View Full Version : MusicMatch

8th March 2013, 12:37
For any of you who remember MusicMatch it was the finest piece of music software out there, it could do anything burn,decode,scan organize you name it, it could do it. The two guys who developed it sold out to Yahoo for many millions. Good for them.
So Yahoo as they do totally screwed the program with crazy updates that never worked so they just dumped it. So now its just floating around in cyber space.
It was a windows 98 program and it didnt like vista very much, windows 7 was a struggle to get it to run. But me being a great beliver in the program thought I would try and install one of the original copys on windows 8 and it runs like a dream. So im a very happy chappy at the moment. :Jump:

8th March 2013, 13:44
Good to see you got it working,I use a lite version of nero for burning-don't really need much else these days.
My days of burning cd/dvd are almost gone:cwm25:sad in a way