View Full Version : wife is coming at long last

28th August 2007, 19:40
hi all just like to say my gwapa wife phone me at work last night saying she get visa no interview and it just take 5 weeks to get im over the moon life starts again for me soon she be here and not part again so good luck to all who are sill waiting your time will come take care all (winner) warren from oxford

28th August 2007, 19:44
Congratulations, i am very pleased for you :xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th August 2007, 19:49
gREAT NEWS! :Hellooo: cONGRATs:)

28th August 2007, 20:10
Nice one winner glad for the two of you

28th August 2007, 21:45
hi all just like to say my gwapa wife phone me at work last night saying she get visa no interview and it just take 5 weeks to get im over the moon life starts again for me soon she be here and not part again so good luck to all who are sill waiting your time will come take care all (winner) warren from oxford

Congratulations , mate. :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

All the best.

:BouncyHappy:I know how you feel right now, because my wife has also been granted the visa in the last few days. After a little over 7 weeks.:BouncyHappy:

28th August 2007, 22:53
hi all just like to say my gwapa wife phone me at work last night saying she get visa no interview and it just take 5 weeks to get im over the moon life starts again for me soon she be here and not part again so good luck to all who are sill waiting your time will come take care all (winner) warren from oxford

:Hellooo: congrats :Hellooo: so when is she flyin....:rolleyes:

29th August 2007, 02:02
congRatulations to you & your gwapa wife :BouncyHappy:

29th August 2007, 08:16
Congratulations, Wow 5 weeks is good :) It took us 10 :( seems like the Embassy is catching up now, so that is good news for all waiting in here, hoping you and Your Marikit wife have a great future together, Me and Annie welcome her to sunny England :)

29th August 2007, 10:12
hi all just like to say my gwapa wife phone me at work last night saying she get visa no interview and it just take 5 weeks to get im over the moon life starts again for me soon she be here and not part again so good luck to all who are sill waiting your time will come take care all (winner) warren from oxford

My Congratulations, to you and to your wife. All the Best.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th August 2007, 11:00
hi all just like to say my gwapa wife phone me at work last night saying she get visa no interview and it just take 5 weeks to get im over the moon life starts again for me soon she be here and not part again so good luck to all who are sill waiting your time will come take care all (winner) warren from oxford

thats brilliant news!!! winner:Hellooo::Hellooo::Hellooo:

29th August 2007, 12:44
Congrats to you and to your guapa wife.

29th August 2007, 18:21
hi all just like to say my gwapa wife phone me at work last night saying she get visa no interview and it just take 5 weeks to get im over the moon life starts again for me soon she be here and not part again so good luck to all who are sill waiting your time will come take care all (winner) warren from oxford

Hi Winner! Congratulations!!! Can I ask something? When did your wife submitted her application? :bigcry:I'm getting really nervous now...

30th August 2007, 06:13
fantastic winner

well done,5 weeks thats so quick

enjoy your new life:xxgrinning--00xx3:

regards martin

15th September 2007, 19:59
Hello all i am new and looking for help on a visa for my g/f :Help1:

15th September 2007, 20:12
Start a new thread then....