. :wink:
On the day of the wedding i went to see the priest in private and he converted me to a catholic.
A few months later the priest got his girlfriend up the duff and left. :icon_lol: With his departure the tennis court which was on church ground was made into something else:thumbsdown:

There you go Fred!

What a wonderfully divine tale Jake!!
So how many Hail Mary`s do you have to do after a bottle of whiskey these days?
Anyway..Thanks for sharing.
I think you are absolutely nuts!!

26th February 2013, 06:49
What a wonderfully divine tale Jake!!
So how many Hail Mary`s do you have to do after a bottle of whiskey these days?
Anyway..Thanks for sharing.
I think you are absolutely nuts!!

A true 'tale' as well. Not like the tales that different religions tell you.
Actually i don't have a problem with anyone's religion as long as they aren't ramming it down my throat.
How about you share with us your wedding story and the reception afterwards?????????
Mine was street and i only lasted till 4pm as we had been drinking lambanog, virtually non stop since the day before. :crazy:
Our marriage was made in heaven :icon_lol:

26th February 2013, 07:27
This may have been discuss in a previous post. So I apologise if I am repeating the same question. No doubt I will repeat a lot of previously asked questions that have been posted in this forum.

However, anybody here, that is not Catholic marry a Catholic? Obviously the majority of Filipino's are Catholic and the majority of those in the UK are Protrstant (especially in England)

I like to add....the girl I am talking to and myself are not getting married....we are still only talking and getting to know each other....However she did ask if I am Catholic and that she would like to marry in a Catholic Church.

How does it work, a non-Catholic marrying a Catholic? Would we be allowed to marry in a Catholic Church? Would I have to convert? If we had children would they be expected to be brought up with in the Catholic faith?

I respect all people's religious believes and have read The Bible, Koran, Bhagvad Gita, Torah and books and magazines, etc of various other religions. So I am not at all bothered if my wife is Catholic and I am not. (Let's face it, Christianity as a whole, is full of Pagan ideas. The cross, trinity, immortal soul, mother of god or mother god worship, etc, all pre-date Christianty even the celebrations are of pagan origin. Easter, for example is a fertility festival) So her being Catholic is not an issue for me.

Would the fact that I am Protestant (Church of England) and she is Catholic cause problems between us?

I would be interested in other people's experiences.

With all due respects to all religions (me being CoE, Ruby being Catholic), the Catholic church were nothing but a pain in the .... about it. First of all demanding I convert, then saying they can do it if we agree to raise the children in the Catholic faith. They were obsessed with kids, and all they talked about was them, which was annoying me somewhat as we were there just to ask about marriage. Yes we want kids, but the religion side of it hadn't been discussed, so I was never going to agree to it if it may not happen.

Ruby's wish was for the wedding to be blessed by God, so she searched and found an Anglican Priest who married us instead. Both him and his brother turned out to be pretty decent people and helped us a lot and did quite a bit for us. Ruby got her wish that God blessed it, and although not being overly religious, I got to remain CoE

26th February 2013, 07:53
Me and my husband got married in a Catholic Church in the Philippines. My husband is not catholic and he didn't convert his religion but you need to go 3 Sundays to attend mass ceremony and seminars you don't need to convert your religion.

26th February 2013, 08:31
I got married in a Catholic church, and I'm CoE and my wife is Catholic. I needed a letter from the local Catholic church in the UK to say that I was of good character, but didn't need to convert. The local Catholic Priest was very hesitant to issue a letter, but I got it in the end. No real complications.

26th February 2013, 08:36
Me and my husband got married in a Catholic Church in the Philippines. My husband is not catholic and he didn't convert his religion but you need to go 3 Sundays to attend mass ceremony and seminars you don't need to convert your religion.

Did the priest say mass?
He must have asked you to promise to raise any children you have in the catholic faith?

Fred there are more of us!!

26th February 2013, 09:23
I seem to remember (its only 2 years ago, must be getting old) that we had to make an appointment with the local Bishop (Tagbilaran in our case) but ended up seeing a 'normal' priest anyway. There was a document for us both to sign from the Archbishop of Manila basically saying that its ok to wed as a CofE but I agree that any children would be brought up in the catholic faith. Took about 15 minutes in total, small donation to the church. Mass was part of the ceremony but I didn't partake, neither the pre-ceremony confession. The nun's pre-marriage seminar was a hoot but thats another topic....

26th February 2013, 10:59
haha yes the nuns pre-marriage seminar. I found that quite uncomfortable when she started talking to us about our sex life...

26th February 2013, 11:15
haha yes the nuns pre-marriage seminar. I found that quite uncomfortable when she started talking to us about our sex life...

Would have found it quite funny a nun talking to us about our sex life.
I did get a grilling from the bishop as we already had a child before our marriage.

26th February 2013, 20:24
I am an atheist and I made my views known to Ging very early on. There is no way I could ever marry in Church and when we decided to marry, we had to find another way and she was fine with this. We both know that to survive as a couple there has to be a lot of compromise so it's "live and let live" and not let religion come between us. Ging has her views and I have mine.

We were married by an old college friend of Ging's who is a Judge.

I was well peed off at our pre wedding Seminar where I seemed to spend most of the time defending my Atheism. I never try to impose my views on anyone but many Filipinos are simply aghast at my Atheism and try to convert me at every opportunity. No chance and although they have been successfully brain washed, it will never, ever happen to me.

26th February 2013, 20:40
Amen to that. :biggrin: That's why we had a Judge too...and were clear about each other's view points before getting wed. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th February 2013, 21:26
Thanks everyone for the comments.
I am happy to marry in a Catholic Church. Not sure about converting, though, that is something I really need to think about.
But if we do marry, then I want the day to be special for. It will be her first marriage (my second) and if she wants to marry in a Catholic Church, then so be it.
Still need to research more.
But thanks again all.

28th February 2013, 21:30
Don't be in too much of a rush.

That's where I went wrong with the ex.:icon_lol:

(and am now at least 200 grand down :bigcry:).

28th February 2013, 22:00
Don't be in too much of a rush.

That's where I went wrong with the ex.:icon_lol:

(and am now at least 200 grand down :bigcry:).

Ouch! 200 grand. I know that only to well....but not 200 grands worth (yet)

No, we have both agreed to take our time and really get to know each other.

28th February 2013, 22:27
For my experience I think the total waste of time for me when we apply marriage license and we need to attend seminar from 8 am to 5pm it was a long day and my husband can't understand it because it was Filipino language they're using and the funniest thing was when they show the condom to us and pass it round "thanks god it's not used" lol but when we went to church to see the priest he was alright because he knows my mum and we need to do another seminar for the church but it was a big help that the 1 who conduct the seminar my mum knows them aswell so we just invite them to my mums house and do the seminar there and we just give them 500 pesos... If your fiancée know someone from church you can do it easy same as what we've done. Goodluck for your future plan.

Michael Parnham
1st March 2013, 12:53
I'll never forget the marriage seminar, it was like an all day sex education lesson telling you to have lots of babies, instead of telling you to plan your offspring so that you can afford to live comfortable:Erm:

1st March 2013, 13:05
Ouch! 200 grand. I know that only to well....but not 200 grands worth (yet)

No, we have both agreed to take our time and really get to know each other.
I dont know if this has been mentioned but. Are you divorced? That could make a difference.