View Full Version : HELP! payslip vs. bank statement

4th March 2013, 14:29
Hello Everyone!

I have a question regarding my husband's payslips and his bank statements. I've noticed that his salary being paid in his bank does not match with his payslip.Is it just okay to have my husband explain it in his supporting letter? I am getting paranoid tbh.

Thanks in advance.


4th March 2013, 15:05
If your husband is having his salary paid directly into his bank account then his net pay must be shown on his bank statement. The two must match.
Just why or how something is wrong is crazy.

UKBA need to be sure that the payslip and bank statements match. That's very clearly stated in the rules.
How can £X transferred from employer bank to employee bank be anything other than £X?

Why is it not matched?

vernier caliper
4th March 2013, 15:13
I've noticed that his salary being paid in his bank does not match with his payslip.

Hi Marga. The discrepancy between payslip and bank statement is unusual/bizzare and I think this wil be highlighted by the ECO/UKBA. On my experience, if there is bonus and/or OT pay, it is always reflected on the payslip. Reimbursement (i.e. taxi fare, hotel, food, plane ticket, etc) are prepared using claim form. If this reimbursement will be paid at the end of the month/payday, then this amount will be added on the payslip. Any deduction (i.e. loan from the company) is also reflected on the payslip. The amount written on the payslip is the ONLY amount to be paid and transferred in the bank by the employer.

Can you explain further about the difference if you don't mind.

4th March 2013, 15:46
Hi there,
I think it's possible you may be confusing net pay with gross pay. For instance I might be paid £1000 but after tax only £800 is actually paid in the bank.
The confusion with the visa requirement is that they take gross pay (ie pay before tax) not net pay (the actual amount paid into the bank) into consideration when working out whether your partner can support you.
It's possible your partner may earn the required £18,600 or above but not actually get that amount in the bank.
Ask your partner, I can't honestly think of any other reason.
Good luck by the way.

4th March 2013, 16:00
It's actually doing my head in atm. He is given a holiday and it isn't paid, i was wondering why he still has 2k plus pounds in his payslip whereas in his bank statement, it showed less than 1k, yet he isn't paid on his holiday for 3 weeks for that certain month? how bizarre :icon_rolleyes:

4th March 2013, 16:30
It's actually doing my head in atm. He is given a holiday and it isn't paid, i was wondering why he still has 2k plus pounds in his payslip whereas in his bank statement, it showed less than 1k, yet he isn't paid on his holiday for 3 weeks for that certain month? how bizarre :icon_rolleyes:

If he employer paid him £2k by direct bank transfer, then that's what went into the bank.
Your husband needs to discuss with his employer and/or his bank
Whatever net pay is on the payslip gets put into the bank. Period.

vernier caliper
4th March 2013, 16:41
2k plus pounds in his payslip whereas in his bank statement,it showed less than 1k

I think payroll department did a mistake while printing your husband's payslip. Payroll/Accounts could either issue a new payslip (with the correct amount) or issue a letter (address to your husband or UKBA) explaining the discrepancy.

btw, payslips are printed in different ways. some are directly connected to the bank (like deposit slip) and some are done internally by the company payroll.

5th March 2013, 02:28
Thanks all for your inputs.I will have to discuss this issue with my husband.


6th March 2013, 16:34
Hi again.

I have talked to my husband and agreed not to submit his september payslip as it is complicated. He was overpaid in his august payslip cos they have paid his holiday so what his employer did is deducted it in his september salary giving him only 480 pounds.

We have decided then to start with his october up to march giving him 6 months of payslips but the problem again is, he had his holiday here for 3 weeks and its not paid. Is it okay to submit it to complete his payslips from october to march?

I need your comments please especially Terpe.:smile:

Again, thanks in advance.


6th March 2013, 17:22
I don't know if this helps, just realised it now that of all the visas I applied before 5 in total including my daughter that I never checked pay slips and bank statement....our bank has no money lols! Only the net pay goes to the bank account so it is so much smaller, but I think what is important is to be able to show that there is money guaranteed regularly going into to the bank from a salary.

What I asked my husband before was to get from his HR his employment certificate stating his annual salary and his position and how long he had been working for the company.

all the best

6th March 2013, 19:49
Hi again.

I have talked to my husband and agreed not to submit his september payslip as it is complicated. He was overpaid in his august payslip cos they have paid his holiday so what his employer did is deducted it in his september salary giving him only 480 pounds.

We have decided then to start with his october up to march giving him 6 months of payslips but the problem again is, he had his holiday here for 3 weeks and its not paid. Is it okay to submit it to complete his payslips from october to march?

I need your comments please especially Terpe.:smile:

Again,thanks in advance.


Oh dear, that's a real pity.
Marga, the key is to present 6 months payslips where the lowest GROSS PAY of any one payslip is £1550
If you can comply with that then all's well on the Financial Requirement.

7th March 2013, 00:47
Oh dear, that's a real pity.

It is really a pity and we wanted to have a go with it, submit his december payslip and explain it in his letter and also get a letter from his employer explaining the details. What do you think Terpe? :icon_rolleyes:

Thanks again btw.

7th March 2013, 10:58
It is really a pity and we wanted to have a go with it, submit his december payslip and explain it in his letter and also get a letter from his employer explaining the details. What do you think Terpe? :icon_rolleyes:

Thanks again btw.

I think it's better to submit 6 payslips where all of them are compliant. Spouse Visa applications are just too important to 'gamble'
Keep it simple and minimise risks. IMO

7th March 2013, 11:46
Thanks again Terpe.It is just sad that we will have to start again gathering the 6 months payslips.Hubby wanted to give it a go so i really dont know what to say.:cwm25:

7th March 2013, 12:53
Thanks again Terpe.It is just sad that we will have to start again gathering the 6 months payslips.Hubby wanted to give it a go so i really dont know what to say.:cwm25:

Marga, please think about this.
If the ECO will refuse the application and you feel it's a mistake then you can appeal..... but that also costs money and can take around 6 months to resolve.
It's just not worth all the stress and hassle.
Better to do it correctly and in full compliance of the rules. Just my personal opinion.

7th March 2013, 14:04
Thanks again Terpe for your unending pieces of advice.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

I was reading the section FM-1.7 and didn't come across the 1,550 gross monthly income.

7th March 2013, 14:53
Thanks again Terpe for your unending pieces of advice.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

I was reading the section FM-1.7 and didn't come across the 1,550 gross monthly income.

Here's an extract from FM1.7

5.1. Category A: With the current employer for 6 months or more
5.1.1. Where the applicant’s partner (and/or the applicant if they are in the UK with permission to work) is in salaried employment at the point of application and has been with the same employer and earning the salary level relied upon for at least the last 6 months, the applicant can count the gross annual salary (at its lowest level in the 6 months prior to the date of application) towards the financial requirement.

Based on a minimum annual income of £18600 the lowest level of any of the 6 individual monthly payslip will be £1550

7th March 2013, 15:16
Thanks again Terpe:xxgrinning--00xx3: