View Full Version : ‘Appalling’: Failed asylum seeker jailed for child sex assaults

8th March 2013, 12:04
:cwm23: if i was one of the parents i would be seeing if it was possible to bring charges against the gov and UKBA.

Jailed sex offender groomed teenage victims with phone top-up vouchers after meeting in a Peterborough park – eight years after being threatened with deportation following offences:


8th March 2013, 13:53
I just find it beyond belief that this guy is still in the country. Perhaps they jailed him for his own safety. I think if i lived near him, i would be out looking for him to carry out my own form of justice.

Its also very wrong that we the taxpayer have to pay for him to be in one of our jails to serve his sentence....and then he can be deported? WTF is wrong with deporting him immediately?

Hopefully he will meet with a serious accident inside!

8th March 2013, 14:13
he should have been deported in 2005, and if the gov/ukba did their job he wouldn't have been here to carry out the sex assaults. :cwm23:

8th March 2013, 14:15
I just find it beyond belief that this guy is still in the country. Perhaps they jailed him for his own safety. I think if i lived near him, i would be out looking for him to carry out my own form of justice.

Beyond belief :icon_lol: its going on all the time - He's allowed to stay by the bunch of bleeding heart liberal, handwringers who accept the presence of Romanian and untold other criminals in the UK.

15th March 2013, 14:10
Mother of sex attack victim reveals her daughter’s two-year ‘nightmare’

“I am seeking legal advice in relation to the Border Agency as to why he was allowed to stay. It is not about money, but someone should take responsibility for what has happened. My daughter just wants answers as to how this could have been allowed to happen.” :xxgrinning--00xx3:
