View Full Version : Solicitor charged with rape and immigration offences

7th March 2013, 20:52
A Peterborough solicitor has appeared in court charged with sex and immigration offences.


7th March 2013, 22:50
Well, they're in a better position than most of us would be, charged with the same offences. :NoNo:

I envisage a great deal of public expense with minimum punishment at the end of it...no question of deportation of course., assuming they don't get totally let off.

Come here to the UK, do what you like. :icon_rolleyes:

15th March 2013, 16:32
He's up in Crown Court today


15th March 2013, 18:04
Maybe they can stick them on the same plane as that Lord wotsisname and send them back from whence they came, on the proviso that they receive the same punishment there as their home countries would normally dish out for the 'alleged' offences. :mad:

15th March 2013, 18:59
Maybe they can stick them on the same plane as that Lord wotsisname and send them back from whence they came, on the proviso that they receive the same punishment there as their home countries would normally dish out for the 'alleged' offences. :mad:

Another creature who I'd like to see getting some sub continent type justice

GP Davinderjit Bains filmed sex assaults with watch


15th March 2013, 20:07
Damned pervert.

Personally I think women patients should only be seen by women doctors where any 'personal' examination is required...or at least another female should be in attendance.

I know it will be said that this is not practicable, but it just doesn't seem right to me...a woman or a female child alone in the surgery like that. Call me old-fashioned. :anerikke:

The police aren't permitted such close contact with a member of the opposite sex.

21st March 2013, 19:50
Well, they're in a better position than most of us would be, charged with the same offences. :NoNo:

I envisage a great deal of public expense with minimum punishment at the end of it...no question of deportation of course., assuming they don't get totally let off.

Come here to the UK, do what you like. :icon_rolleyes:

so are you suggesting deportation should occur if their ancestors are from a different country? What is there written to suggest that these men have not been born and bred here?

21st March 2013, 20:04
Any more questions ...preferably not 'leading' ones ? :Erm:

You're on the wrong forum if you're looking for a racist angle. :NoNo:

Arthur Little
21st March 2013, 20:41
so are you suggesting deportation should occur if their ancestors are from a different country?

Adam ... Graham's responses #2 & #4 respectively, are perfectly natural ones in the circumstances.

N.B. Dedworth's opening post on this thread; :ReadIt: properly - in conjunction with the substantiating link provided.

Arthur Little
21st March 2013, 21:09
What is there written to suggest that these men have not been born and bred here?

Again, :ReadIt:! Quite possibly (indeed, highly likely!) the two accused are related ... maybe brothers, cousins or ... :anerikke: ... whatever.

Anyhow, the second man has - in addition - been charged with Immigration offences.

..............:yeahthat: ALONE, strikes me as being rather odd for someone [supposedly] "born and bred" in this country!

So, please, try to get your facts straight.

21st March 2013, 23:08
so are you suggesting deportation should occur if their ancestors are from a different country? What is there written to suggest that these men have not been born and bred here?
Back to the saying. If a dog is born in a stable it doesnt mean its a horse.

Arthur Little
22nd March 2013, 00:41
Back to the saying. If a dog is born in a stable it doesnt mean its a horse.

:gp: ... similarly, a *dog being born on the Isle of Skye, doesn't [necessarily] make *it a 'Skye Terrier'. :NoNo:

22nd March 2013, 01:47
so are you suggesting deportation should occur if their ancestors are from a different country? What is there written to suggest that these men have not been born and bred here?
TROLL by any chance guys??? let him have his fun, he will soon go away one way or another :icon_rolleyes:

3rd September 2013, 11:02
Not guilty verdict for men charged with sex trafficking

well,well, whats happened here then :yikes::Erm:

Two Peterborough men have been cleared of sex and immigration charges after the prosecution offered no evidence.

read more here .. http://www.peterboroughtoday.co.uk/news/local/not-guilty-verdict-for-men-charged-with-sex-trafficking-1-5447565

3rd September 2013, 11:12
I refer you to my post #2 . :NoNo:

3rd September 2013, 13:36
Probably the witness was either got at or bottled it :cwm23:

3rd September 2013, 14:41
I agree Marco

3rd September 2013, 15:08
charged with 3 different offenses and this happens :Erm: but then ones a solicitor and he knows the law and procedures :doh

7th September 2013, 11:35
this is what happened :doh

Peterborough pair’s ‘nightmare’ over sex and immigration charges


7th September 2013, 12:29
Must say it's a strange one this. Personally I find Sikhs honest hard working people who always attempt to integrate here.
The statement from the CPS is hardly a declaration of innocence. I must say if I was a solicitor and was wrongly imprisoned and charged with a crime like this I'd have to sue for damages.

Ako Si Jamie
8th September 2013, 10:42
Personally I find Sikhs honest hard working people who always attempt to integrate here.
True. They love a good drink down the pub. :biggrin:

8th September 2013, 18:40
...But of course there are exceptions, just as you can sometimes find a generous Yorkshireman. :smile: