View Full Version : Got It !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

27th August 2007, 10:22
I did mention last week about some contrasting answer between mails and ohone convo from the Visa section, on another unrelated post.

I did send them a mail asking about the different answers given............. and guess what????

Dear Sir/Madam
While chatting to my wife this past friday morning (GMT), I decided to phone the Embassy in Manila, it was done on the spur of the moment in the hope that I could give my wife some good news about our application.
I was told that they were still carrying out "local checks".
I am really sorry to bother you, but this answer seems to contrast with your last mail, and I am writing in search of some reassurances.
We are both growing increasingly worried and anxious about it.
I was hoping for my wife to join me here, in the Uk, during the summer months, so that she could have anbiented herself gradually to the weather.
if you need any further information, do not hesitate to contact me directly.
Yours faithfully

:xxgrinning--00xx3:Wake up today, Bank Holiday Monday, and logging on MSN, I find this mail....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Dear Mr. xxxxx

Thank you for writing to us.

The information that we gave from our email of 20 Aug. 2007 was definitely correct. To date, the Officer has decided to issue the visa of your wife.

Yours sincerely,

After nearly 7 weeks of waiting, we finally have got confirmation that the Family Permit will be issued.:REDancedancer08::REDancedancer08::REDancedancer08::REDancedancer08::REDancedancer08::REDancedancer08::REDancedancer08:

It feels real great, the weight is off the shoulders, relaxed at last, I am going to get a big :censored: off cigar, sit with a double espresso and a Brandy and smoke it.

The worries, the anxiety, the waiting, all gone....:Hellooo::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Happiness reigns supreme.:Wine::Wine:

Couple of weeks and Jet will be here.

And the living room still needs re-decorating:doh..... Better get on with it....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Mrs Daddy
27th August 2007, 10:26
Goodluck arolumus and to you wife...:)

Mrs Daddy
27th August 2007, 10:28
Aromulus,just quite curious sorry that I havent read some of your post.But I wonder if you apply for a family permit for your wife instead of your wife to apply a spouse visa?just wondered...

27th August 2007, 10:30
Congrats To You!!!:)

27th August 2007, 10:31
Well done.......finally :xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th August 2007, 10:51
wow! amazing!

27th August 2007, 11:04

27th August 2007, 12:51
Great news i guess maybe the delay was partly due to the fact they got no money out of you it was not at the top of their to do list.

Whatever you got it yehey nice one so now its a massive clean of the gaff before the missus touchs down and the weather is still pretty decent.

Pepe n Pilar
27th August 2007, 13:15
Congratulations Aromulus and wife!!!.....

27th August 2007, 13:30
Congratulations, I know what its like waiting, perhaps I should send an email as well :)

27th August 2007, 13:42
Nice one mate! :Hellooo:
I am very happy for you.

27th August 2007, 17:06
Congrats and well done to both of you :xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th August 2007, 17:07
Don't forget our duty free :xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th August 2007, 18:06
Congrats :Hellooo: wow thats an advance Good news.... for you and and your wife

27th August 2007, 19:28
don't know what your moaning for aromulus :Erm:, you didn't have to pay for it :xxparty-smiley-004:

you know i'm joking :D, great your wife got it, 7wks too long :rolleyes:

i paid for it and had to wait nearly 3 months :doh :censored:

good luck to you both, :xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th August 2007, 20:25
don't know what your moaning for aromulus :Erm:, you didn't have to pay for it :xxparty-smiley-004:

you know i'm joking :D, great your wife got it, 7wks too long :rolleyes:

i paid for it and had to wait nearly 3 months :doh :censored:

good luck to you both, :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Wether we pay or not, our wifes should not be subject to the humiliation of having to wait inordinate lenghts of time, for something which should be their natural right to have.:Brick:

I understand that we need border and immigration controls, but I also see that the efforts towards checking and restricting the movements of undesirable people is directed the wrong way.:Brick:
(any more of this and Admin will move the post to rant:rolleyes:)

27th August 2007, 20:26
dom, how come it wasn't a spousal visa?

27th August 2007, 21:00
dom, how come it wasn't a spousal visa?

Being an "eyetie" in the UK helps a lot.:D
EEA and Swiss National rights of movement within the Community.
Now........... If you were from EIRE, living and working in Belfast, you would come under the same rules and legislations.
It is not classed as a Settlement Visa, but Family Permit. Same Checklist of documents but VAF6 form.
Less questions = less hassle.
They can slow it down, but they cannot refuse it.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th August 2007, 21:02
is there any way this can be done as a UK national living here in belfast?

or must i get a spousal visa (when the time comes)?

27th August 2007, 21:06
is there any way this can be done as a UK national living here in belfast?

or must i get a spousal visa (when the time comes)?


It would only work, if you move to live and work in another EU country.


That what started it all..... Should be declared to Sainthood....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th August 2007, 22:45
Tom all though its free which is a good thing i think (is this right dom?) the time to wait to get british residency/citzenship for your wife would be much longer:Erm: Which may or may not be a problem for some couples.

But still dom has saved 500 sovs to put towards his soon to be increased heating bill:xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th August 2007, 22:51
wot is SOV?

27th August 2007, 22:55
Congratulations to both of you... :)

27th August 2007, 23:50
wot is SOV?

London speak young man, soverigns slang for squids

28th August 2007, 00:08
still lost!
what is it in english?
u mean £?

28th August 2007, 00:23
congRatulations to you Dom & Jet :BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy:

28th August 2007, 07:47
welcome to the UK jet, hope you and dom have a great future together. ricky and gingx2

28th August 2007, 09:41
Congrats to both of you:BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy:

28th August 2007, 11:32

CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAY YOU HAVE A WONDERFUL AND LONG LASTING JOURNEYfor the rest of the "NEW CHAPTER" of your life...

28th August 2007, 12:49
Congrats to both of u and best wishes!

28th August 2007, 14:01
Aromulus i wait for the day no one has to pay :xxgrinning--00xx3:, i'm glad you didnt pay, thats one up the :action-smiley-081: for the gov.. and i should have got and appiled for a lithuanian passport and given up my british citizenship, just to save the £500 !! :D

anyway best of luck to you and your wife :D, maybe now the gov will get it back thru taxes :bigcry:

28th August 2007, 22:08
Aromulus i wait for the day no one has to pay :xxgrinning--00xx3:, i'm glad you didnt pay, thats one up the :action-smiley-081: for the gov.. and i should have got and appiled for a lithuanian passport and given up my british citizenship, just to save the £500 !! :D

anyway best of luck to you and your wife :D, maybe now the gov will get it back thru taxes :bigcry:

Personally, although I wish for everybody to receive visas free of charge, I cannot see it happen in a month of Sundays...:NoNo:

Nowadays almost every department in Government is operated like a profit generating enterprise...:NoNo:

Up to not so many years ago, charges were just there to cover costs. Prescriptions, Eye tests, Visas, Official Copies from the Courts, etc.
Now, nearly, everything has a price tag.:doh

So, it is advisable to play the system...:xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th August 2007, 00:12
so right to play the system :xxgrinning--00xx3:

30th August 2007, 06:24

just found out you did it

you will be together soon

regards martin

1st September 2007, 03:35
Congratulations :xxgrinning--00xx3:
When will ur wife arrive in Wrexham?

1st September 2007, 07:55
Congratulations :xxgrinning--00xx3:
When will ur wife arrive in Wrexham?

As it stands at the present moment, your guess is as good as mine:NoNo:.

Jet hasn't had her passport returned yet, and we don't really know when it will be delivered back.

In case it arrives early next week, and provided she gets the sticker from CFO asap, I will have her on the plane on the 11 th of september.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

The pad is nearly ready, re-carpeted the bathroom, the hallway, the living room. A lick of paint here and there, some new wallpaper somewhere else...:rolleyes: Blah, blah, blah...
Thursday I had a new ivory coloured leather corner sofa delivered, that cost me a few "bob"... Dammit :doh, but worth every penny.
Sunday I will go to HSS and hire a carpet shampooer, to give the bedroom carpet a bit of a refresher.
What scares me, is having to get the wardrobes out of there first, and putting them back after...:NoNo:
I am feeling knackered just thinking about it.... But it is for the best.

1st September 2007, 08:21
Ha Ha Ha, who else is desperately cleaning tidying or fixing their house before the arrival of their loved one, I know I am ! :)

1st September 2007, 08:33
Ha Ha Ha, who else is desperately cleaning tidying or fixing their house before the arrival of their loved one, I know I am ! :)

And do not forget to "sanitize" the place.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Exe's photos are a no-no, even with the kids....

1st September 2007, 08:36
Hey, Ruby and I fly back on Sept 11, from Davao, via Singapore. Where is Jet?

I have to do all my cleaning and tidying before I leave home on Tuesday morning!

1st September 2007, 09:20
Hey, Ruby and I fly back on Sept 11, from Davao, via Singapore. Where is Jet?

I have to do all my cleaning and tidying before I leave home on Tuesday morning!

Jet is in Cebu, with luck she will be flying Qatar Airways. I can't justify spending the money that Singapore Airlines is asking for the one way trip.
It will be taking the:piss2:...
I very much prefer SIA for service and puncuality, cleanliness of aircraft, facilities at the terminal, but Qatar is only 300 sovs, and lands in Manchester at 6 pm, so a few cuddles only, quick dinner, quick shower, tuck her in bed for at least 8 hours sleep and "bob's your uncle"....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Besides, it will be the second time in her life that she takes a plane (first time to Manila to the VFS), and I don't really feel at ease with her getting lost in Changi Airport... With a live HSBC piece of plastic in her purse....:doh
And although HK Oasis is a hell of a lot cheaper, Kai-Tak Airport is a struggle to navigate, and not enough time for transfers, besides I would also have to get to Gatwick to pick her up, which will be at least 3/4 hours each way by car for me.
So in real terms it would not be any cheaper than Qatar. But only more inconvenient.

Good luck to you, mate

1st September 2007, 11:14
Yep .. funny thing about Singapore Air ... the website gives a price of £2500 for one way trip, but the telephone booking say it should be around £400.

Anyway, on this occasion (for various reasons) I'm using my BA shareholder discount on the London <-> Singapore leg, and just booking with SilkAir for the local hop across to Davao.

We land at LHR before 6am on Wednesday morning, in the house before 8 .. it seems to add another 12 hours to the journey going any other route.

All the best to you and Jet too! Ruby has worked in Singapore, visited Japan, Taiwan and Australia - she still asked me to go over and fly back with her!

1st September 2007, 13:00
We land at LHR before 6am on Wednesday morning, ...

If its the same flight have been on, the captain announces that landing is prohibited before 6am so fly around for bit.. then at 6am you and another 100or so other planes try to land.. and you hit the asphalt close to 7am :CompBuster:

1st September 2007, 14:56
I've not had that problem! SingAir arrival time is set for 5.50 .. on August 1st we touched down 25 minutes early! I was on the RailAir coach at 6.35.

My BA flight is timetabled to arrive at 5.15 on Sept 12.

1st September 2007, 20:51
If its the same flight have been on, the captain announces that landing is prohibited before 6am so fly around for bit.. then at 6am you and another 100or so other planes try to land.. and you hit the asphalt close to 7am :CompBuster:

You sure i have touched down before 6am been on a bus home before 6 am, the normal reason is the grounds crew are not in place for whatever reason due to a krafty kip or turning up late and i have heard that from several people who have worked at Theifrow over a number of years.