View Full Version : worried about my visa

7th March 2013, 09:20
hi guys i just want to hear your opinion, cos i talk to the one agency person here in manila,i just want to ask them how many chance i get cos i file my spouse visa application on my own without a help of some visa agency,then they just told me that my visa will be refuse 100% specially my husband is in receipt of DLA cos i never seek help for any agency,
guys is it true i dont have any chance to get my visa
pls i need to hear some opinions
thnxs guys

7th March 2013, 09:39
hi guys i just want to hear your opinion,cos i talk to the one agency person here in manila,i just want to ask them how many chance i get cos i file my spouse visa application on my own without a help of some visa agency,then they just told me that my visa will be refuse 100% specially my husband is in receit of DLA cos i never seek help for any agency,
guys is it true i dont have any chance to get my visa
pls i need to hear some opinions
thnxs guys

when i applied my spouse visa ... i'll do it with just the help of my husband and this forum when they denied it for an invalid reason ...

my husband and i passed all the documents that we have ..

- 11 payslips
- p60
- bank statements
- landlord letter ( from his brother )
- our pictures
- marriage certificate
- husband passport copy
- my birth certificate
- english exams result
- letter from his employer
- employment contract

we didnt go to agency or solicitor , so if u think u have all the requirements they need and u think ur financial requirements is alright then no need to worried about .

they seem to only care about financial because u are not allowed to get public funds

7th March 2013, 09:43
when i applied my spouse visa ... i'll do it with just the help of my husband and this forum when they denied it for an invalid reason ...

my husband and i passed all the documents that we have ..

- 11 payslips
- p60
- bank statements
- landlord letter ( from his brother )
- our pictures
- marriage certificate
- husband passport copy
- my birth certificate
- english exams result
- letter from his employer
- employment contract

we didnt go to agency or solicitor , so if u think u have all the requirements they need and u think ur financial requirements is alright then no need to worried about .

they seem to only care about financial because u are not allowed to get public funds

my husband is in receipt of DLA

7th March 2013, 09:50
my husband is in receit of DLA

then i think its depend how much he get ...

7th March 2013, 09:51
DLA just means he is exempt from the wage limits, which actually makes the process a little easier so don't worry. :smile: They won't refuse it for that.

7th March 2013, 09:59

try to have in this one start in 3.6

7th March 2013, 10:01
if u provide this requirement .. then i think they wouldnt refuse ur application.

(a) Official documentation fr
om the Department for Work
and Pensions confirming the
entitlement and the amount received.
(b) At least one personal bank statement in
the 12-month period prio
r to the date of
application, showing payment
of the benefit or allowance
into the person's account.

7th March 2013, 10:11
thanks for all your opinion,I already file my visa 1month ago
and yes i provide all that requirements,
but why that agency told to me even you provide all that papers your visa will refuse they said,
they also told to me that i dont have any fear to do that by my own
they told to me i waste my money also
thats why i feel so worried after they told to me that.

7th March 2013, 10:23
All agencies exist to rip you off, no other reason. All they do is fill the form out for you and charge a lot for doing that. It is easy doing a visa application yourself, and those that follow the free advice here seldom fail. Don't worry, if it is refused they tell you why, you correct it, and ask the application to be looked at again. Simple. :smile:

7th March 2013, 10:44
All agencies exist to rip you off, no other reason. All the do is fill the form out for you and charge a lot of doing that. It is easy doing a visa application yourself, and those that follow the free advice here seldom fail. Don't worry, if it is refused they tell you why, you correct it, and ask the application to be looked at again. Simple. :smile:

I agree.

Obviously an agency will be touting for business...in this case, using scare tactics.

Hardly the sort of people you'd want to deal with anyway. :NoNo:

7th March 2013, 11:53
:icon_lol: what difference can using an agency make, except cost you m ore money for nothing.

they cant guarantee you anything :doh

Arthur Little
7th March 2013, 12:57
my husband is *in receipt of DLA

*These are the "magic" words that should [hopefully] see you through, Joannet ... since your husband (as your sponsor) receives Disability Living Allowance, he will, almost certainly, be exempt from the Income Threshold component. So ... :please: do
try not to worry.

Godspeed with your application. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
7th March 2013, 13:01
Wish you success Joannet, goo:xxgrinning--00xx3:d luck!

7th March 2013, 13:33
Hi Joanet just read your post, to be honest all the details and info's you wanna know about your application are all here. Was once considered using an agency but this forum been encouraging me not to coz of the reason that I said at the beginning and it's true and instead of using the money for agency we'll just use it in our wedding. U'll be fine, as what MissAna told me, we the genuine applicants has nothing to worry about :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th March 2013, 13:41
hi guys i just want to hear your opinion,cos i talk to the one agency person here in manila,i just want to ask them how many chance i get cos i file my spouse visa application on my own without a help of some visa agency,then they just told me that my visa will be refuse 100% specially my husband is in receit of DLA cos i never seek help for any agency,
guys is it true i dont have any chance to get my visa
pls i need to hear some opinions
thnxs guys

Probably similar agency that took 40,000PHP from my wife and despite us providing everything they asked for , she was still refused.
Don't worry about what they say, your application has been submitted now so keep praying for a positive outcome.
We all wish you well :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th March 2013, 13:58
thank you guys for all of your opinions and good words,,
yea the agency said that if my spouse visa denied they can help me to file my appeal then they asking me to pay 40,000 to 50,000 big amount of money,,,
I know this forum really help alot to plenty people,
guys pls wish me luck on my visa
still waiting for the decision
thanks alot
godbless us all

7th March 2013, 14:09
at a guess i would say 90%+ of the people on here didn't use a agency but still got their visa

7th March 2013, 14:26
goodluck for your application :xxgrinning--00xx3:

everything will be fine ..

agencies just want money ... if u go with them , they cant guarantee that ur application will be success or refuse

8th March 2013, 09:00
was tempted to ask help on an agency for my fiancee visa but then luckily we found this forum. and besides what an agency do is just merely moral support :icon_lol:

good luck on your application. don't forget to pray. that's what i did to take off the anxiety that i felt while waiting for the decision. :smile: god bless :smile:

10th March 2013, 17:40
please do not use a agency, there is no need they can only do what you can do,you have to have your papers in order,get your husband to write a covering letter give them as much back ground info as possible,I know its very strict now,as for your husband being on DLA lucking him,lol,anyway they can not discriminate him for being on that,get your husband to go see his MP, asap get a covering letter from his MP, to say he is a genuine man and your marriage is true,dont be in a rush to get a visa take your time get all the papers right, BUT GET YOUR HUSBAND TO SEE HIS MP,THIS WILL HELP YOU A GREAT DEAL. I have helped a few people get there wives here in england with no problem.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th March 2013, 18:15
........BUT GET YOUR HUSBAND TO SEE HIS MP,THIS WILL HELP YOU A GREAT DEAL. I have helped a few people get there wives here in england with no problem.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Sorry to disagree stevecebu, an MP cannot do anything about a workaround to the immigration rules. Period.

Number 1 to follow is that each application MUST be fully compliant with the strictly defined requirements. The ECO's and caseworker have NO discretion at all.

BTW there is no discrimination against folk on benefits such as DLA. They qualify for exemption against the Financial Requirement
and only need to prove 'adequate maintenance'.

I do agree that under normal circumstances it's not necessary to use an agent.

10th March 2013, 18:21
Sound response Terpe,:xxgrinning--00xx3:. Im dreading putting in for our visa I will need all the help I can get.:doh. No doubt the rules will change again by that time. Bye the way good luck with your application joannet.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th March 2013, 18:30
Sound response Terpe,:xxgrinning--00xx3:. Im dreading putting in for our visa I will need all the help I can get.:doh. No doubt the rules will change again by that time. Bye the way good luck with your application joannet.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Andy, I think you know how to get that by now, and from what you've shared you're well on track.
When the time comes everyone here will help dot all the 'i's ' and cross all those 't's'

10th March 2013, 20:05
Thanks for your support Terpe.:xxgrinning--00xx3:. Get ready for a load of questions when the time comes.:biggrin:

11th March 2013, 00:54
Sorry to disagree stevecebu, an MP cannot do anything about a workaround to the immigration rules. Period.

Number 1 to follow is that each application MUST be fully compliant with the strictly defined requirements. The ECO's and caseworker have NO discretion at all.

BTW there is no discrimination against folk on benefits such as DLA. They qualify for exemption against the Financial Requirement
and only need to prove 'adequate maintenance'.

I do agree that under normal circumstances it's not necessary to use an agent.

guys what is MP?

11th March 2013, 00:57
guys what is MP?

MP = Member of Parliament (like your Senator). :smile: