View Full Version : Abu Qatada arrested for ‘bail breach’ ahead of deportation hearing

9th March 2013, 12:49
a bit of good news :biggrin:

Radical preacher Abu Qatada has been arrested for allegedly breaching his bail conditions, the Home Office has confirmed.


9th March 2013, 12:57
Another waste of tax payers money appealing I feel. But I do hope I am wrong.

9th March 2013, 12:59
Another waste of tax payers money appealing I feel. But I do hope I am wrong.

The Govt managed to ship out that other germ Hamza

9th March 2013, 13:01
That was to the puppetmasters who pull our strings Ded not Jordan,

9th March 2013, 13:21
That was to the puppetmasters who pull our strings Ded not Jordan,

Are you picky about where we ship the filth out to then Andy ?

I guess the Puppet Master couldn't find the right string to pull with the previous Govt since Hamza was in jail since 2004

9th March 2013, 13:30
:laugher: He will still get away with it. Do you think just because he broke his bail agreement they will send him back?:laugher: