View Full Version : "Not in the public interest" to publish aborted unwanted girls data

8th March 2013, 10:40
Ministers' cover-up over the abortion of unwanted girls: Officials refuse to release list of ethnic communities more likely to have sex-specific terminations

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2289972/Ministers-cover-abortion-unwanted-girls-Officials-refuse-release-list-communities-appear-likely-sex-specific-terminations.html#ixzz2MwK0CuXB

More pandering to minorities

8th March 2013, 11:31
If aborted for that reason I would class it as a crime.

8th March 2013, 11:58
i think i posted about this before, :cwm23:

they should not tell people the sex of the baby til its born, but i believe you can buy a testing kit that can tell you.

8th March 2013, 14:13
i wouldnt have thought it legal for that reason

8th March 2013, 18:07
An abortion is not something to be taken lightly.

Many years ago a girlfriend and I agreed that her pregnancy would be best terminated...because it wasn't 'the right time' in our relationship, and would inconvenience her career.

Still comes back to haunt me now, especially after she lost her life when only in her twenties.

South-east boy
8th March 2013, 18:33
If aborted for that reason I would class it as a crime.

I agree. These people are too stupid and selfish to think of what doing this will cause to happen in the future! What will happen when their sons grow up and want to marry & have their own family?! They'll be too few available single women (because so many were aborted) for the so many men!

9th March 2013, 01:01
This was a problem 20 years ago and they wouldn't tell you the sex. Should have kept it that way