View Full Version : Immigration continues to be a top issue of importance to Britons

28th February 2013, 12:03
Foremost among those attaching importance to immigration are people above the age of 55, who are more than twice as likely as adults below the age of 35 to see immigration as a crucial issue to Britain today


28th February 2013, 14:06
90% of the blame for our nightmare situation lies with the morally bankrupt last Labour Government.

13 years of cynical red carpet, open door immigration and allowing the "human rights" of so called "asylum seekers",foreign criminals, economic migrants, extremists, con artists and wasters to supersede the rights of the general public. All engineered to rig future votes in Labours favour.

28th February 2013, 14:11
the Tories have been in power for nearly 3 yrs now and hardly anything has changed :doh

28th February 2013, 14:15
There are some chinks of light Joe but still a long way to go - Hook extradited, regular UKBA raids, foreign student loopholes closed and spurious colleges shut down, stricter visa requirements, foreign Doc language issues addressed, attempts to re-address EU & human rights nonsense etc

All we had under Blair and Bottler Brown's shower was directed towards future vote rigging.

28th February 2013, 14:20
yes soon as i post that, this pops up :doh:icon_lol:

There was a "significant" decrease in the number of immigrants arriving from New Commonwealth countries, which includes African countries such as Botswana, Kenya and Malawi and Indian subcontinent countries such as Bangladesh, India and Pakistan,


28th February 2013, 14:27
There is also a class divide regarding immigration and the view taken on it.
As a general rule the affluent and political class do not see immigration as a problem but an advantage, as in a source of low wage non unionised labour. It's also seen as a way of removing national identity, which is considered a threat by those in charge who wish to pursue a policy of globalisation.
The working and middle classes are more likely to view unrestricted immigration as a threat for the opposite reasons and also they are the neighborhoods in which such immigrants would be housed.

It all boils down to whether you are in an income bracket to house yourself and educate your children away from low cost sources.

Does anyone still seriously believe that years of largely unrestricted immigration have been an asset to the uk ? Yes the employers of these people do and that's it, and they don't live or send their kids to school where their employees do !!!!!

28th February 2013, 14:35
Does anyone still seriously believe that years of largely unrestricted immigration have been an asset to the uk ?

The Labour Party and bleeding heart liberals still preach the mantra that immigration benefits the country.

A prime example is that horrible, crazed Mary Beard woman who stated on BBC Question Time that immigration caused no problems and didn't strain public services in Boston Lincs.

28th February 2013, 15:07
What I want to know is how many phillipino people in this country are either out of work or relying on benefits. As far as I know there are no statistics on this. The home office needs to research this and not tar every country with the same brush.

28th February 2013, 15:16
What I want to know is how many phillipino people in this country are either out of work or relying on benefits. As far as I know there are no statistics on this. The home office needs to research this and not tar every country with the same brush.

:gp:Time for a freedom of immigration request - as far as I'm aware the UK Filipino community doesn't feature on the immigrant criminals by country list either

28th February 2013, 15:17
The bigger immigration issue will come from within the EU effective 2014 unless something is done very quickly to stem the expected onslaught by the thieves ,beggars and criminal fraternity from Romania and Bulgaria.

28th February 2013, 15:20
:gp:Time for a freedom of immigration request - as far as I'm aware the UK Filipino community doesn't feature on the immigrant criminals by country list either

28th February 2013, 15:26
The bigger immigration issue will come from within the EU effective 2014 unless something is done very quickly to stem the expected onslaught by the thieves ,beggars and criminal fraternity from Romania and Bulgaria.

I don't think it will be too long before the Northern European countries (eg Germany, Denmark, Holland) start moving for EU controls as they realise these parasites are of no benefit whatsoever to their economy and society.